
外刊精读 | 《卫报》: Chain Reaction-Obama's VOTE Necklace Goes Viral

成都策马 成都策马翻译 2022-10-02





(是不是不放大都看不清?)米歇尔作为时尚偶像可不是一天两天了,今天我们就来看一篇《卫报》的文章,看看米歇尔作为一个style icon的那些事儿~

Throughout Michelle Obama’s powerful 18-minute virtual Democratic national convention speech one message was clear: V-O-T-E, spelled out not just through her evisceration of Donald Trump but also by the letters of her necklace.“Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris like our lives depend on it,” Obama said, while wearing a gold necklace that quickly went viral, and became a top US Google search term during the last hour of the convention.【内容精读】1. spell:大家注意到没有,这里的spell是一个pun(双关)哦。spell我们都知道,表示“拼写”,比如不知道外国友人的名字怎么写就会说“Please spell your name.”。所以第一个意思就是米歇尔戴的项链上“拼写”有“VOTE”。但spell out除了“拼出”,作为短语,还有“ explain something in detail or in a very clear way(详细、清楚地阐释)”的含义,因此另一层含义就是米歇尔在对特朗普的evisceration中清楚表示:大家快投拜登。 2.evisceration [n]:eviscerate [v]: 这个单词的基本含义是:To eviscerate a person or animal means to remove their internal organs, such as their heart, lungs, and stomach.取出内脏。这里用的比喻意义:If you say that something will eviscerate an organization or system, you are emphasizing that it will make the organization or system much weaker or much less powerful.重创,大大削弱。文中可以理解为“批判”。3. go viral: 之前我们就见过这个短语,表示“变得流行”。戳-> 外刊精读 | 《时代周刊》: ‘Karen’ and the Violence of White Womanhood


这句话的句子结构还是很清晰的,句首时间状语,主句one message was clear:V-O-T-E. 最后一个过去分词作定语修饰vote。


这条项链到底是什么来头呢?This piece was from ByChari, a small Los Angeles-based jewellery company owned by Chari Cuthbert, who is African American.Obama’s decision to promote Cuthbert echoes a trend seen also on the recent cover of British Vogue, in which 40 activists wore clothes largely by BAME designers, for influential people and organizations to seek out small black-owned businesses to promote, rather than defaulting to the largely white-run conglomerates that dominate the fashion industry.Obama is a master of using her clothes to create a visual message, and in promoting marginalized and under-the-radar businesses with her style choices.


1. piece:除了用于 a piece of/ pieces of,单用的piece也是含义丰富。文中的piece可以理解成“a work of art”。除此之外,单用的piece还有以下含义:① an article in a newspaper or magazine, some music written by someone, a broadcast, or a play. 报纸杂志上的文章,乐曲,广播节目或是戏剧e.g.:The day after his death there was a piece about him on the local newspaper.② refer to coins. For example, a 10p piece is a coin worth 10 penny.③ museum piece: old and unusual things (an object or a building)e.g.:One day these are multi-million-dollar war machines and the next they are museum pieces.2.BAME: black, Asian and minority ethnic peopleVOGUE英国的九月刊致敬行动主义(activism)和行动主义者们(activist)做出的贡献, 封面是为儿童贫困问题作出贡献的设计师Marcus Rashford。右边是超模Adwoa Aboah,一位推动保护人们心理健康的行动主义者。封面摄影师是一位黑人摄影师Misan Harriman。这一期也表达了VOGUE对平等未来的期待。

3.default:① (~ to) to happen when you do not make any other choice or change. 默认,预设,预置。文中表示一些有影响力的人在寻找去帮助一些黑人拥有的时尚产业,而不是像以往一样只关注白人设计的时尚。default的另一个意思大家可能更加熟悉:(~ on)to fail to do sth that you legally have to do, esp by not paying a debt.违约,不履行义务(尤指不还债)。e.g.:The company defaulted on its initial payment of £40 million.4.conglomerate /kən'ɡlɒmərət/ [n]:A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies.联合大公司,企业集团。5.under the radar:not getting attention; unnoticed.e.g.: He tried to stay under the radar as he went about his business.



主句是“Obama’s decision echoes a trend”,什么decision呢?一个不定式作定语“to promote Cuthbert”,“trend”后面是分词作定语,这股潮流在最近VOGUE英国刊的封面也看到了,那就是支持BAME设计师的作品,而不是盲目跟从以往白人设计师掌控的市场。


这条项链来自洛杉矶的一家小型珠宝公司ByChari,所有人是一位非裔美国人Chari Cuthbert.米歇尔对Cuthbert的支持也符合了现在的一股潮流,白人所有的大型公司占据了大部分市场,也掌控着时尚产业,但现在有影响力的个人和组织开始找寻支持一些黑人所有的小众产业。VOGUE杂志最近一期的封面上,40位行动主义者大部分都身着由BAME设计师设计的衣服。米歇尔非常擅长利用服装传递视觉信息,擅长通过选择某种风格来帮助被人们忽视的企业。


米歇尔一直以来给人的印象就是“authentic and intimate”,她的风格也被媒体称作“Obama style” – one focused on supporting emerging talent without breaking the bank, and without resorting to a uniform. 她会有意地选择正在成长中的设计师,穿得有新意,衣服当然不便宜但也绝非人们负担不起。此外,她也会选择年轻群体喜欢的设计,来拉近和年轻人的距离。许多first lady的穿衣风格都给人留下了深刻印象,甚至被认为是时尚icon,但让米歇尔与众不同的绝不仅仅是穿得漂亮。是什么让米歇尔深受大家喜爱呢?我们再来看看另一位作者的看法:Many first ladies have achieved style-icon status, but what separated Obama’s tenure from those who went before her was the ability to project the sense that a real person was occupying the White House.“Diana did something similar in bringing a tactile, human warmth of tone to the British royal family,” says Curtis. “You know that thing where you meet someone and you immediately want to please them? Michelle has that. It’s very powerful, that kind of charisma. She’s warm, but you also get the impression that she wouldn’t suffer fools gladly. She makes you want to be a better person.”


1. project: to present sb/sth.yourself to other people in a particualr way, esp one that gives a good impression. 展现;表现;确立(好印象)e.g.: She projects an air of calm self-confidence.2. tactile: perceptible by touch.能触知的3.charisma: the powerful personal quality that some people have to attract and impress other people.超凡的个人魅力。这个单词比charm的感觉更强烈,常用来形容一种让人忍不住想服从的领导力:a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (such as a political leader).e.g.:His success was largely due to his charisma.



米歇尔自己最常说的一个词是“grace”,在她的回忆录Becoming中,米歇尔写到:“If there was a presumed grace assigned to my white predecessors, I knew it wasn’t likely to be the same for me. My grace would need to be earned.”作为第一位黑人first lady,米歇尔需要付出更多来获得这份grace。她做到了,虽然不再是第一夫人,她仍然在传播爱,深受人们的喜爱。







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