
新世纪大学英语综合教程第三册 Unit 4课后练习答案

6分钟英语 2022-06-09

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Unit  4

Words in Action1

1.      In the boxes below are someof the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.



1) narrowly

2) proceeded

3) features

4) crawl

5) spun

6) flashed

7) qualify

8) Despite

9) congratulate


11) compete

12) disciplined


14) tripped


2. In the boxes below are someof the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use themin the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-fillingexercise. Change the form where necessary.



1) kind of

2) are infor

3) came in

4) roseto their feet

5) brought up

6) made… a fool of herself

7) underwraps

8) get hot under the collar

9)looked the part

10) in an emergency

11) has had her eye on

12) is … taking shape

13) bring out

14) put in/ squeezein

15) win … hands down ­


Increasing Your Word Power

  1. 1.      Choose two verbs fromColumn B for each noun in Column A, paying attention to the v.+ n. collocation. Write downthe verbs in the space provided before the corresponding noun. The first itemhas been done for you.



Column A

Column B

  • break / set the  record



2embody / represent an idea



3award / win a medal



4hold/ host the Olympic Games



5applaud / congratulate an Olympic champion



  • form/ forge a  friendship



  • cross/ reach  the finish line




Now fill in eachblank in the following sentences with a verb in Column B. Change the verb form wherenecessary.



1)       applaud

2)       embodies/represents

3)       forged/formed

4)       congratulated

5)       broken

6)       awarded

7)       crossed/reached

  • host


2. The suffix “–cy” can be added to some adjectives, nouns or verbs toform nouns, meaning “the state or quality of…”, or “the status or positionof…”. Now form new words after the example and give their meanings in Chinese. Consulta dictionary if necessary.



1) accurate



2) adequate



3) consistent



4) delicate



5) efficient



6) intimate



7) president



8) private



9) secret



10) self-sufficient




 Now fillin the blanks in the following sentences by choosing the proper words you have justformed.



1) secrecy

2) presidency

3) consistency

4) efficiency

5) privacy

6) intimacy

7) accuracy

8) self-sufficiency

9) adequacy

10) delicacy

Grammar in Context2


1.      Study the following sentences, each of which contains either an “appositivephrase” or an “appositive clause”, and then do the following task. 


Now translate the following sentences into English,using either an “appositive phrase” oran “appositive clause” .


Answers for reference:

1) Football, hisonly hobby in life, has brought him many friends.

2) ThePresident of the company, Mrs Jones, held a press conferenceafter the board meeting.

3) Thequestion whether to confess or not has been troubling little Tom.

4) Youshould not have any doubt about the fact that the criminal has been arrested.

5) The news was immediately spread far and wide thatBeijing had won the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.


2. Study the following sentences from this unit, paying special attentionto the constructions “not… but…” and “notonly/simply…but (also)…”, and then do thefollowing task.


Now answer thequestions with the help of the hints given in brackets, using the constructions “not… but…”and “not only/simply…but (also)…”.


Answers for reference:

1) No, hedidn’t come to help, but to hinder us.

2) It is notthe players, but the supporters that are responsible for football hooliganism.

3) No,their intent is not to catch all speeders but to catch enough to give them awarning.

4) I’m notonly willing, but (also) eager to join the volunteer team for the World Cup.

5) No. Hetranslates into English not only from French, but (also) from Polish.

6) Because its appeal lies not onlyin its storybut also in the ethical issues it raises.




Completethe following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of eachis given.



(1) disciplined

(2) having … eye … on

(3) hands down

(4) in for

(5) hitting

(6)under wraps

(7) add…support to

(8) hot under the collar

(9) fouling

(10) tremendously

(11) reassured

(12) qualify

(13) formed/forged

(14) breaking    



1.      Translate thefollowing sentences into English, using the words and expressions given inbrackets.

Answers for reference:

1)      The gasoline price is now at an all-time high, which has brought aboutwide public concern.

2)     Hefound that fish and rice feature theJapanese diet, and he then proceededto write a report on Japanese cooking culture.

3)     Thespectators expected me to come in firstbut they were in for a shock. With atumble, my chances for a gold medal in figure skating evaporated.

