


The Reefs and the Layers of Spoondrift
Legal English Workshop on Contract Drafting, Part 1


In collaboration of with China Academy of Arbitration Law (CAAL), Beijing Linli Law Office had an international legal English workshop online connecting to students from Zhejiang University, University of International Business and Economy (UIBE), University of China Academy of Social Science (UCASS), and University of Mandalay in Myanmar on December 16, 2020.


The workshop invited student presenters on four subjects in relation to contract drafting, followed by commentators from the practical and teaching field in the area of alternative dispute resolution. The four subjects are general contract drafting principles in the context of international trade and investment, seller’s obligation on quality of the goods, contractual justice in setting time lines in contract, and arbitration clauses and drafting notes.


The first presenter was Ms. Amina Akperlinova, who is an SJD Candidate from Zhejiang University. Her topic for this workshop was How To Draft Contracts Well: Main Principles Of Contract Drafting in The Context Of Trade and Investment. Focusing on the basic principles and structures of contract drafting, Amina covered a wide range of significant points, including general definition, drafting techniques and language, fundamentals, the drafting and contract making process, content, revising, and practical tips.

第一个发言者是来自浙江大学的在读法学博士阿米娜·阿克珀利诺娃(Amina Akperlinova)。她本次发言的主题是在国际贸易与投资语境中合同起草之主要原则。围绕合同起草的基本原则和结构,她比较全面的地讲述了其中的重要核心问题,包括一般定义,起草技巧和语言,合同基础,起草和订约流程,合同内容,修改和一些实用建议。

By discussing cases and comparing legislations, Amina provided an overview of the legal and linguistic approach to contract drafting. In the context of both domestic and international law, she explained basic terms and comprehensive components of a successful contract and identified common mistakes in different phases. In the globalized world where trades and investments are active and inevitable, it is essential to have a grasp of not just legal terms and relations, but also the approach to use them in contracts. She outlined this process and provided a basic guideline regarding effective contract drafting, aiming at providing law students and young legal professionals who have obtained traditional contract law knowledge with the tools in a more practical area.


The next presenter was Ms. Myo Su Thant, a graduate student from University of Mandalay, Myanmar. She talked about What Quality and Warranty Terms Seller Needs to Watch Out in Cross Border Sales Contract. The 40th anniversary of the enactment of the CISG has brought large discussions on its application and contributions to the commercial world. In this context, Myo Su introduced the seller’s obligation to provide a quality of goods in conformity with the standard provided in the contract and failure of which may amount to a breach of contract and liabilities.

下一位发言者是来自缅甸曼德勒大学的研究生缪苏丹特(Myo Su Thant)。她讲解了关于跨境买卖合同中卖方要注意的质量和质保条款问题。通过40周年的《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(以下简称《公约》)引来众多关于其在全球商业中的应用与贡献的讨论。在此语境下,缪苏向我们介绍了卖家应提供与合同中规定品质一致货物的责任和因为做不到而要承担的违约责任。

At the outset, Myo Su identified the background and the coverage of the CISG in the context of international trade particularly in the RCEP and regional trade settings. She discussed in the following part the mode and time limit of delivery and specific qualifications of goods. Focusing mainly on the remedies in case of breach of contract, she discussed cases from Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts and analyzed three elements therein, aiming at providing an outline of the application of several articles of the CISG. Understanding the obligations that sellers ought to undertake as well as the remedies for buyers under the CISG are of significant importance when entering into a contract of international sales of goods.


Mr. Xiong Zhiyuan as an undergraduate student from UCASS discussedContractual Justice in the Matter of Time Lines in Contract Provisions. He focused on contractual justice which seeks to achieve the substantive balance between the parties. There are two elements of the essence of justice—equality and fairness. In short, the essence of contractual justice is to guarantee the equality of legal status of both parties and achieve a fair balance between the parties’ interests.

来自中国社会科学院大学的本科生熊志远(Xiong Zhiyuan)讨论了合同条款中时间线的契约正义问题。他侧重在通过寻求并达成双方实质平衡以实现契约的正义。正义的本质有两个要素——平等和公平。简言之,契约正义的本质就是保证双方法律地位的平等和达成双方利益平衡之间的公平。

From the perspective of Article 38 and 39 (1) of CISG, on the one hand, the obligations for the buyer to examine the goods and to notify the non-conformity are in accordance with trade usages, and on the other hand, they are conducive to eliminating the inequality based on facts. He argued that these obligations are reasonable arrangements based on fair considerations. By analyzing the factors influencing the reasonableness of the time for notice of non-conformity, he reached a conclusion that the determination of the reasonableness of the time for notice is complicated and sometimes unpredictable. In that regard, he suggested the parties to stipulate the time for the notice of non-conformity in the contract with reference to trade usages, which may contribute to reducing the disputes arising from Article 39 (1).


The last presenter is Ms. Wang Wenqian, a graduate student from UIBE. Her topic was Arbitration Clauses and Drafting Notes. An arbitration clause is an agreement reached by parties to resolve their disputes through arbitration. To render the arbitration process more smoothly, it is essential to pay attention to the contractual language when drafting arbitration clauses, otherwise more disputes may be incurred by a poorly-drafted one. Wenqian in the presentation introduced the basic principles and importance of an arbitration agreement, with a view to identifing essential factors that need to be taken into consideration in the drafting stage.

