the grotto art of Dunhuang例句:壁画是敦煌石窟艺术的重要组成部分,它适于表现复杂的场面和丰富的内容。译文:Murals are an important component of grotto art in Dunhuang. They are suitable to representing complex scenes with rich contents.
Murals of jatakas of the Buddha释迦牟尼
例句:佛本生故事画描绘释迦牟尼佛生前各种事迹与善行,常以早期连环画的形式展示。译文:Murals of jatakas of the Buddha are serial pictures portraying Sakyamuni’s good deeds in his previous lives.
paintings about the life stories of the Buddha
投胎 conception涅槃 nirvana
例句:佛传故事画描述释迦牟尼佛从投胎到涅槃的生平事迹。译文:Paintings about the life stories of the Buddha depicts the major events he experienced from his conception to his nirvana.
paintings that portray the Buddha's sermons例句:一些佛说法图中主尊两侧的菩萨形象绘制的形态各异、栩栩如生。
译文:In some paintings that portray the Buddha’s sermons, the bodhisattvas flanking the Buddha are different in form but vivid in looking.译文:Paintings of Buddhist historical sites and relics portray historical figures, events, holy sites, relics, tales of inspirations, miracles and auspicious images in the propagation of Buddhism based on historical records.
paintings of fairy tales and legendary figures例句:神话故事画指北魏晚期出现的东王公、西王母、伏羲、女娲、青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武,以及风雨雷电等汉晋以来体现传统的道家神仙思想的神话题材。译文:There are paintings of fairy tales, legendary figures like King of the East, Queen of the West, Fuxi, Nvwa, Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Scarlet Bird, Black Tortoise in the late period of the Northern Wei as well as deities of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lighting that reflect the Daoist thought of immortality since the Han and the Jin dynasties.
donors' portraits
例句:出资造窟者为了求福、祈愿等,在窟内彩绘窟主(功德主)和家族成员的画像,这就是供养人画像。译文:Donors’ portraits are paintings of those who, as cave owners (benefactors or benefactresses), contributed money to build caves in order to seek blessings and make supplications for their deceased family members.
译文:Decorative patterns are architectural designs used for cave building, including chessboard patterns, caisson designs, niche lintels, halos, thrones, carpets, table clothing, dresses and vessels.
10. "兰叶描”
“orchid-leaf drawing"
例句:无论是佛教尊象、供养人等形象、动植物形态的描绘,还是青绿山水画的创制,无论是“兰叶描”等线描技法的运用,还是淡色或白描画精品的层出不穷,都在中国绘画史上留下了光辉的一页。译文:Here in the caves, all techniques were applied and all subjects were covered, no matter they were the Buddhist icons, the images of donors, or landscape painting, and whether the “orchid-leaf drawing” or other line-drawing technique was adopted, so that a brilliant page was made in the art history of China.
Bhaisajya/the Buddha of Medicine
Amitabha Buddha
例句:敦煌彩塑中最主要的形象是佛祖释迦牟尼,其次是佛教和传说中的各种佛像,如弥勒佛、药师佛、阿弥陀佛等。如第275窟西壁中央的交脚弥勒像,高3.34米,头戴宝冠,发披双肩,胸挂缨络,腰束薄透大裙,神情庄重,交足端坐于双狮宝座,是莫高窟早期造像的代表作之一。译文:The dominant figures among the painted statues are those of Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. The second major component of painted sculpture is the various Buddha images like Maitreya, Bhaisajya (or the Buddha of Medicine), and Amitabha Buddha. On the huge painted sculptures at the Mogao Caves is found in Cave 275 – a solemn-looking statue of Maitreya, 3.34 meters tall, crowned, sitting cross-legged on a double-lion throne against the west wall, his hair down to the shoulders, wearing a transparent skirt and a necklace of various jewels. It is one of the masterpieces of the Mogao Caves.
attendant bodhisattvas
三世佛the Buddha of the past, present, and future通肩袈裟shawl-like kasaya例句:再次为菩萨像,如观音、势至、文殊、普贤等大菩萨和供养菩萨等。菩萨像往往在佛祖像两侧,形成一佛二菩萨的布局,如第427窟中的代表过去、现在、未来的三世佛,其中佛祖身高4.25米,身着紫红色通肩袈裟,头大腿短,额宽颐满,鼻直唇厚,双目下视;而菩萨身高3.62米,身着彩绘精美的衣裙,佩戴手镯、缨络等,珠光宝气,高贵华丽,并且每佛左右各塑胁侍菩萨。译文:The third group of statues are bodhisattvas, such as Avalokitesvara (or Guanyin), Mahasthamaprapta, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and attendant bodhisattvas. They normally stand on both sides of the Buddha to form a triad, e.g. the Buddha of the past, present, and future in Cave 427 with the Buddha 4.25 meters tall, with big head, broad forehead, chubby cheeks, straight nose, thick lips, and short legs, wearing amaranth kasaya, looking downward and each flanked by two 3.62-meter-tall attendant bodhisattvas in fancy garments and skirts and looking noble and magnificent with bracelets and necklaces.
the Buddha in nirvana
例句:艺术家不再借助夸张变形和象征的手法,而是以写实主义的手法表现出人(神)的精神世界,还以大型彩塑来表现佛的宏大。如第130窟(南大像)和第158窟的卧佛就是这方面的代表。译文:Artists no longer represented the spiritual world of mortals and immortals by virtue of exaggeration, deformation or symbols; instead, they did it with realistic technique and demonstrated the magnificence of the Buddha by means of large-scale painted statues. The giant Buddha in Cave 130 (alias South Giant Statue) and the Buddha in nirvana in Cave 158 are its representative works.
Manuscripts in Dunhuang Caves
Secret Record of the Caves in Mount Mingsha
例句:中国的敦煌学研究,起步于1909年罗振玉编撰的《敦煌石室遗书》和《鸣沙山石室秘录》。译文:The beginning of Dunhuang studies in China is marked by Luo Zhenyu’s Manuscripts in Dunhuang Caves and Secret Record of the Caves in Mount Mingsha.
Dunhuang Jieyu Lu
例句:1930年,著名史学家陈寅恪在为《敦煌劫余录》所写的序中指出,一时代之学术,必有其新材料与新问题。译文:In 1930, the famous Chinese historian Chen Yinque (1890-1969) pointed out in his “Preface” to Chen Yuan’s catalog Dunhuang Jieyu Lu that there are fresh data and novel topics for academic research in each era.
Dunhuang Art Institute
Dunhuang Cultural Relics Research Institute
例句:1944年,敦煌艺术研究所成立,1951年改为敦煌文物研究所。译文:The year of 1944 witnessed the founding of Dunhuang Art Institute. In 1951, it was renamed Dunhuang Cultural Relics Research Institute.
International Dunhuang Project
例句:“国际敦煌项目”(IDP)是国际敦煌学界合作的结晶。1933年,中国国家图书馆、英国国家图书馆等收藏机构倡议成立“国际敦煌项目”。1994年,英国国家图书馆设立了专门的机构——国际敦煌项目(IDP)。译文:International Dunhuang Project(IDP) proposed by the National Library of China, the British Library and other collectors in 1993 and established the following year at the British Library, is a crystal of the collaboration of international Dunhuang studies.
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