
Nature︱重磅! 阿尔茨海默症和正常神经元中体细胞APP基因的重组研究

LTNeurosci 逻辑神经科学 2019-06-30

Authorship (Chinese)︱LTNeurosci

Responding Editor︱LTNeurosci

Intellectual activities such as playing chess or regular social interaction have been linked to a reduced risk of AD in epidemiological studies, although no causal relationship has been found. Credit: Wikipedia



基因组嵌合现象(genomic mosaicism)最初在神经祖细胞和神经元中被鉴定为是非整倍体和DNA含量的变异,两者都呈现出大量的拷贝数变异【7-8】。随后又鉴定出随机分布、较少百万碱基(megabase-scale)的拷贝数变异、LINE1重复元件(注:LINE1是一种广泛分布于人基因组中的重复序列核元件,其数量大约有50万个)、以及单核苷酸变异【5, 9】



APP是淀粉样蛋白假说的核心:淀粉样前体蛋白(amyloid precursor protein,APP)由分泌酶裂解形成有毒的β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)肽和斑块,进而引起AD【11】

组成型APP(constitutive APP突变及其复制会导致家族性AD的罕见类型、以及唐氏综合症中的AD神经病理学,这说明当组成型APP突变及其复制以嵌合体的形成出现在散发性AD中时则会表现致病作用【12-13】

在之前的研究中,已经鉴定出嵌合型、神经元APP拷贝数变异,这类拷贝数变异表现出异构性信号(heterogeneous signals),而基因重组可以解释这种现象【10】

然而,当用低深度、短读单细胞测序(能够探测拷贝数变异)技术APP基因位点(约0.3Mb)进行检测时,结果却显示为阴性,其原因是分辨率局限性(resolution limitations)致使其复杂化【6, 14】


在最近一项研究中,来自(美国)桑福德-伯纳姆医学发现研究所(Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute)(美国)加州大学医学院的合作团队开发了9种针对于小细胞群体中的APP替代策略用来描述AD中APP基因重组现象(Extended Data Table 1)【15】

Extended Data Table 1  Nine distinct experimental approaches supporting APP recombination

最终,研究者们成功揭示出一种散发性AD患者的大脑中APP嵌合体增加的新机制这将有助于我们对神经变性根源的重新认识。该项成果于2018年11月21以Somatic APP gene recombination in Alzheimer’s disease and normal neurons为题发表在Nature(IF=41.577【15】。同期,Guoliang Chai(美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校霍华德休斯医学院)及Joseph G. Gleeso(同上)对此项工作做了重要点评【16】

文章中,首先,Ming-Hsiang lee等人分析了神经元信使RNA中的APP突变体。他们鉴定出许多APP mRNA变体,这些突变体缺乏内含子只剩下编码蛋白质的外显子。然而,突变体不但序列要更短些而且包含单核苷酸突变插入和缺失的外显子以及能促使新外显子形成的更大缺失片段。并且,其中一些突变与家族性AD有关 (Fig.1-2)

Fig. 1 Identification of novel APP RNA variants from small populations of neurons.

此外,研究人员在研究神经元的基因组DNA时发现了相同的短变异体这表明APP-突变mRNAsAPP-variant mRNAs)可能是从匹配的基因组DNA序列中被转录出来的而且这些突变已经永久性地嵌入到了神经元的基因组中。文中研究人员将这些序列命名为基因组互补DNA(genomic complementary DNAs,简称gencDNAs)。为了进一步验证神经元中APP gencDNAs的存在,Ming-Hsiang lee等人使用了两种独立的策略:一种为DNA原位杂交技术(DNA in situ hybridization,DISH),其能够使得荧光分子与DNA中的gencDNA-特异性外显子-外显子接头(gencDNA-specific exon–exon junctions)相连接;另一种是APP DNA短片段测序(sequencing of short sections of APP DNA)。两种方法都证实了gencDNA变异存在于神经元中 (Fig.2)

Fig. 2 APP gencDNAs identified by DNA polymerase-dependent and -independent methods.

紧接着,研究者们采用DNA测序技术分析了gencDNA多样性的程度。他们总共从5名散发性AD患者大脑的96424个神经元中,成功鉴定出了6299种不同的APP gencDNA突变体,且数量约为健康者(未患散发性AD)的10倍。与此相一致的是,通过DISH还发现AD神经元中有更多的 gencDNAs (Fig.3)

Fig. 3 Thousands of unique gencDNAs identified by SMRT sequencing of neurons from non-diseased brains and brains of individuals with sporadic AD.