最后一个发言者是来自对外经济贸易大学的研究生王文倩(Wang Wenqian)。她的主题是仲裁条款以及起草要点。仲裁条款就是双方达成协议通过仲裁解决争议。为了使仲裁提交程序更顺畅,应尤其注意起草仲裁条款时的合同措辞,否则更多的争议会缘自糟糕的合同文本自身。文倩发言中介绍了仲裁协议的基本原则和重要性,意图说明在合同起草阶段就需要考虑这些基本因素。

This presentation included three parts: the importance of a well-drafted arbitration agreement, model clauses of international institutions, and how to customize the model clauses. Focusing mainly on the third part, Wenqian further discussed the topic by mentioning the stake of contradicting with institutional rules, the number of arbitrators, place of arbitration with a special consideration of PRC laws, and the language of the arbitration. The notes that she provided aim at helping parties to come up with a good arbitration agreement, which needs to be commensurate with the scale and complexity of the transaction in disputes.


The commentators,including Thomas Manson QC (Foreign Expert Instructor, Peking University), Dr. Fan Yang (Partner, Stephenson Harwood), Professor Zhang Xinjuan (UCASS), and Dr. Chen Jian (DSG, CAAL), made wonderful and detailed comments on the articles and encouraged the students to watch out the practical aspects of legal writing in addressing specific issues in contract drafting. The presenters replied to some of the comments with thanks and questions. The process of the workshop involved dialogues from presenters and commentators along with the agenda of the workshop.

现场点评人包括托马斯·曼森大律师(Thomas Manson QC,北京大学外国专家),扬帆博士(Dr. Yang Fan,罗夏信律师事务所合伙人),张新娟教授(Prof. Zhang Xinjuan,中国社会科学院大学),陈建博士(Dr. Chen Jian,中国仲裁法学研究会常务副秘书长),他们对发言者的文章给出了精彩且具体的点评,并鼓励同学们在起草合同中注意法律行文方面的实际问题。发言的同学对点评进行了答复致谢并回应了点评老师。发言者与点评人之间的对话贯穿于法律英语研讨会整个过程。

Some interesting questions were noted, as to how a contract is really made, by shaking hands or by concluding with offer and acceptance. Others include what are the basics of a contract, and the main terms. In a sales contract, what is a seller’s warranty – whether the term “warranty” should be used in the context of CISG, as the Convention deals with the conformity of goods with contractual specifications, without reference to the term “warranty”, and whether certain goods that are immoral, e.g., “bloody diamonds”, still can be categorized as conformity goods. The discussion centered on the legitimate requirement of being fit for particular purpose of the goods.


A legal masterpiece such as “A Theory of Justice” by John Rawls was brought to the highlight in discussing the topic of contractual justice in the matter of timelines in the contract provisions. This touches on an important subject of how one views justice in the social, economic, and legal world. Attention could be paid to elements of such topics in the future workshops.

点评人在讨论合同条款中时间线的契约正义话题时提到一部法学名著,约翰·罗尔斯(John Rawls)的《正义论》。这触及了一个重要的主题,即一个人如何看待社会经济和法律世界中的正义问题。在将来的法律英语学习中,或许会有学生专注于类似的话题。

Arbitration clauses may vary depending on the nature of the arbitration, whether it is domestic arbitration or international arbitration. Hopefully, the equal treatment rule may apply when the new legislation on arbitration is to be discussed so that the domestic arbitration field will be dealt with to more closely mirror the international practice of arbitration.


Finally, we are thankful to the young presenters and experienced commentators for the unreserved contribution to the legal English workshop. The constant support from CAAL for the operation of the workshop is most appreciated in this workshop, like all others, without which the workshop might lose the reefs against which we see the layers of spoondrift.



  1. 【预告】第三届中国互联网仲裁论坛

  2. 2020年中国国际仲裁高端论坛顺利举行

  3. 2020 China International Arbitration Summit

  4. 关于“国际商事争端预防与解决组织”形象标识(LOGO)征求活动评选结果的公告

  5. 《新加坡调解公约》生效后中国涉外调解发展研讨会顺利召开

  6. 《商事仲裁与调解》约稿公告

  7. 中国仲裁法学研究会2020年年会暨第十三届中国仲裁与司法论坛顺利举行

  8. 中国仲裁法学研究会关于接纳新会员的公告

  9. 中国贸促会党组书记、会长高燕为《商事仲裁与调解》致创刊寄

中国仲裁法学研究会China Academy of Arbitration Law中国仲裁法学研究会是在中国法学会、司法部、原国务院法制办和最高人民法院的大力支持下,由中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会、中国海事仲裁委员会以及全国30家大中城市的国内仲裁委员会于2004年发起并成立的、唯一经民政部登记注册的全国性仲裁法学学术团体。是业务主管部门中国国际贸易促进委员会的直属单位。研究会的主要职责是:国内外学术研究及交流、培训仲裁员及律师、举办国内外仲裁理论及实务研讨会、出版仲裁刊物及相关书籍以及开展咨询等。目前,研究会有登记会员千余人,涵盖仲裁机构、企业、律所、法学院校等团体,以及仲裁从业者、大学和研究机构人员、律师、企业法务代表、专家学者等个人,是代表整个中国仲裁行业水平的学术领军团体。



China Academy of Arbitration Law

