
中国范儿111 焰火:惊“焰”世界的星星之火

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Gunpower in China: the flare that ignites the world

Fireworks made of gunpowder had a long history. In ancient China, gunpowder was also used for powering and illuminating puppetry, performed especially in festivities such as temple fairs. 

Today, any major celebration is incomplete without the firecrackers leading it to a grand finish. An awe-inspiring spectacle was seen at Tiananmen Square on October 1, 2019 during the celebration of 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. All kinds of fireworks on display lit up the night sky even as musical notes were heard in the background. For the first time, special effects fireworks were used that went off in the sky to form the words "Long Live the People" three times in succession amid tremendous applause. Digital effect fireworks also went on to form the double digits "70" to mark New China stepping into its 70th year. 

Seven polyhedral fireworks trees, about 25 meters high and 160 meters wide, were put up to show the flourishing prosperity in China. This is the first time in the world that the breakthrough technology of fireworks trees was showcased to the world. These special effect fireworks are produced mainly in Hunan, Jiangxi and Hebei Province, with no heavy metal, low sulfur, thus environmental friendly.

Traditional fireworks are now a type of modern and contemporary art. Cai Guoqiang, the chief designer of National Day fireworks, is a fireworks artist. He boldly combines gunpowder with art to express his thoughts. His art was on display at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the "black fireworks" in Doha in 2011; and the "daytime fireworks" in the Bund of Shanghai. His most famous work is "Steps to Heaven" displayed in his hometown of Quanzhou. His art is full of Chinese Romanticism.

One of the greatest inventions in Chinese history was that of gunpowder. More than 1,000 years ago, Chinese alchemists discovered the flying fire and invented gunpowder, one of the four greatest inventions in China.The transformation of gunpowder to an eclectic art of fireworks is an example of innovation in Chinese culture with a blend of science, technology, environmental awareness and artistry.

Chinese may have invented gunpowder but they are a peace-loving people. During the military parade on the National Day, China's advanced weapons, developed to ensure a peaceful development, were showcased while fireworks in the evening sky painted a beautiful picture of stable, prosperous and harmonious China. 



Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



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