

中国外文局 中国外文局 2021-10-31



【英译】The Way gave birth to One. One gave birth to Two. Two gave birth to Three. Three gave birth to All Things. All Things bear yin on their backs and yang in their arms. This blending of the two principles ensures the harmony of All Things. What people loath is to be orphaned, lonely and needy. And yet kings and princes refer to themselves thus.


【英译】When the government is muffled the people are free and easy. When the government is intrusive, the people are more cunning. Disaster is the bedrock of good fortune. In good fortune disaster lurks. 


【英译】Ruling a large state is like cooking small fish. If the state is ruled in accordance with the Way the evil spirits within it will be bereft of power. It is not that their power will be taken away, but that they will not be able to harm others. Not only will they be unable to harm others, the sage too will be unable to harm others. When both cause no harm to others, their influences converge to bolster the power of the Way among the people.

4.其安易持,其未兆易谋。其脆易泮,其微易散。为之于未有,治之于未乱。合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于累土;千里之行,始于足下。【白话文】安定的东西容易守持,还没有征兆的事情容易谋划。脆弱的东西容易分裂,细微的东西容易松散。要在事情还没有形成之前开始处理,在还没有混乱之前就进行治理。合抱粗的大树,是从很小的树苗开始生长的;高大的楼台,是由一层层的土累积而成的;到千里之外的远行,是从脚下一步步地开始的。【英译】What is still is easy to hold. That for which there is no portent is easy to subject to planning. What is brittle is easily broken. What is minute is easy to scatter. Deal with things before they are properly formed. Put them in order before disorder sets in. A sturdy tree is born from a tiny shoot. A nine-story terrace starts on an earth mound. A journey, no matter how lengthy, starts with the first step.

【英译】The supreme power looks like a void. The perfectly white looks marred; the all-encompassing seems inadequate. The firmest statement seems flimsy. The purest truth seems always changing. The perfect square has no corners. The best instrument is the last to be completed. The greatest music has faint notes. The perfect image has no form. The Way is hidden and nameless. But only the Way can nourish things and bring them to fruition.


【英译】The softest thing Under Heaven can overcome the hardest. That which has no form can enter where there is no space. This is how I know the benefit of taking no purposeful action. Few in the world attain the benefit of teaching without speaking and doing without acting.



【英译】What is perfect may seem flawed, yet its use continues unimpaired. What is the fullest may seem empty, yet there is no limit to its utility. What is the most straight seems crooked. Great skill seems like clumsiness. Supreme eloquence seems like mumbling. Brisk movement staves off cold. Stillness staves off heat. Limpid calm puts right All Under Heaven. 



【英译】This honor and esteem arise not from any command but from constant adherence to the operations of Nature. Therefore, the Way gives them birth, and the power of the Way rears, fosters and nurtures them. This power raises and ripens them, harbors and protects them. It gives them birth but does not possess them, brings them about but does not rely on them, leads them but does not dominate them. This is called Esoteric Power.

【英译】Those who are wise do not speak. Those who speak are not wise. Block the passages and doors. Blunt all sharp things. Unwind all tangles. Dim the glare. Unite with the humble. This is called the Profound Levelling. 

【英译】Now, the man who takes his stand upon ritual is deficient in loyalty and integrity. This is the beginning of disorder. Foretelling the future is a false manifestation of the true power bestowed by the Way, and is the beginning of foolishness. This is why the truly great man cleaves to the profound, and eschews the superficial. He cleaves to the solid core, and eschews the outer shell. He leaves that, and takes this. 



【英译】To know that one does not know is the supreme attainment. To think that one knows when one does not is a shortcoming. He has no shortcomings because he recognizes them clearly for what they are. It is precisely because of this, that the sage is free from shortcomings.

【英译】The Way of Heaven enables conquest without striving. It does not speak, but it elicits answers. It does not summon, but all things come to it of their own accord. It seems to be inert, but its plans are well laid. The net of Heaven is vast. Its meshes are wide, but it lets nothing slip through.

【英译】If the people do not fear death, what is the use of threatening them with the death penalty? If the people were made to fear death, and those who do evil were to be caught and executed, who would then dare to offend?

【英译】While living, the body is soft and pliable. After death it becomes hard and stiff. Vegetation, while living, is soft and brittle. After death it is withered and desiccated. Truly, the hard and stiff accompany death, the soft and weak accompany life. The mightier an army, the greater its fall; the more robust the tree, the more it attracts the feller’s axe. Truly, the hard and stiff are cast down, while the soft and weak are exalted.

【英译】There is nothing in the world softer and weaker than water. But nothing can surpass it for tackling the hard and strong. In this, nothing can replace it. The weak overcomes the strong. The soft overcomes the hard. Everyone in the world knows this, but no one can put it into practice. Therefore, the sage says, “He who shoulders the travails of his country is called the master of the state. He who shoulders his country's fate can be the ruler of All Under Heaven.” True words can seem paradoxical.

【英译】When a reconciliation is effected after a period of great animosity, some grudge is sure to remain. How can responding to ill will with kindness restore good will? That is why the sage keeps hold of the right-hand side of the tally and makes no demands for payment. A man of virtue keeps the receipt, a petty man demands payment. The Way of Heaven takes no side, but is always with the virtuous.

【英译】Sincere words are not fine. Fine words are not sincere. A good man has no cause to justify himself. He who is eager to justify himself is not a good man. The truly wise is not necessarily the most learned; the learned are not bound to be wise. The sage does not accumulate for himself. By acting on behalf of the people, more than enough accrues to him. The more he gives to the people, the more he gains for himself. The Way of Heaven is to bring benefit without causing any harm. The Way of the sage is to act without causing any strife.


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