①HANNAH TANG, a company manager in Beijing, first went under the knife when she was 18. ②The surgeon made an incision across each of her eyelids, then stitched folds of skin back / to transform her monolids into “double eyelids”. ③The result was eyes that look bigger, rounder, and in Ms Tang’s opinion, more beautiful. ④Now 35, Ms Tang (not her real name) has since had two more eyelid surgeries, as well as botox injections in her neck and monthly non-invasive “skin booster” treatments. ⑤“Pretty much everyone I know around me has had fillers or surgery,” she says.
go under the knife 是一个固定搭配,表示“接受手术”,也可以说 undergo / have surgery.
surgeon 是“外科医生”的意思,这里指“整形医生”。
incision 意为 a sharp cut made into something,指做手术的“切口”,make an incision 就是“切一个小口”的意思。
stitch 意为“缝”,fold 在这里是名词指“褶层、摺叠部份”,比如衣服上的褶、皮肤上的褶皱,都可以用fold表示。stitch folds of skin back 就是“把皮肤褶层缝回去、缝合”的意思。
monolid 和 double eyelids 分别是“单眼皮”和“双眼皮”的意思,“mono-”是一个前缀,表示“一”,比如 monologue 独白、独角戏,monogamy 一夫一妻制,还有现在经常谈到的科技巨头的 monopoly 垄断。
botox injections 指“肉毒素注射”,botox指“肉毒素”,也常音译为“保妥适”,它是一种美容材料,可以麻痹过于发达的肌肉,使肌肉性能下降、萎缩,达到瘦脸的目的。因此俗称“瘦脸针”。
skin booster 的意思是“亮肤、活肤”,很多护肤品上都印有这个词,叫“爽肤水”,起个好听一点的名字叫“焕肤精华”:
skin booster treatments 是一种美容项目,可以翻译成“美白亮肤治疗”,分为 invasive skin booster treatments (侵入式治疗,需要注射💉) 和 non-invasive skin booster treatments (非侵入式治疗,不需要注射💉)。我们常听说的水光针、光子嫩肤都属于 skin booster treatment。
filler 本义是“填充物”,这里指“玻尿酸填充”。
①China’s cosmetic-surgery market is booming. ②Some analysts think it is now the world’s biggest. ③In 2019 the Chinese “medical-aesthetics” industry (which includes surgery, injections and skin treatments) had revenue of $27bn, around one-fifth of the global total, estimates Deloitte, a consultancy. ④It reckons the average annual rate of growth in China’s market between 2015 and 2019 was 29%, compared with a global average of around 9%. ⑤By 2023, Deloitte estimates revenue will reach $48bn.
cosmetic surgery 指“整形手术”,也可以说 plastic surgery,中间加上连字符,就变成了形容词。
aesthetics [esˈθetɪks] 指“美学、美观”,medical-aesthetics industry 就是“医美行业”的意思。文中说医美行业包括三类:surgery 手术(比如整容、割双眼皮)、injections 注射(比如打针)、skin treatments 皮肤治疗(比如光子嫩肤)。
reckon 在文中不是“承认”的意思,而是熟词僻义,表示“估计”,比如:
They reckon (that) their profits are down by at least 20%.
他们估计利润至少下降了 20%。
文中 It reckons the average annual rate of growth in China’s market between 2015 and 2019 was 29% 的意思就是:该公司估计,2015年至2019年,中国医美市场的平均年增长率为29%。
compared with... 在外刊中很常见,常跟一项数据之后,后面再引出另一项数据,进行对比、比较,如“...数据A, compared with 数据B”,可以翻译成“而”。比如《经济学人》中曾有篇关于大兴机场的报道,文中有这么一句话:
Daxing airport will have four runways, compared with three at Capital.
文中 compared with a global average of around 9% 的意思是:而全球(医美行业的)平均增长率只有9%。
①Starting young is common. ②In 2020 61% of patients were aged 16-25, up from 48% two years earlier. ③More than 90% are under 35, and 85% are female. ④In America, 81% of cosmetic-surgery patients are over 30 and nearly one-quarter are over 55.