研究人员又揭示出APP gencDNAs存在于AD小鼠模型(J20 transgenic mice)的神经元中但极少数存在于非神经元细胞或对照组动物的神经元中。此外,gencDNA变异会随着年龄的增长而不断累积。这些发现与APP gencDNA变异在AD进展中的作用是一致的。事实上,他们发现一些APP mRNA突变体被翻译成对细胞有毒的蛋白质,这进一步证实了APP gencDNAs致病的可能性 (Fig.4-5)

Fig. 4  Mechanistic studies of gencDNA formation in culture.

Fig. 5  Proof-of-concept correlation between gencDNAs and SAD.

最后,Ming-Hsiang lee等人阐明只要满足如下两个条件,gencDNAs就可以在培养的细胞中生成(Fig.4-5)。首先,细胞DNA必须包含该链的断裂序列,其次,逆转录酶必须是具有活性的(active)。数据表明,gencDNAs来源于经逆转录而来的mRNA中间产物这些中间产物被整合到基因组中这个过程可能会被DNA的断裂所加强 (Fig.6)。为了验证这一观点,研究人员在人类大脑样本中检测到了逆转录酶活性(Extended Data Fig.1)。之前的一项研究表明处在发育中的大脑内存在DNA断裂,然而这种现象在其他组织类型中很少被观察到【17】

Fig. 6  Mosaic incorporation of APP variants into the neuronal genome. 


Extended Data Fig. 1  Data from six individual brains for each brain from individuals with or without SAD represented as averages in Fig. 5, and variant cytotoxicity.

然而,总的来说,在此研究中,研究者们揭示了一种令人惊讶的现象:大脑中的体细胞基因重组。这种现象以前只在免疫细胞的抗体生成中被报道过,即通过DNA洗牌机制(DNA-shuffling mechanisms)增加了由特定基因编码的蛋白质的多样性【18】

Ming-Hsiang lee等人的这项研究成功揭示出AD进展过程中一个先前未被预料到的机制,并拓展了我们对大脑嵌合现象起源的理解。但是,神经元中gencDNAs的积累是AD的病因、还是由AD引起的仍有待于进一步的研究


【1】Science Advances ︱新颖!复旦季敏标课题组及其合作团队共同开发阿尔兹海默症淀粉样斑块的无标记SRS成像技术

【2】Lancet Neurology 综述︱前沿!大脑淋巴通路在神经功能障碍(/疾病)中的清除机制的研究进展

【3】Nature Neuroscience焦点︱神经退行性疾病的最新研究进展

【4】Acta Neuropathologica︱阿尔兹海默症和其他常见大脑衰老病变中,性别差异的神经病理学机制的阐明

【5】Alzheimer's & Dementia︱首次!两篇论文系统阐明肠道微生物代谢产物胆汁酸与阿尔兹海默症标记物之间的关系


Jerold Chun, M.D., Ph.D.


Degenerative Diseases Program

Senior Vice President:

Neuroscience Drug Discovery, Neuroscience and Aging Research Center, Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

Email: jchun@SBPdiscovery.org 

Research focus:

Genomic Mosaicism in the Brain: Genomic mosaicism (GM) is a surprising phenomenon whereby cells from the same brain actually have distinct genomes (different DNA sequences). We continue to define forms of GM, involved cell types, and GM’s impact on normal brain function and disease. Diseases of particular interest include Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative diseases as well as neuropsychiatric disorders and substance abuse.

Lysophospholipid Receptor Signaling: Lysophospholipids, such as lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) are small fat molecules that act through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) on the surface of cells. We continue to study fundamental aspects of their signaling properties, and their disease roles in hydrocephalus (water on the brain), neuropsychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, autism), and neurodegenerative disorders (multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease).

Neuroscience Drug Discovery: From these and other research areas, new therapeutics for diseases of the brain are being pursued, which include identifying new targets, novel biomarkers, and mechanism-of-action studies. This approach successfully aided in the development of the first oral treatment for multiple sclerosis, fingolimod, and related lysophospholipid receptor compounds. Drug discovery efforts include not only small molecules, but also other forms of molecular therapeutics.


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