
外刊精读 | 《时代周刊》: ‘Karen’ and the Violence of White Womanhood

成都策马翻译 成都策马翻译 2022-10-02


When you look up the hashtag #KAREN ON INSTAGRAM, a search that yields more than 773,000 posts, the featured image is a screenshot of a white woman staring into the camera, pursing her lips into a smile as she touches a finger to her chin, a movement that’s at once condescending and cloying. The woman’s name is Alexander, but on the Internet, she’s most recognized as the “San Francisco Karen”.


  • yield: 这里的用法来源于它的基本含义:to bear or bring forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation. 出产(作物)。表示搜索出的结果,近义词:produce, provide.

  • purse: purse我们熟悉的意思是“钱包”,这里则用作动词“purse one's lips”:form the lips into a small tight round shape, for example to show disapproval. 噘嘴(表不满)。文中提到的这位女士“pursing her lips into a smile”,展现出这位女士讽刺、居高临下的态度

  • touch sth to sth: 让某物接触到某物。touch与to连用的用法我们不太熟悉,这里touch的意思是:to cause to be briefly in contact or conjunction with something.令某物轻触某物。

  • condescending:(disapproval) talk or behave in a way which shows that they think they are superior to other people. (表不满)居高临下的
    e.g.: I'm fed up with your money and your whole condescending attitude.
    它的动词是condescend,常用搭配是“condescend to do”和“condescend to sb”:
    ① condescend to do sth:  agree to do it, but in a way which shows that they think they are better than other people and should not have to do it. 屈尊做某事。e.g.: He condescended to speak but he contradicted himself.
    ② 第二种用法后面直接接人:condescend to sb,表示某人自认为地位比别人高

    e.g.: Don’t condescend to me!

  • cloying:相较于condescending,cloying我们比较陌生。它的意思是:You use cloying to describe something that you find unpleasant because it is much too sweet, or too sentimental. 可见cloying用于形容令人讨厌的东西,而且主要指两种:甜得发腻的东西和因为感情过于外露而令人厌烦,我们来看两个例子:
    e.g.:① Her cheap, cloying scent enveloped him.

       ② The romantic comedy is cloying.

  • 动词cloy:to supply with an unwanted or distasteful excess usually of something originally pleasing. (美好的事物因过度)令人厌烦



先将句子划分(如图),主句是“the image is a screenshot”,“of a white woman”解释“screenshot”的内容,后面两个分词短语修饰“a white woman”。整个定语中还包含了一个时间状语“as she touches...”,最后是一个包含定语从句的同位语。



搜索话题#KAREN ON INSTAGRAM(INS上的凯伦),你可以找到多达77.3万条贴子。这个话题下最具代表性的照片是一位白人女士的截图,她盯着镜头、噘嘴微笑,手指摸着下巴,显得好像高人一等,令人厌恶。这位女士名叫丽萨·亚历山大,但网上更多称她为“旧金山的凯伦”。

被称作“Karen”的人不一定真的叫“Karen”,这里的“Karen”是什么意思呢?Lisa Alexander又为什么被叫做“San Francisco Karen”呢?我们来看看Lisa Alexander做了什么:

In a clip that went viral in June, Alexander confronts James Juanillo, who is stenciling BLACK LIVES MATTER in chalk on the front of his own house, and demands to know if he is defacing private property. Juanillo, who identified himself in a social-media caption as a person of color, is seen telling her and her partner that they should call the police if they feel he is breaking the law. He later told ABC7News that the couple did call the police, who he says recognized him as the resident instantly.【词汇掌握】:
  • clip: a short part of a film, radio or a TV programme that is shown separately. 片段

  • go viral: to spread quickly and widely on the Internet through social media and e-mail.像病毒般扩散,疯狂传播。
    e.g.: The image quickly went viral on social networks.
    这个短语十分常用,单独的viral既可以表示:like or caused by virus.病毒性的,也可以表示: quickly and widely spread or popularized especially by means of social media. 像病毒般(通过社交媒体)传播

    e.g.: a viral video/clip

  • stencila piece of paper, plastic, or metal which has a design cut out of it.模板,漏字板。stencil就是像图中这样可以直接喷绘出图案的漏板。作动词表示用漏字板画出图案:to mark or paint with a stencil.

