Steinmetz,George. 2007. “The Historical Sociology of Historical Sociology. Germany andthe United States in the Twentieth Century.” Sociologica, no. 3.
1909年,德国社会学会(German SociologicalAssociation)成立。
不要忘了韦伯的作用,不要忘了德国的“新历史主义”在同时期的兴起。【Dilthey and Windelband. Droysen. Max Weber. Carl Schmitt. Heinrich Rickert, Windelband’s student(and Heidegger’s Doktorvater). TheLimits of Concept Formation in Natural Science)】
正如Alfred Weber,defended throughout his life a “historical sociological” approach and what he calledGeschichtssoziologie [“History-Sociology]。
毕竟,区分来看,人文科学的阐释与历史是共通的。The distinction between the natural sciences on the one hand, and the human,cultural, social, or “Geistes-”sciences on the other hand means that the latter necessarily has an interpretiveand therefore historical dimension.
可也就在这一年之后,大量的德国社会老师陆续开始流亡。many ofthem German immigrants, such as Reinhart Bendix, Lewis Coser, and Guenter Roth
1. 二战前的德国:“历史社会学”的绝对优势
当时主要是两派:系统的(形式+量化)与历史的。“systematic”sociology , “historical” sociology
德国的当时历史社会家是反对目的论、主张历史是偶连的,强调历史个体、事件的独一性。【Germanhistorical sociologists during the 1920s and 1930s usually rejectedteleological, evolutionary, and single-factor accounts of history, arguinginstead that social change was a contingent, and open-ended process driven bydeliberate decisions, or as we would say nowadays, by collective human agency[Freyer 1933]】
这样的历史观及其阐释论立场,导致了Freyer(他也受到20年代的政治左翼影响,左翼们认为社会学能帮助人们更加投入社会)在1925年于莱比锡大学演讲时,直指德国社会学与法国社会学——实证主义,不同,是一门“阐释科学”。最终,到了1933年,Freyer被选为德国社会学会会长。他们是欢迎历史学家一起研究,如Alfredvon Martin and Andreas Walther,主张社会学的开放性。
但是,这样的权力不平衡的另一端像Germany of positivists like Andreas Walther and formal theorists like Leopold von Wiese。虽然Walther也有反击,例如他甚至在1928年拒绝给汉堡大学一位博士论文通过,理由是the author was an “antisociologist” who “wanted to make sociology regress into ahistorical discipline”。
不过,他们的地位还是相对较低,以致Freyer在1934年,面对美国社会学家访谈指出,那个vonWiese只是个“second rank”。
2. 纳粹惹的祸?
你也可以样说。实际上,在很多注重历史取向的社会学家(比如Mills的老师Hans Gerth at Wisconsin)流亡后,在纳粹德国的社会学家更加注重政策取向,于是定量得以扩张。
VonSchelting reemigrated to Switzerland and wrote books on Russian history [e.g. von Schelting1948], but had little influence on German sociology.
Heimann did not return to Germany until after his retirement, in 1963;
Adolf Löwe returned in 1983, at the age of 90, long after his retirement from the New School for Social Research.
Cahnmanwas invited twice to Munich as guest professor and received emeritus status there in 1968,but he did not move back to Germany permanently.
Landshut moved back to Hamburgand helped to establish the new discipline of Political Science, which was created in Germany afterthe war at the urging and with the aid of the Americans [Nicolaysen 1997, ch. 8].
Bergstraesser moved into the new discipline of political science rather than finding a home in postwar German sociology.
Salomon-Delatour,who had been a student of Troeltsch and a teacher of Adorno, and who defined sociology as “the interpretation of historical processes,” returned to Frankfurt only in 1958.
Wilhelm Mühlmann [1932], whose workbefore the war represented a mixture of sociology, ethnology, and history, wasunable to get an academic post until 1957 [Michel 1992].
3. 法兰克福学派不是很重视历史吗?为什么没有拯救历史社会学?
Frankfurt School critical theory was a third, dominated pole beginning in the 1950s, but Horkheimer and Adornoreturned to Germany too late to shape the postwar reconstitution of the field,were ambivalent about historical sociology, and were limited in their impact by the vigorous anti-Marxism of the period.
But many now moved into disciplines other than sociology or stopped working historically, orelse they returned too late toinfluence the postwar configuration. Horkheimer and Adorno both had joint positions insociology and philosophy at Frankfurt, but they stopped working on recognizably historical topics, and in the early 1950s Adorno even joined in the ongoing dismissal of Weimar historical sociology as a form of speculative philosophy
4. 当然,不能忽视“美国的阴谋”
Different groups of Germansociologists competed for the allegiance of sociologists working for the US military government, including Howard P. Becker and Nels Anderson. Anderson organized and coordinated a “Middletown”-style community survey of Darmstadt,financed by the US military government. …. The American occupiers and funders tended to support empirical,statistical methodologies in sociology,
德国社会学会在二战后再选举时,那个“secondrank”社会学家von Wies得到了Edward Hartshorne and Howard Becker两位美国大佬社会学家(且都在当时的美军占领势力中效力)的支持,于是,不仅vonWiese当选了德国的会长,并且没有邀请Freyer——这位前会长再回来。
江湖大佬帕森斯更是直接认为Alfred Weber不是社会学家,并且支持his promotion ofsome, like Speier and von Schelting, against others, like Gerth and AlfredWeber [Kettler and Meha 1994, 29]
那么美国和法国【美国也专门谈过,但是法国只是稍带提过,这个2017年将是他第一篇谈法国的】的发展历程是怎样的?Steinmetz 2017有篇,可以到时follow下:
George Steinmetz, “Field Theory and Interdisciplinary: History andSociology in Germany and France during the Twentieth Century,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 59:2 (April 2017)
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图片来源:电影《The Company》