①Double-eyelid surgery accounts for half of all treatments. (②In America breast augmentations are the most popular procedure, although in 2020, the year of Zoom, more Americans fixed their noses than their breasts.) ③Some say the desire for rounder eyes is about looking more Western. ④But women care more about achieving the “golden ratio” of facial proportions, a more Chinese requirement, reckons Joyce Xu, who works in marketing in Beijing.
在所有的整形手术中,双眼皮手术占了一半。(在美国,隆胸是最流行的手术,尽管在2020年,Zoom之年,更多美国人做了隆鼻手术而不是隆胸。)有人说,人们渴望拥有更圆的眼睛,是因为这看起来更西方化。但是在北京从事市场营销工作的 Joyce Xu 认为,女性更关心面部比例达到“黄金比例”,这是一种更中国化的要求。
①句中,treatment 本义泛指“治疗”,比如手术、打针、吃药,都属于treatment,这里特指“整形手术”。
②句中,augment 是动词“增加”的意思,相当于 increase,比如他除了上班,也会送几单外卖来增加家庭收入,可以说:
He often moonlights as a food deliveryman to augment his family income.
augmentation 就是名词“增加”的意思,breast augmentations 就很好理解了:丰胸。
2020年因为疫情原因大家都居家办公,通过 Zoom(一款线上会议软件)开会。线上会议看不到胸,只能看到面部,所以很多人改为了鼻部整容(fix their noses)。
procedure 有“程序、步骤”的意思,在医学领域表示“手术”,可以和 surgery 替换。
“golden ratio” of facial proportions 的意思是:面部比例的“黄金比例”,具体是指一种倒三角的形状:大眼、平颧骨、尖下巴、小嘴。
①As middle-class incomes have risen, surgery has become more affordable. ②Ms Xu’s quarterly injections are 3,000-5,000 yuan ($460-770) each time, which she deems a bargain.
随着中产阶级收入增加,人们能承担起整形手术的费用了。徐女士每季度打一次美容针,每次花费3000 - 5000元(460-770美元),她认为这很划算。
quarter 在这里是“季度”的意思,quarterly(这里是形容词)就是“每季度一次的”,比如 a quarterly meeting 季度会议。
which she deems a bargain 是一个从句,其中which指“每季打针花的钱”,我们调整成常规句子则是:she deems it a bargain.
deem A B 是常见的表达,意为“认为A是B”,其中A是名词,B可以是名词、形容词,比如,2017年考研英语一的Text4的题干中就出现过这个用法:
According to Paragraph 4, an official act is deemed corruptive only if it involves...
bargain 可数名词,表示“便宜货”,举个例子:
I picked up a few good bargains in the sale.
We should become more accepting because beauty is a reflection of our values, and, in today's increasingly tolerant society, the idea of beauty should also become more inclusive.我们应该更加包容,因为美是我们价值观的反映,在当今日益宽容的社会,美的概念也应该变得更加包容。
① However, the popularity of such things has led to widespread fakery. ② An estimated two-thirds of injectables in China are unlicensed. ③ In February Gao Liu, an actress, shared shocking pictures on social media of her botched nose job. ④ It resulted in the tissue on the tip of her nose dying and turning black.
fakery 指“假货”,了解即可。
injectable 指“注射剂”。
license 指政府“批准、许可”,同 permit,unlicensed 就是“政府未批准的”意思,比如 an unlicensed vehicle 无牌照车子,unlicensed drug 未批准药物、非法药,an unlicensed doctor 无证医生。
文中 An estimated two-thirds of injectables in China are unlicensed 的意思是:大约有2/3的注射剂是无证的。
botched 形容词,相当于 failed、unsuccessful,表示“失败的”,比如 a botched assassination attempt 失败的刺杀行动,再比如《经济学人》曾报道中国2015年股灾,里面有这么一句话:
That shift, allied to a string of bad economic numbers and a botched official attempt to halt the slide in Chinese bourses, has fuelled fears that the world’s second-largest economy is heading for a hard landing.
nose job 是医美行业的一个固定说法,指“鼻部整形手术”,举个例子:
I've never had plastic surgery, though people always think I've had a nose job.
文中 her botched nose job 的意思就是“失败的鼻部整形手术”。