4)     Hewas a beggar but he didn’t look the partat all, because he was clean-shaven, wearing glasses and a brand-new suit.

5)     Having tripped over another athlete’s foot, he felldown on the track, but soon rose to hisfeet and limped to the finish line.

6)     Onsuch a grand occasion I didn’t want tomake a fool of myself, so I decided to take the challenge and compete against that youngster.


2. Translate thefollowing paragraph into English, using the words and expressions in the boxbelow.

Answers for reference:

     A gold medal is a tribute to the athletic talent, determinationand courage of an Olympic champion. Thenhow do the athletes make themselves fortunate enough to be so highly honored?The champions who have mounted thewinners’ stand can offer an answer based on their own experiences. First, inthe course of training, they visualizethemselves as champions. Once their dreams of becoming champions take shape, they will cling to them courageously. What’smore, top performers are driven to bringout their best. They disciplinethemselves and squeeze in everypossible minute to practice every day. Despite their relentless efforts, theymay sometimes fail to win or narrowlymiss a gold medal, yet they believe inthemselves and never lose heart. They are ready to take on the mostpsychologically and technically challenging tasks or competitions. In reality,all champions have experienced lots of hardships on their way to the vitalbreak of their lifetime. So we won’t and can’t say that a champion is lucky. After all, luck only strikes those prepared to capitalize on it. 


Theme-Related Writing5


1. Write an essayabout your favorite sports team. The following hints may be of some help.

1) What is your favorite sports team?

2) Why do you like it so much?

3) Do you always support the team?

Sample essay 1:

My favorite Sport Team:the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team

In quite a few sports, Chinese women athletesoutshine men athletes. As a girl, I always feel proud of our women table tennisplayers, badminton players, women divers and gymnasts. But my greatestenthusiasm always goes to the Chinese Women’s Volleyball Team, who, though ithas undergone some ups and downs, always presents a positive, inspiring imageto the public.

I’ve never missed anymajor TV coverage of the Chinese women’s team. I can’t help getting excitedwatching the girls shine in court, with their amazing spikes and blocks, andtheir never-ceasing courage and faith in winning the match. There are timeswhen they lose the game, sometimes with embarrassing result like 0:3; there areyears when they suffer a lot of injuries and new players do not match up to theveterans, yet, one must admit that the Chinese girls have been practising veryhard all the way.

Recent years have witnessed a difficultperiod for the team as Russian, American, Cuban, and Brazilian teams have beenrising in ranking and winning championships, but I still have faith in our teamand give them my support. I wish them good luck in the coming Olympics. 

(196 words)


2. Write an essay entitled “The Meaning ofWinning a Prize”. You may base yourwriting on what you have learnt from the two texts. The following hints may be of some help.

1) What is a prize?

2) What does a prize bring about?

3) What is the fundamental meaningof wining prizes?


Sample essay 2:

In today’ssociety, competitions, contests and games are held virtually every day andeverywhere. These activities put the participants into two categories: winnersand losers. As symbols of public recognition, prizes are awarded to those whomount the winners’ stand.

A prizebrings about fame, prestige and good fortune. Winners are constantly in thespotlight and attract admiring attention. Their friends and colleagues come tocongratulate them and their families take pride in them. More often than not,prizes simultaneously bring wealth to the winners as in the case of an Olympic goldmedal or a Nobel Prize. Therefore, winners harvest both a good reputation andmaterial rewards.

However,this is not the essential meaning of wining a prize. Winners are worthy of respect,admiration and good fortune because they embody some outstanding qualities thatare worthy of a prize: perseverance, diligence and optimism. An athleteundergoes years of training and takes hundreds of highly demanding challengesbefore he steps onto that podium; a writer becomes popular overnight after hehas spent years writing relentlessly in poverty and anonymity. What’s more,optimism in the face of adversity also contributes a lot to their success. Theybelieve in themselves and have great passion for what they are engaged in. Theyendeavor to do their best, enjoying the process of fighting well. Therefore,the fundamental meaning of winning a prize does not merely lie in the rewardingfame or wealth, but in the process of presenting the best part of oneself. 

(249 words)



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