

CIDGA CIDGA 2022-04-23



Topic:Climate change, ecosystem services and global environmental governance


Speaker:Wilhelmus de Jong






Prof. Xu Xiuli, Dean of College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University

Prof. Zhang Chuanhong, College of Humanities and Development Studies/College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University

Dr. Ba Feng, College of Humanities and Development Studies/College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University


Lectures on New Development Knowledge (No. 43, 2021)


Topic:Roots, architecture, and theories of global environmental governance

Time:Friday, 16 April 2021 2:00 pm Beijing time

Zoom会议号(Meeting ID):565 678 7899 


Lectures on New Development Knowledge (No. 44, 2021)


Topic:Governance of environments-based climate change mitigation and adaptation

Time:Friday, 23 April 2021 2:00 pm Beijing time

Zoom会议号(Meeting ID):565 678 7899


Lectures on New Development Knowledge (No. 45, 2021)


Topic:Fragmentation of Global Environmental Governance: The case of the international forest governance regime

Time:Friday, 30 April 2021 2:00 pm Beijing time

Zoom会议号(Meeting ID):565 678 7899


Lectures on New Development Knowledge (No. 46, 2021)


Topic:The ecosystem services framework and global environmental governance

Time:Friday, 7 May 2021 2:00 pm Beijing time

Zoom会议号(Meeting ID):565 678 7899


威廉·德·琼教授,荷兰瓦格宁根大学农学与环境科学博士,现任京都大学东南亚与综合区域研究中心教授,中国人民大学林业、环境与资源政策研究中心外籍教授。他在国际环境治理、生态服务、特别是国际林业政策领域具有超过32年的研究和教学经验。Wilhelmus de Jong教授具有丰富的跨国研究工作和跨文化生活经历,在其职业生涯中,他曾在四大洲的五个不同国家长期居住并工作。先后担任秘鲁亚马逊国家公园研究助理(2年)、美国纽约植物园经济研究所副研究员(10年)、印度尼西亚研究所国际林业中心高级科学家(10年)、并于2006年起至今担任日本京都大学东南亚与综合区域研究中心教授。Wilhelmus de Jong教授在科研工作中精通英语,西班牙语,印尼语,荷兰语和德语五种语言,并能用日语、葡萄牙语、法语进行基本对话,主持数十项跨国科研合作项目,以第一作者或者合著发表130余篇科研论文、出版多本专著,同时担任《Forest Policy and Economics》,《Forest Trees and Livelihoods》、《Tropics, Journal of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology》等多个学术期刊编委会委员。他的出版物和研究经验主要涉及:气候变化;生态服务;森林治理和政策;资源利用和养护的未来、设想和展望;森林生计和社区林业等。

Dr. Wilhelmus de Jong has got his doctoral degree in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Wageningen University. He serves as the emeritus professor at the Center for Southeast Asian and Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University; the foreign professor at the Centre for Forest, Environmental and Resources Policy Study, Renmin University of China. His research experience in tropical forest regions extends over 32 years. He has lived for extended periods in five different countries in four continents, and worked in the Institute  of  Economic Botany, New York Botanical Garden for ten years; Center  for  International  Forestry Research, Indonesia for ten years. He became professor at the Center for Integrated Area Studies in Kyoto University since 2006. He has collaborated intensively with scientists of a much larger number of national and international organizations. During that time, he has published over 130 first or co-authored peer-reviewed publications, including journal articles, seven academic journal special issues, and four edited book volumes. His language skills include, fluent in English, Spanish, Indonesian, Dutch and German. He can understand and hold basic conversations in Japanese, Portuguese and French. He has directed or co-directed 12 major research collaborations, all of which involved multiple research locations and researchers from multiple countries and continents. He is the member of the Editorial Boards of< Forest Policy and Economics >,< Forest Trees and Livelihoods >,< Tropics, Journal of the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology >,<Forests>. His publications and research experiences relate to: tropical forest and climate change; forest sector legality; forest governance and policies; resource use and conservation futures, scenarios and foresight; forest transition and rehabilitation; forest livelihoods and community forestry.




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