
Thomas Hun-tak Lee (李行德) | 《汉语量化研究》前言

李行德 商务印书馆汉语中心 2022-05-19

近日,Thomas Hun-tak Lee (李行德)的新作《汉语量化研究》由商务印书馆出版。作者在书中对逻辑量词“都”的语义特点和汉语辖域同构原则做出全面探讨,并对普通话和英语儿童如何理解辖域关系进行初步实验探索。




This study of quantification in Mandarin Chinese consists of two parts. The first part (Chapter One) presents a Government-Binding analysis of three issues in Chinese syntax: universal quantification, the distribution and referential properties of quantifier phrases and quantifier scope. It will be argued that a number of core quantificational properties of the language can receive unified treatment if a level of Logical Form, a rule of Quantifier Raising and the notion of governing category are assumed. The theory of quantification developed in May (1977, 1985) is adopted for the main body of this work. In this part of the dissertation, we propose that quantifier phrases in Chinese have the chameleon property of being able to function both as operators and as variables and that in Chinese the clausal node Quantifier Raising (QR) adjoins to is S” rather than S. These assumptions allow us to account for a range of distributional and referential properties of quantifiers in the language. We also argue following Hornstein (1984) that QR is essentially clause-bounded and that for Chinese the crucial determinants of scope order within the clausal domain is linear precedence rather than c-command, contrary to Huang (1981, 1982) .

The second part of the dissertation draws on the theoretical findings of Chapter One, and explores ontogenetic aspects of some of the quantificational properties of Chinese, specifically the isomorphic scope interpretation principle according to which the relative scope of two quantificational expressions can be mapped directly from Surface Structure. A principled account of how children may acquire quantificational competence is proposed. In this account, we argue that children initially view quantifiers as non-operators and that the relative scope property of quantifiers is learned on the basis of positive evidence. A parameter of scope order is also motivated. Experimental findings are then reported on how Mandarin-speaking children and English-speaking children between three and eight years of age interpret sentences containing a universal quantifier and an existential quantifier. It will be seen that the findings on acquisition of quantificational scope in Chinese support our hypothesis, and that the divergences between the English and Chinese data may be due to cross-linguistic syntactic differences with respect to the quantifier phrases included in the experiment. An attempt will be made to correlate the acquisition of relative scope of quantifiers with that of other salient properties of Chinese: the topic-prominent character of the language and the fact that the relative scope of modals and negation can also be predicted by linear order. Finally a number of suggestions are raised on the kind of experiments that will shed light on unresolved issues dealt with in the present study.



Thomas Hun-tak Lee(李行德) 著







Thomas Hun-tak Lee (李行德),语言学博士。天津师范大学语言、心理与认知科学研究院院首席研究员、香港中文大学荣休教授。曾任香港中文大学文学院副院长。先后担任《中国语言学报》和《语言暨语言学》副主编、《东亚语言学学报》编委;现为《语言获得》《国际中国语言学报》《亚洲语言和语言学》《当代语言学》编委。研究领域为句法和语义学、语言获得,主导创建了香港粤语儿童语言语料库和汉语幼儿早期语言语料库,并作为核心成员参与创建香港粤语口语语言量表。





汪惠迪|学习《语言文字规范标准》, 推进语言文字规范化标准化

彭小川 | 《现代汉语抽象名词研究》序言

邓晓芒 | 《西方美学史讲演录》2012年初版自序

王晓梅 | 《马来西亚华人社会语言研究》后记

