
英文版《小猪佩奇》系列第二季06George's Friend 乔治的朋友

关注☞ 小学英语学习帮 2023-02-11





George's Friend





George's Friend乔治的朋友Peppa and her friends are at the playground.佩帕和她的朋友们在操场上。Peppa, Suzy, and Danny are on the round about.“佩帕、苏西和丹尼在附近转悠。”Are you all ready?你准备好了吗?Ready!准备好了!Then let's go!那我们走吧!Whee!呼!Faster! Faster!快点快点!George is a bit too little for the round about.乔治个子有点小,不适合四处走动。He is playing on the swing.他在荡秋千。Here's Rebecca Rabbit with her little brother,“这是丽贝卡·兔子和她的弟弟,Richard Rabbit.理查德·兔子。Hello everyone!大家好!Hello!你好!Can I come on the round about, too?“我也能过来转转吗?”Hop on, Rebecca.“上车,丽贝卡。”Let's go really really fast.我们走得真快。Richard Rabbit wants toRichard Rabbit想go on the round about, too.“你也去转转吧。”Oh, if Richard gets on,“哦,如果理查德上车了,”it means we can't go fast.这意味着我们不能走得太快。Richard can play with George.理查德可以和乔治一起玩。Richard,“理查德,”would you like to play with George?你想和乔治一起玩吗?No.不。George's dinosaur's just like yours.乔治的恐龙和你的一样。Let's go and see.我们去看看吧。Richard Rabbit is the same age as George.理查德·兔子和乔治同岁。Richard wants to see George's dinosaur.理查德想看乔治的恐龙。Grrr... dinosaur.Grrr恐龙。George,“乔治,”can Richard play with your dinosaur?理查德能玩你的恐龙吗?No.不。Richard, can George play with yourdinosaur?“理查德,乔治能和你的恐龙玩吗?”No.不。George and Richard do not want to乔治和理查德不想share their dinosaurs.分享他们的恐龙。George,“乔治,”it'll be much more fun if you share.如果你分享的话会更有趣。That was really nice of George.乔治真是太好了。Dinosaur.恐龙。George does not like sharing.乔治不喜欢分享。Richard,“理查德,”let George hold the dinosaurs now.现在让乔治抱着恐龙。Richard does nor like sharing, either.“理查德也不喜欢分享。”What's all this crying about?这是怎么回事?George and Richard always cry乔治和理查德总是哭when they play together.当他们一起玩的时候。They are just too little to play properly.它们太小了,不能正常发挥。Can you two big girls你们两个大姑娘teach them to play together?教他们一起玩?Of course we can help them我们当然可以帮助他们make sand castles.造沙堡。Good idea!好主意!Let's go to the sand pit!我们去沙坑吧!George and Richard love the sand pit!乔治和理查德喜欢沙坑!George, Richard, today we are“乔治,理查德,今天我们是”going to make sand castles.去造沙堡。First, we fill the buckets with sand.“首先,我们把桶装满沙子。”We turn the buckets over我们把桶翻过来and give them a little tap.轻轻敲一下。Now we lift the buckets.现在我们把桶抬起来。Hey presto!嘿普雷斯托!Richard has made a sand castle.理查德建造了一座沙堡。Hey presto!嘿普雷斯托!And George has made a sand castle.乔治建造了一座沙堡。You see, playing together is fun.“你看,一起玩很有趣。”Oh dear!哦,天哪!This game has not gone very well.这场比赛进行得不太顺利。It was your brother's fault.是你哥哥的错。He broke George's sand castle.他打碎了乔治的沙堡。Squeak! Your brother,“吱吱你哥哥,broke my brother's sand castle first.先把我哥哥的沙堡弄坏了。Now, Now,“现在,现在,”you two big girls are meant to be teaching你们两个大姑娘本该教书的Richard and George to play nicely together.理查德和乔治一起玩得很好。That. S right.那是的。We are big girls.我们是大姑娘。And George and Richard are too little乔治和理查德太小了to play together properly.一起好好玩。Humm, I've got an idea.“哼,我有个主意。”George, what's your most favorite thing乔治,你最喜欢的是什么?in the whole playground?在整个操场上?Seesaw!跷跷板!George loves the seesaw.乔治喜欢跷跷板。Seesaw.跷跷板。It is a bit difficult to有点难play on the seesaw on yourown.自己玩跷跷板。Richard wants to play on the seesaw.理查德想玩跷跷板。Seesaw.跷跷板。Look!看!George and Richard are playing together!乔治和理查德在一起玩!Seesaw.跷跷板。George likes Richard.乔治喜欢理查德。Richard likes George.理查德喜欢乔治。George and Richard like playing together.乔治和理查德喜欢一起玩。

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