本期推送一个在多伦大大学Munk School of Global Afairs and Public Policy和该校亚洲研究所的David Chu 亚太研究项目主办的学术讲座。时间为3月5日美东时间下午2点开始。由包括加州大学中国研究中心主任的白睿文(Michael Berry)教授(即《方方日记》英译者)和另外两位学者谈新冠疫情下的亚洲研究近况。该活动由笔者同事暨David Chu项目主任林东(Tong Lam)教授组织和主持。参会者需要按照下面提供的地址提前注册获得Zoom会议链接。
Asian Research in the Fog of Pandemic
· 时间 Time·
美国东部时间:2021年3月5日下午 2:00—4:00
March 5,2021, 2:00-4:00 pm EST
· 提前注册链接网址 Online·
Registeration: https://bit.ly/3dExOQF
In recent years, researchers have highlighted the importance of using “Asia” as a site to develop new research tools and methods to rethink the global world. The outbreak of Covid-19, in many ways, has only heightened this call. Beyond the Asian stories of “failure” and “success” in dealing with the ongoing public health crisis, the pandemic has exacerbated the existing geopolitical tensions, dispossession, as well as state violence against minorities and political dissidents, all against the backdrop of a series of ever-growing planetary crises.
With the pandemic still evolving, how should specialists of Asia begin to examine their “field” when the field itself is rapidly mutating, and when there is no clear sense of how to go about documenting and knowing the unknown? In this conversation, distinguished Asia scholars working from a variety of interdisciplinary contexts, including anthropology, cultural studies, history, and media studies, will reflect on the challenges of conducting research into the unknown in a politicized, racialized, sensationalized, and emotion-laden environment.
人 物 简 介
Michael Berry 白睿文教授
Professor of Contemporary Chinese Cultural Studies, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures; Director, Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
Professor of English and Global Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Bishnupriya Ghosh 教授
Ralph Litzinger 教授
Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Duke University
Associate Professor, Department of History; Acting Director, Dr. David Chu Program in Asia-Pacific Studies, Asian Institute, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto
Tong Lam (Moderator) 林东教授
博士炼成系列: 风物长宜放眼量——中国社科院近史所求学记-姚江鸿
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