

M君 MTI资料与资讯 2022-10-02




Day Day Up

1. Because he had provided the criminal with the lethal weapon, he was arrested as a(n) ( ) in the murder.

A. confederate  

B. adversary  

C. betrayer  

D. accomplice


2. If I ( ) to this demand for blackmail, I am afraid that I will be the victim of future demands.

A. assent  

B. consent  

C. accede  

D. dissent


3. Non-governmental organizations are calling on these companies to be more transparent in their finances as well, so Chad's government can be monitored more effectively as it ( ) on a new era of oil production.

A. embarks  

B. begins  

C. initiates  

D. enters


4. International experts are trying to help law enforcement agents in West Africa fight more effectively against money laundering. The region is ( ) to the problem because of a lack of controls on the flow of money.

A. incline  

B. intend  

C. prone  

D. about


5. Millie's mother is driving us to school, ( ) the need for our waiting for the bus in the rain.

A. necessitating  

B. obviating  

C. entailing  

D. protracting


6. Analysts inside and outside the country say the honor ( ) on Ms. Ebadi should energize Iran's reform movement.

A. inferred  

B. presented  

C. bestowed  

D. attached


7. I tell you I know for certain that Linda will be promoted to manager. The boss told me himself, so it's straight from the ( )!

A. nag's head  

B. cat's whiskers  

C. horse's mouth  

D. lion's den


8. It is acceptable enough to ( ) a weakening of federal power, but care must be taken to prevent such weakness from becoming anarchy.

A. effect  

B. equivocate  

C. declare  

D. suspend


9. Since he believed her to be born candid and trustworthy, he refused to consider the possibility that her statement had been ( ).

A. irrelevant  

B. facetious  

C. mistaken  

D. insincere


10. The doctor's efforts were ( ). The patient refused to accept the treatment.

A. of no avail  

B. in no avail  

C. of avail  

D. on no avail


11. Playing on strong national feelings, they ( ) the crowd to bun down the Embassy.

A. animated  

B. inclined  

C. incited  

D. instigated


12. They ( ) on a cure for tuberculosis while they were doing research on something else.

A. stumbled  

B. founded  

C. fumbled  

D. tripped


13. He ( ) his old car for a new model as soon as he had won the lottery.

A. interchanged  

B. exchanged  

C. replaced  

D. converted


14. After careful deliberation the shareholders voted to ( ) the offer of a merger.

A. yield  

B. abandon  

C. renounce  

D. reject


15. Although nobody ( ) his presence, Mr. Smith knew he had been recognized.

A. acknowledged  

B. confessed  

C. assented  

D. attributed

16. Would you please ( ) from smoking while the lecture is in progress?

A. avoid  

B. refrain  

C. stop  

D. keep yourself


17. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of ( ) can boost sales of video clips very nicely.

A. self-deprecation  

B. congeniality  

C. cynicism  

D. embarrassment

18. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ( ) on other forms.

A. segregated  

B. parallel  

C. dependent  

D. mimicked

19. The sale of Alaska was not so much an American coup as a matter of exigency for an imperial Russia that was short of cash and unable to ( ) its own continental coastline.

A. fortify  

B. maintain  

C. defend  

D. reinforce


20. Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to ( ) them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.

A. recognize  

B. trample  

C. retrieve  

D. approach


1. D [解析]名词辨析。accomplice同谋者,帮凶。confederate同盟者,同盟国;adversary敌手,对手;betrayer叛徒,背叛者。[译文]由于他提供凶器给罪犯,因此以杀人罪共犯的身份被逮捕。

2. C [解析]近义词辨析。assent,consent,accede三个词都有“同意’的意思,都可以用作v. + to+ sth. 但意义略有不同。assent侧重于同意的结果是经过深思熟虑的;accede指一个人或一组人由于另一方的坚持而做了让步,consent指自愿地默认另一个人的建议或愿望,如:Her parents refused to consent to her marriage.她的父母拒绝默许她的婚姻。C项最符合题意。dissent不同意。[译文]如果我同意此次的勒索的要求,恐怕我就会成为将来更多勒索的牺牲者。

