
英文版《小猪佩奇》系列第二季05Mysteries 神秘事件

关注☞ 小学英语学习帮 2023-02-11










Mysteries奥秘Peppa and herfamily are watching their佩帕和她的家人正看着他们favorite television program, Detective Potato.“最喜欢的电视节目,土豆侦探。”I am Detective Potato,“我是土豆侦探,”the world famous detective.世界著名的侦探。Oh!哦!Please help me, Mr. Detective.“请帮帮我,侦探先生。”I can not find my floweranywhere.我哪儿也找不到我的花。Humm, yourflower is on the top of your head.“哼,你的花在头顶上。”Oh, thank you, Mr. Detective.“哦,谢谢你,侦探先生。”That was easy. I can do that.那很容易。我能做到。Haha, I. M sure you could, peppa.“哈哈,我相信你会的,佩帕。”Daddy, when I grow up,“爸爸,等我长大了,”I want to be a famous detective.我想成为一名著名的侦探。George wants to be a detective, too.“乔治也想当侦探。”If you're going to be detectives,“如果你要当侦探,”you each need a hat.你们每个人都需要一顶帽子。Detectives always wear hats.侦探总是戴帽子。Now you look like two properdetectives.现在你看起来像两个财产保护人。And we need one of those funny things我们需要一件有趣的事that makes everything look big?这让一切看起来都很大?A magnifying glass.放大镜I think we've got one我想我们有一个in the kitchen drawer.在厨房的抽屉里。Here they are.给你。A real magnifying glass.一个真正的放大镜。Wow! How does it work?真 的!它是如何工作的?You hold it in front of things,“你把它放在面前and they look bigger.它们看起来更大。The magnifying glass放大镜makes the little fish look big.使小鱼看起来很大。Can I have a go?我可以试一试吗?Wow!真 的!The magnifying glass makes放大镜使George's eyes look very big.乔治的眼睛看起来很大。Now what you detectives need现在你们侦探需要什么is a mystery to solve.是一个有待解决的谜。Daddy, what is a "miss story'?爸爸,什么是“故事小姐”?A mystery is something detectives神秘就是侦探are good at sorting out,善于整理,like finding things that are lost.就像找到丢失的东西。I know,“我知道,”we can find George's toy dinosaur.我们可以找到乔治的玩具恐龙。That's always getting lost.总是迷路。Dinosaur.恐龙。Mr. Dinosaur is not lost.恐龙先生没有迷路。What about your glasses, daddy?“你的眼镜呢,爸爸?”You. Re always losing them.你总是失去他们。Not today,不是今天,I'm wearing my glasses.我戴着眼镜。It's not fair.这不公平。There aren't any "miss stories".没有“错过的故事”。Would you like me to make you a mystery?你想让我把你变成一个谜吗?Yes, please.“是的,请。”Daddy Pig is going to make a mystery.猪爸爸会成为一个谜。Now, what's on the table?“现在,桌子上有什么?”The little fish, teddy,“小鱼,泰迪,”a Jackin the box and Mr. Dinosaur.盒子里的杰克和恐龙先生。That. S right.那是的。Now look very hard and try to remember them all.现在你要努力记住这些。The little fish, teddy,“小鱼,泰迪,”a Jackin the box and Mr. Dinosaur.盒子里的杰克和恐龙先生。Have you remembered them?你还记得吗?Yes!对!Ok!好 啊!You just have to go outside for a moment.你只需要出去一会儿。I'll call you when I'm ready.我准备好了就给你打电话。It sounds like daddy is going upstairs.听起来爸爸要上楼了。And now he is coming down again.现在他又下来了。All right, you can come back inside now.“好吧,你现在可以进去了。”One thing is missing from the table.桌子上少了一件东西。Do you know what?你知道吗?Mr. Dinosaur is there,“恐龙先生在那儿,”little fish, Jack in the box.“小鱼,盒子里的杰克。”So who's missing?那么谁失踪了?Humm, Teddy.“哼,泰迪。”That. S right.那是的。Teddy's gone.泰迪走了。Well done, Peppa and George.“干得好,佩帕和乔治。”It was quite easy for us.对我们来说很容易。We're famous detectives.我们是著名的侦探。Ah, but that. S only half the mystery.“啊,但是。只有一半的神秘。”Where has teddy gone?泰迪去哪儿了?Oh, I don't know.“哦,我不知道。”What are those little things on the floor?地板上的那些小东西是什么?The cake crumbs.蛋糕碎了。The magnifying glass makes the cake放大镜做蛋糕crumbs easy to see.面包屑很容易看到。I wonder if teddy has been eating cake.我想知道泰迪是否一直在吃蛋糕。And the crumbs lead this way.面包屑就这样。Teddy's been eating a lot of cake.泰迪吃了很多蛋糕。The crumbs lead into面包屑会导致Peppa and George's bedroom.佩帕和乔治的卧室。Oh, the crumbs have stopped.“哦,面包屑已经停止了。”How could we find teddy?我们怎么能找到泰迪?Ask me some questions.问我一些问题。But I would only answeryes or no.但我只会回答是或不是。Ok, humm, is teddy in this room?“好吧,哼,泰迪在这房间吗?”Yes.对。Is teddy in George's bed?泰迪在乔治的床上吗?No.不。Is teddy some where high up?泰迪在高处吗?Yes.对。Teddy's in my bed.泰迪在我床上。Hooray!万岁!The mystery is solved.谜团解开了。Do you still want to be a detective你还想当侦探吗when you grow up, Peppa?“等你长大了,佩帕?”Being a detective is quite hard.当侦探很难。Next time, I want to be the one“下一次,我想成为那个”who makes mysteries.制造神秘的人。Like you. Dear daddy.像你一样。亲爱的爸爸。

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