
英语绘本:The Doorbell Rang《门铃响了》

英语版 2024-01-09

The Doorbell Rang门铃响了

"I've made some cookies for tea," said Ma.妈妈说:“我做了一些饼干当茶点”。"Good,"said Victoria and Sam."We're starving."“太好了,”Victoria和Sam说:“我们要饿死了。”"Share them between yourselves," said Ma.“你们两个要分享哟!”"I made plenty."“我做了好多”。

"That's six each," said Sam and Victoria.“每人六块”,Sam和Victoria说。"They look as good as Grandma's," said Victoria.“它们看起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃”Victoria说。"They smell as good as Grandma's,"said Sam.“它们闻起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃”,Sam说。"No one makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang.“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”妈妈正说着,门铃响了起来。

It was Tom and Hannah from next door.
是隔壁的Tom和Hannah。"Come in,"said Ma.“请进,”妈妈说。"You can share the cookies."“你们一起吃饼干吧。”

"That's three each," said Sam and Victoria.“那每人能分到3块”,Sam和Victoria说。"They samell as good as your Grandma's," said Tom.“它们闻起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃,”Tom说。"And look as good,"said Hannah."“它们看起来跟奶奶做的一样好吃”,Hannah说。"No one makes cookies like Grandma,"“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”said Ma as the doorbell rang.妈妈正说着,门铃响起来了。

It was Peter and his little brother.
这次是Peter和他弟弟。“Come in,” said Ma.“请进,”妈妈说。"You can share the cookies."“ 你们一起吃饼干吧”。

"That's two each,"said Victoria and Sam.
“现在每人只能分两块了” Victoria和Sam说。"They look as good as your Grandma's," said Peter."And smell as good."“它们看起来跟你奶奶做的一样好吃”Peter说“闻起来也一样棒。”"Nobody makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang.“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”妈妈正说着,门铃响了起来。

It was Joy and Simon with their four cousins.这次是Joy和Simon跟他四个兄弟姐妹。"Come in,"said Ma."You can share the cookies."“请进”,妈妈说。“ 你们一起吃饼干吧”。

"That's one each,"said Sam and Victoria.
“还好, 每人还能分到一块”, Sam和Victoria说。"They smell as good as your Grandma's,"said Joy.“它们闻起来跟你奶奶做的一样好吃”,Joy说。"And look as good,"said Simon.“它们看起来跟奶奶做的一样棒”,Simon说。"No one makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang .“没人做饼干能比的上奶奶,”妈妈正说着,门铃响了起来。

and rang.

"Oh dear,"said Ma as the children stared at the cookies on their plates.
“天呐,”妈妈说,孩子们呆呆的望着盘子里的饼干。"Perhaps you'd better eat them before we open the door."“你们要不要在我开门之前先把饼干吃掉”。"We'll wait," said Sam.“还是等一下吧”,Sam说。

It was Grandma with an enormous tray of cookies.
这次是奶奶,还拿了超大一盘饼干。"How nice to have so many friends to share them with,"said Grandma.“这么多朋友来一起分享真是太好了,”奶奶说。"It's a good thing I made a lot!"“幸亏我做了很多!”

"And no one makes cookies like Grandma,"said Ma as the doorbell rang.


    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第一季(1-52集全)

    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第二季(1-53集全)


    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第三季(1-52集全)


01-Sam sheep can't sleep《绵羊山姆睡不着》

02-When I Get Bigger《当我长大了》

03-Maisy's Christmas Eve《小鼠波波的平安夜》

04-Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!《生日快乐,丹尼和恐龙》

05-Ten Apples up on Top《头顶十个苹果》

06-The Little Egg《小鸡蛋》

07-Little Big《小大人》

08-Bob's Secret Hideaway《鲍勃的秘密藏身之处》

    09-A Jumper for James《詹姆斯的套头毛衣》

    10-The Hat《帽子》

    11-New Blue Shoes《蓝色新鞋子》

    12-Changing Colours《会变色的兔子》

   13- Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽出没的地方》

    14-My No, No, No Day! 《什么都不要的一天》

   15-Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill 《杰克、吉尔和大狗比尔》

   16-Elephant's Ears《大象的耳朵》

   17-The Mermaid and the Octopus《美人鱼和章鱼》

   18-The Very Busy Hen《忙碌的母鸡》

   19-Time for school《上学时间到啦》

   20-I Love You《我爱你》

   21-Doing Nothing 《无所事事的小青蛙》

   22-Mother Sea Turtle《海龟妈妈》

   23-Mom and Kayla《妈妈和凯拉》

  24-Rabbit on the run 《奔跑的兔子》

  25-Llama Llama Misses Mama《拉玛想妈妈》

  26-Dinosaur Roar《恐龙在咆哮》

  27-The Crow And The Jug《乌鸦喝水》

  28-What do you like? 《你爱吃什么》

  29-Give Thanks For Each Day 《感谢每一天》


