
Find your own peace in this chaotic world.

Sophia柚子 柚子姑娘Sophia

Every day starts from morning.

I saw an interesting analogy from a book talking about the morning routine. “ looking at your phone first thing in the morning is like inviting one hundred chatty strangers into your bedroom before you’ve showered, brushed your teeth, fixed your hair. Between the alarm clock and the world inside your phone, you’re immediately overwhelmed with stress, pressure, anxiety.” I visualized that in my mind, it feels terrible, that’s definitely not what I want. I used to turn on the podcast immediately as I wake up. One day, when I woke up, I really enjoy my quietness in the morning, so I changed into doing meditation for about 10-15 minutes, then wash up with some light music on, I take my time everyday, sometimes I even lost the track of time. “Give yourself enough time to move with intention and do things completely. The spirit will carry through the day.”

Hi, sunny day!

I have never felt this happy because of the sunshine. Recalling the days back in Dali, we are so lucky to have this sunny weather almost all year round, with blue sky and floating clouds, but then I moved to a place where is wet, cloudy, rainy for the most of the days. When winter has come, it has become even more miserable. It had been raining almost one month before I saw the sun again, Which makes me so surprised, excited, and extremely happy. I realized that I have never appreciated and cherished the sunshine like I do now. I run out on the streets, let the sun shines on me as much as it can. the light blue sky, the golden ginkgo...I spend my afternoons sitting in the sun, embracing the nature.

After finished my first English book reading.

Here is something I wanna share. I have never found interests in books before to be honest. But somehow I managed to start reading since this year. In April, I finished reading 4 books. I started reading English book since last month. Almost everyday I take my laptop, book, and notebook with. Recently, I have less and less work hours because of the pandemic, which gives me a lot of time to read, and I can do that anywhere I want. Has my English improved a lot? Not at all! Somehow, it has become more broken. Why? Because with the increase of the in-put, especially the expansion of my passive vocabulary, I think more before output, I know there will be a better way to say that and I am always searching in my head. Will I stop reading then? Absolutely not! Because I did enjoy the peacefulness, the focused mind, the “aha” moment during the process. And I am looking forward to the next journey on a new book.

Learn to enjoy yourself

It has taken ages for me to learn how to get along with myself. Before that I always felt lonely, not knowing what to do, feeling upset, unloving, insecure, boring by myself. Then it took me another while to make one more step forward. From a book, it says “Our language has wisely sensed these two sides of man’s being alone. It has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone.” so now I transfer my loneliness into solitude. I am learning how to enjoy myself. I enjoy taking a walk after meal by myself, I focus all my senses on the surroundings, I feel each step with my feet, I feel the wind against my hair; my eyes might be caught by a dancing leaf falling from a tree. I dance in the sun, playing with my shadow. I noticed that when I feel the things with my whole body, my mind is fully at the present, it’s neither is the past nor in the future.

Have you ever really enjoyed a coffee?

I was definitely not a fan for coffee, until that day. We run into a newly-opened cafe in a very local area. I was sitting in the sun, holding my hot latte in the wind, I suddenly lost the track of time. I felt so peaceful. Have you ever enjoyed your coffee, for me, that means have you ever really enjoyed your time, fully being in the present. I watched the milk foam breaking in the cup, like they were dancing, I smelt the fragrance of the coffee, I felt the warmth of the cup. I felt it with all my senses. And I guess that’s what coffee means to me.

Find your own peace in this chaotic world. 

I am definitely not that kind of people who have a stable job, stable wife, and a stable life. I always move from place to place, change from job to job. I have met different people, I have tried different things, and I will keep doing that. But do I have the feeling of uncertainty or insecurity? Well, I used to feel the way, feeling lost, no purpose......But now I have found the stability in myself. Yoga, meditation and writing are the tools to help me to connect to my inner world where there is always peace and love. I have no idea about where I will be, what I will be doing, who I am going to be with in the future, but what I do know is I am always on the journey back to my true self, I am always being with myself, I am always growing and improving. If I have to name something which are really important to me from the outside world, that would be the nature and the sunshine.

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十一月小结:Hang in there!十月小结:感恩你现在所拥有的九月小结:学会面对,而不是逃避作为一名脊柱侧弯患者,我是如何通过瑜伽治疗的(点击蓝色标题可以阅读文章哦)

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