

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02





Figure skating


• Singles events are performed by one person, whereas a pair event is always a man and a woman, who together perform difficult and amazing tricks such as spins and jumps as they skate across the smooth surface of the ice. Ice dancing is similar to pairs figure skating. It is always done by a team comprised of a man and a woman. They must do four dances, and two of these dances are the same for all dancers. The other two dances are called the “original dance” and “free dance” respectively. The skaters are ranked by judges according to their technical score and presentation score.

• 男女单人滑比赛中,比赛按短节目和自由滑的顺序分两天进行。双人滑由一名男运动员和一名女运动员配对参赛,分短节目和自由滑两个项目,两个项目总分构成最终成绩。冰上舞蹈由一男一女配对比赛,比赛按短舞蹈和自由舞的顺序进行。双人滑和冰上舞蹈的主要区别在于技术动作。


Short track speed skating


• The short track events occur on a 111-meter oval track. The skaters race in a pack of 4-8 at a time, and the first person crossing the finish line is the winner.

• 短道速滑项目通常在室内冰场举行,比赛所用跑道周长约111米。短道速滑比赛采用淘汰制,4到8运动员在同一条起跑线上起跑出发,以到达终点先后顺序论胜负。




• Bobsleigh is a winter sport invented by the Swiss in the 19th century. In 1924, a four-man race took place at the first ever Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix. A two-man event was added at the 1932 Lake Placid Games in a format that has remained to the present. The first women's bobsleigh event - the two-woman bobsled - was held in 2002 at the Salt Lake Winter Games in the United States.

• 19世纪末期,雪车运动在瑞士出现。1924年,在法国夏蒙尼第一届冬奥会上,男子四人雪车被列入正式比赛项目。1932年美国普莱西德湖第三届冬奥会增设男子双人雪车,2002年美国盐湖城第19届冬奥会首次设置女子双人比赛。




• Skeleton is considered the world's first sliding sport. Skeleton appeared at the 1928 and 1948 St. Moritz Winter Games. These were indeed its only two appearances before it was permanently added to the Olympic program in 2002 at the Salt Lake Winter Games. Since then, there have been two events: one men's and one women's.

• 钢架雪车被认为是世界上第一项滑行运动。1928年和1948年的圣莫里茨冬奥会,是钢架雪车项目在奥运会的两次亮相,也是该项目回归2002年盐湖城冬奥会之前仅有的两次亮相。从2002年冬奥会开始钢架雪车男子和女子项目正式列入冬奥会比赛项目。


Nordic Combined


• Nordic combined is a winter sport in which athletes compete incross-country skiing and ski jumping. Until the 1950s, the cross-country race was held first, followed by the ski jumping. This was reversed as the score advantage in the cross-country race tended to be too big to overcome in ski jumping.

• 北欧两项是一个包含了越野滑雪和跳台滑雪的冬季体育项目。20世纪50年代前,运动员先进行的是越野滑雪的比赛,之后再参加跳台滑雪,后来对比赛顺序进行了调整,因为运动员在越野滑雪所获得的得分优势,很难在跳台滑雪当中被赶超。


Cross-country skiing


• Cross-country skiing is a form of skiing where skiers rely on their own locomotion to move across snow-covered terrain, rather than using ski lifts or other forms of assistance. Cross-country skiing is widely practiced as a sport and recreational activity; however, some still use it as a means of transportation.

• 越野滑雪是一项靠滑雪运动员自身力量在雪地前行的一项滑雪运动。运动员需要穿越大雪覆盖的田野,同时在前行的时候,不需要上山吊椅或其他的辅助设备来进行运动。越野滑雪既是一项大众非常喜欢的体育运动,同时也是一个帮助大家放松休闲的活动,也有人把越野滑雪当作自己的交通方式。


Alpine skiing


• Alpine skiing is one of the signature competitions at the Winter Olympics. Competitors regularly reach speeds of up to 152 km/h, all while navigating a winding course full of sharp turns and soaring jumps. There are 11 events in the Alpine competition at the 2022 Games, with 33 medals up for grabs. Alpine skiing is one of the most physically demanding sports in the Winter Olympic Games, which is arguably reflected in the fact that in the entire history of Alpine skiing at the Winter Games, only five athletes have successfully defended their Olympic crowns across all events in the competition.

• 高山滑雪是冬奥会的标志性比赛项目之一。2022年北京冬奥会的高山滑雪比赛分为11个小项,将产生33枚奖牌。比赛时,选手们在弯曲的赛道上快速回转、滑降,速度能达到152公里/小时。高山滑雪是冬奥会中对体力要求最高的运动项目之一,历届冬奥会的高山滑雪比赛中,只有5名运动员成功卫冕。


Ski jumping


• Ski jumping has been a part of the Winter Olympic programme since the first Games in Chamonix in 1924, when the men's large hill was the sole event. A normal hill competition was added for the 1964 Innsbruck Games, with the men's team large hill joining the programme in 1988. The women's competition was only added for the 2014 Sochi Games, while the mixed team event is new for 2022.

• 自1924年夏蒙尼冬奥会起,跳台滑雪成为了冬奥会的比赛项目,当时唯一的比赛项目是男子大跳台。在1964年因斯布鲁克冬奥会中,个人标准台项目被列入比赛项目。1988年,男子大跳台团体项目成为冬奥会比赛项目。在2014年索契冬奥会上,女子跳台滑雪项目被列为比赛项目。2022年北京冬奥会新增混合团体项目作为比赛项目。



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