  • BLACK LIVES MATTER (BLM):2020年George Floyd的死引发的抗议让BLM(黑人的命也是命)再次占据各大报纸头条,在国际上产生了更大的影响。华盛顿街道上也被涂上巨大的“Black Lives Matter”字样,以此向抗议乔治·弗洛伊德之死的示威者致敬。


    2013年,一位美国黑人Trayvon Martin被白人 George Zimmerman 枪击致死,而后者却无罪释放引发了BLACK LIVES MATTER”这一社会运动。2014年这一运动席卷了美国全国。BLM旨在反对警察的暴力执法,尤其是因为种族歧视而对黑人使用暴力的行为。发展到现在,BLM已经不仅只局限于最初的目的,BLM#WhatMatters2020 已经扩展到政治、经济、医疗、环境等多个领域。

  • deface: If someone defaces something such as a wall or a notice, they spoil it by writing or drawing things on it. 胡乱涂写于...的表面

    e.g.: It’s illegal to deface property(房子).

  • caption:the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about. 解释文字。“caption”的意思很好理解,但在不同文本中的翻译很灵活,不能只局限于“解释”两个字。
    e.g.: On the back of the photo is written the simple caption, 'Mrs. Monroe'.


  • private property: 如同前面的例句一样,这里的“property”并非指财产,而是:a building and the land belonging to it.房屋及院落。




再来看第二句,划分结构之后的分析:本句由主句,一个定语从句和一个宾语从句构成,定语从句修饰“Juanillo”,宾语从句中包含一个条件状语从句。定语从句较长,表达的内容最不重要,因此提到句首翻译。“is seen telling”指人们看视频看到朱安尼洛在做什么,不需要真的译为“被看到正在告诉”;“see doing”意为看到正在做,“see to do”则是看到了做事的全过程。


六月,一个视频在网上疯传。视频里詹姆斯·朱安尼洛正往自家门前喷“BLACK LIVES MATTER(黑人的命也是命)”字样,亚历山大则质问他是不是在破坏私宅。朱安尼洛的社交网络身份是一名有色人种,他告诉丽萨·亚历山大和她丈夫,如果觉得他是在犯法,那就应该报警。之后朱安尼洛告诉ABC7新闻,这对夫妇真的报了警,但警察一眼就认出朱安尼洛正是房主。

“Karen”这个人名源自斯堪的纳维亚半岛,代表纯净。她的隐含意义在2017年就火了起来,但那时候和种族歧视还没什么关系。最初的“Karen”代指总觉得自己高人一等的中年白人女性,她们的标配发型叫做“‘I'd like to speak to your manager'haircut”。2018年,Urban Dictionary的一位用户还将Karen的这一含义编辑进了词条:


Central Park Karen(中央公园的凯伦):这位“凯伦”在中央公园遛狗时,一位黑人男性要求她把狗拴上,“凯伦”直接一个电话给警察声称自己受到了一名黑人男性的威胁。

Ultra Karen(超级凯伦):这位“Karen”最初受到关注是因为她歧视亚裔的行为。之后人们发现,她的“光辉事迹”可远不止此:为了让邻居搬走,她用锤子砸了邻居家的车;她在咖啡馆里因为没戴口罩而被要求离开,就故意朝着要求她戴口罩的人咳嗽。因此她被称为“超级凯伦”。


Williams says the visuals of “Karens” exploiting their privilege are challenging the long-standing ideas about who is a threat to whom, but she cautions against letting the at times humorous nature of the meme minimize the underlying truth about the danger white womanhood has posed to black and brown lives.


  • exploit: “exploit”通常翻译为中文是“剥削,开采”,这里“剥削优待/特权”或者“开采优待/特权”明显不通顺。exploit的一个英文释义是:to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage. 利用(为自己谋利益)。这里可以译为“滥用”。


  • at times: at intervals, occasionally.有时

    e.g.: The debate was highly emotional at times.

  • meme \ ˈmēm  \:
    “meme”源自希腊语,由生物学家理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)在《自私的基因》(The Selfish Gene)中首次使用。在书中的含义是:a name for the new replicator, a noun that conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation (一种复制因子,“meme”表达的是一种文化传播单位或模仿单位的概念。),音译为“觅母”。
    在社交媒体如此普遍前,meme的含义是:an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture,译为“文化基因”。在数字时代,“meme”则更多的表示“an image or snippet of video or text considered witty or incisive that is spread widely and rapidly by internet users”,泛指一切网络上流行的东西,比如我们所说的“梗”或是表情包,都可以叫做“meme”。这篇文章里的“Karen”当然也是一个meme。


第一个并列句结构不复杂,分词作定语修饰主语“visuals”,定语较短,可以前置翻译。还有一个同位语从句说明“ideas”。但根深蒂固“ideas”实际上指“black men is a threat to white women”,从句中模糊化为“who is a threat to whom”,建议可以将从句单独译为一个主谓结构。

第二个并列句的宾语成分较长,主要结构是“let sb do”,后接一个定语从句修饰“danger”。“nature”理解为“特点,特性”;“let”的主语在翻译时要补充出来;“danger”代替前文出现的“threat”。









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