
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《中国语言学报》2023年第3期

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Journal of Chinese Linguistics

Volume 51, Issue 3, October 2023

Journal of Chinese Linguistics(SSCI 四区,2022 IF:0.3,排名:177/194)2023年第3期共刊文7篇,其中研究性论文6篇,洞见1篇,研究论文涉及声调语素、古文字构形设计、连续统、闽南语系词“是”、语言联盟等。欢迎转发扩散!(2023年已更完)


刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《中国语言学报》2023年第1-2期



■ Tone morphemes in sinitic: Where prosody meets morphology, by Hilary Chappell, Pages 483-521.

■ The "graphic design" for 旅 'troops' and 車 'chariot' in oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions, by Chrystelle Maréchal, Ken-ichi Takashima, Pages 522-550.

■ Ten cases of continuum in language, by Feng Shi, Dazuo Wang, Pages 551-581.

■ Quest for the essence of Chinese grammar, by James H-Y. Tai, Pages 582-610.

■ The role of the copula 是 SIin the construal of focus structure in early Southern Min, by Chinfa Lien, Pages 611-655.

■ A semantic-syntactic analysis of Chao's sentences with a verbal subject and a nominal predicate (in Chinese), by Zhongru Xiong, Pages 656-691.


■ On the raison d'être of the notion of Sprachbund, with special reference to languages in China, by Pui Yiu Szeto, Pages 692-705.


Tone morphemes in sinitic: Where prosody meets morphology


Hilary Chappell


Abstract Tone morphemes are used in the coding of a variety of grammatical functions in Sinitic languages: These include plural formation of personal pronouns, the diminutive forms of nouns, as well as different kinds of perfective and completive aspect marking, reported for dialects located in non-contiguous areas of China in the north and the south. With respect to verbal morphology, we first examine the different processes and stages of morphologization between the Yue and Hakka dialects, on the one hand, and Northern Sinitic on the other. Second, we propose the pathway of evolution that leads to the pluralization of Sinitic pronouns by tone morphemes, as well as the pathway that leads to tone morphemes coding perfective aspect in Yue and Hakka.


The "graphic design" for 旅 'troops' and 車 'chariot' in oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions


Chrystelle Maréchal  Ken-ichi Takashima

麥里筱   高嶋謙一

Abstract This paper argues that there were in the minds of the creators of Chinese characters what we refer to as “graphic designs” (abbreviated as “GD”—for the other acronyms used hereinafter, see “Symbols and Abbreviations of the Frequently Used Terms and the Authors’ Names” at the end of the paper). The GD is generally inseparable from the underlying lexeme, and this paper is a case study of the two, and other related, words, in connection specifically with their graphic representations. The GD for the OBI graphs , , and , which appear to be pictographs, is as simple as the UM of the word chē 車 ‘chariot’, namely, “chariot/wheel”. Its presumed sound—*k-hla~*ka-hla—and the meaning may not have participated in any WF in Shāng Chinese because it was a loan word from an IE language and was not yet integrated in the contemporary lexicological system. A basis for this is that another reading jū, assumed as *ka~*kəlja, had not yet developed. The simplicity of the GD and UM of 車, however, is in contrast with the complexity of its origins and its uses: (1) what is the phonetic in lǚ, and in BI graphs like ,,? If all these write the word 旅, a question arises: which (pre-)OC form, chē/*k-hla~*ka-hla or jū/*ka~*kəlja, was original? We have suggested that the latter arose after the original, chē/*k-hla~*ka-hla, was sufficiently circulated and came into being as a result of the mono-syllabification of *ka-hla 車; (2) since many IE languages have the initial k- for 車 ‘wheel/chariot’, reconstructing the pre-initial *k- for this Chinese loan word makes sense; (3) we have narrowed down the introduction of the chariot and its word into China to ca. 1200 BC, during the reign of King Wǔ Dīng 武丁 (ca. 1230–1171 BC); (4) we have also tried to answer the question: can we account for the frequent use in the late Shāng-early Zhōu BI of the 車 element, and its disappearance after early Western Zhōu? This question has taken us to examine the history of warfare, the ancient industry of chariot and wheel making, and the utilitarian and symbolic value of the chariot in ancient China.

本文提出造字之初造字者已有所謂“造字設計”或者“古文字構形設計”(即“graphic design”,以下簡稱為“GD”;文中所用英文縮寫皆見文末“Symbols and Abbreviations of the Frequently Used Terms and the Authors’ Names”附表),而這種“GD”基本上是與原本的詞位不可分割的。本文將以(早期)上古漢語中“旅”與“車”兩詞為例探討兩者及與其相關諸詞的古文字構形問題。

Ten cases of continuum in language


Feng Shi    Dazuo Wang

石      锋     王大佐

Abstract Continuum is a one-dimensional pattern with a concise form and the significance of universality. “Prototype Theory” considers the members with the most common characteristics as the core members of one category, and all members of that category share some similar family features. Furthermore, quantum logic revised the classical logic law of “excluded middle” to the law of “included middle”, which provides us with a new perspective in the linguistic study. Based on the above theories and ideas, this paper lists ten cases of continuum in language: 

1) the continuum of language similarity; 

2) the continuum of word and non-word in Chinese; 

3) the continuum of animacy of words in language;

4) the continuum of communicative pressure; 

5) the continuum of sentential focus; 

6) the vowel-consonant continuum; 

7) the continuum of phonation types; 

8) the continuum of nasality of sounds; 

9) the continuum of r-suffixation; 

10) the continuum of words with neutral tone. 

Continuum is the renewal of academic concepts and research methods, which is of great significance to the synchronic and diachronic study of language.













Quest for the essence of Chinese grammar


James H-Y. Tai


Abstract Some key issues in the analysis of Chinese grammars in the past five decades are identified and discussed from typological perspectives. They include: 

1) the wordhood in「字」and 「詞」, and word formation; 

2) parts of speech; 

3) syntactic pivots (topic, subject, and object); 

4) active vs. passive voice; 

5) cognitive principles of word order; 

6) SOV vs. SVO. 

Typological characterizations of Chinese are also summarized, pointing to the importance of understanding Chinese from perspectives of creole and sign language. Mental lexicon of「字」,「詞」and four-character idioms should be constructed with syntactic structures for the processing of reading Chinese.









The role of the copula 是 SIin the construal of focus structure in early Southern Min


Chinfa Lien


AbstractThe paper explores the role of the copula 是 SIin the interpretation of the focus structure in early Southern Min playscripts. I examine the configuration of 是 SIwith respect to a range of functional/lexical categories such as kinds of adverbs, types of modals, voice (featuring causativity and passitivity), aspect, and negation as well as verb and noun phrases. I also put forward tree structures showing how focus vis-à-vis topic in cleft and pseudo-cleft clauses with 是 SIas the pivot are derived. In a nutshell, the syntactic position of 是 SIis versatile and yet constrained. There is an asymmetry of the distribution of subject and object focusing with respect to the position of the copula 是 SI7. I posit with Rizzi (2013) that the focus feature in the FocP triggers merging the focus constituent to the head Foc in FocP in CP. Apart from bearing the assertive force in the clause typing, the copula 是 SIplays a supporting role of scoping over the focus constituent. I capture the syntactic behavior of the copula 是 SIby construing it as an indispensable pivot in the derivation of focus structure.

本文探讨早期闽南戏文中系词“是”在焦点结构中所扮演的角色。从和各类状语、情态词、语式(表被动或致使)、体貌、否定和动词、名词组成的相对位置可以确定“是”的结构特性。文中呈现分裂句及准分裂句中焦点相对于话题的树形图,其中“是”为轴心,约言之,“是”的句法位置多元而有限制。以系词“是”的位置为参照,可以看出主语焦点和宾语焦点在结构分布上有不对称的现象。以Rizzi (2013)为依据本文假设焦点词组中的焦点征性触发焦点成分并入CP中的焦点中心语中,除了表示句式的论断语势外系词“是”还发挥辅助焦点成分的作用。总之,本文主张系词“是”是焦点结构中不可或缺的轴心,如此可以捕捉到“是”的句法行为。

A semantic-syntactic analysis of Chao's sentences with a verbal subject and a nominal predicate


Zhongru Xiong


Abstract The clause can be divided into three layers: the thematic layer, the inflectional layer and the discourse layer, within which there exist the corresponding logical subject, grammatical subject and psychological subject. Topicalization belongs to A’-movement which involves an argument and an adjunct. For Chao’s sentences with a verbal subject and a nominal predicate (CS, for short), the topicalized elements are complement clauses and adverbial clauses. The complement clause is the nominal predicate’s argument in CS, acting as the predicate’s logical subject, such as ‘bu xiayu’ in ‘bu xiayu yijing sangeyue le’. It can be raised into the Spec of T or Top, hence, as a grammatical subject or a topic. The adverbial clause is an adjunct of the TP. It can’t act as a grammatical subject, but can be raised as a topic, such as ‘tao’ in ‘tao cantou’. Since Chinese lacks of inflection in T, the null subject can be licensed and the verbal host doesn’t need. The former makes the clause represent as a bare verb or a verbal phrase, and the latter makes the nominal phrase act as a predicate without the copula’s support. Hence, the CSs can be produced with the two types of strength, for instance, in ‘pro tao pro cantou’, the subject is null as pro and the predicate has no copular. The CSs do not challenge the universal principles in the Chomskian linguistics, and they are related with the feature of T in Chinese.


On the raison d'être of the notion of Sprachbund, with special reference to languages in China


Pui Yiu Szeto


Abstract 語言聯盟(Sprachbund)泛指沒有親緣關係(或關係疏遠)的語言之間,在同一區域長期接觸下產生的結構趨同現象。雖然學界不乏關於語言聯盟的研究,但以往的研究未有具體及劃一的標準去界定何謂語言聯盟。因此,語言聯盟的概念時而模糊不清,甚至令人質疑其存在意義。有見及此,本文建議以歷史證據為基礎,去建立清晰嚴謹的標準來辨識語言聯盟。以此方法界定的語言聯盟具有相似的形成背景,從而確保彼此之間的可比性,令學者得以將研究重心置於語言接觸的機制及結果。中國歷史悠久、地大物博、族群紛雜、語種繁多,為語言聯盟的研究提供了一個重要平台。目前,中國境內最少有兩個符合嚴格標準的語言聯盟,分別為華南地區的西嶺南語言聯盟,以及西北地區的安多語言聯盟。區域內各語言族群間的密切接觸互動,不僅導致語言結構和文化風俗上的相互滲透,甚至對群體遺傳結構造成一定程度的影響。此等發現反映了語言聯盟內的族群互動現象複雜多變,故對語言學及人類學等學科皆有重大研究價值,非常值得深入探索。


Journal of Chinese Linguistics (JCL) is a peer reviewed academic journal published biannually. Established in 1973, JCL explores Chinese languages and linguistics in the light of human complexity. The journal covers a wide range of areas of research including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, applied linguistics, historical linguistics, computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, evolutionary linguistics and any other recognized facet of Chinese linguistics study. The JCL publishing office operated at the University of California at Berkeley, USA, from 1973 to 2007. It was relocated to The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2008, and expanded its presence in China with the opening of a new office in Beijing Language and Culture University in 2019.




本文来源:Journal of Chinese Linguistics官网


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