3. A [解析]近义词辨析。虽然embark,initiate,begin三个词都含有“开始”的意思,但其中只有embark必须和on构成固定搭配表示“开始”。

4. C [解析]固定用法。be prone to易...的;倾向于...的,如:She is prone to colds. 她易患感冒。intend和incline都为动词,intend to do打算,想要做...;cline to倾向于,趋于,如:I incline to fatness. 我有些发胖。be about to do将要,决定做...。

5. B [解析]动词辨析。obviate消除,排除。necessitate成为必要;entail使必需,使承担;protract延长。 

6. C [解析]动词辨析。bestow与on搭配使用表示“作为礼物或荣誉赠与;授予”;infer推断;present介绍,引见,赠送;attach系上,贴上。

7. C [解析]固定搭配。from the horse's mouth表示从知情者本人那儿直接得到消息。[译文]告诉你,我知道琳达肯定会被提拔为经理,这个消息是老板亲口告诉我的,所以绝对可靠。

8. A [解析]动词辨析。equivocate通常为不及物动词,表示“支吾,含糊其辞”;suspend延缓,但因为suspend a weakening of federal power,不可能会引起anarchy(无政府主义状态),所以,从逻辑意义上说,suspend不对。declare同样也不一定会引起anarchy。effect意为“实行,执行”,所以本题的正确答案为A。[译文]对联邦政府的权利进行削弱是完全可以接受的,但对此要谨慎小心,以免引起无政府状态,带来不良后果。 

9. D [解析]形容词辨析。insincere虚假的。由句子的前半部分得知,He must have considered her statements to be truthful. 由于refuse to consider含有否定的意义,因此应该填candid(无偏见的,坦白的)的反义词。irrelevant不相关的,不切题的;facetious幽默的,滑稽的;mistaken犯错的,错误的。

10. A [解析]固定搭配。of no avail无用。


11. C [解析]近义词辨析。animate鼓舞;incline使倾斜使倾向于。辨析:incite和instigate都可用作v. + sb. + to do sth. 表示‘煽动”。但incite侧重于煽动起行动的愿望;instigate指构思或鼓励通常是罪恶或不合法的行动计划的实施,如:instigating a prison riot煽动狱内犯人暴乱。根据前半句Playing on strong national feelings可得知,incite最符合题意。


12. A [解析]固定搭配。stumble on/across偶然发现。


13. B [解析]固定用法。exchange sth. for sth. 交换。interchange(多人)相互交换;replace sth./sb. by/with替换,代替;convert使改变。


14. D [解析]近义词辨析。reject拒绝,抵制,驳回。yield生长,出产;abandon放弃,遗弃;renounce断绝关系。


15. A [解析]近义词辨析。acknowledge表示承认,(以问候语、微笑、点头等)表示认识(某人),向(某人)打招呼。confess承认,通常指揭露对某人不利或有损坏的事,如:I have to confess that I lied to you. 我得向你承认我向你撒了谎。assent同意,赞同;attribute与to连用,表示“归因于”。

16. B [解析]近义词辨析。refrain from doing sth. 忍耐,节制,自制以避免。avoid sth./doing sth. 避免,消除;stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人(做某事),妨碍;keep sb./sth. from doing sth. 阻止,防止,阻碍。


17. A [解析]名词辨析。self-deprecation自嘲。congeniality同精神,同性质;cynicism犬儒主义,玩世不恭;embarrassment困窘,阻碍。根据题意,应选与laugh at themselves同义的,所以选A。


18. C [解析]动词辨析。既然没有生物可以孤立地生存(no solitary, free-living creatures)也就是说必须依赖他人(dependent on others)。segregate使分开,使隔离;mimick模仿,模拟;parallel相应,平行。


19. D [解析]动词辨析。reinforce加强,增援,修补。fortify增强(体力,结构等),增加;maintain维持,维修;defend防护辩护,防卫。[译文] Alaska的出卖,与其说是美国所施妙计的成功,不如说是因资金短缺、连自已本土海岸线都无法防卫的俄罗斯帝国采取的权益之计。


20. A [解析]动词辨析。recognize 认可,承认。trample踩踏,轻视;retrieve重新得到;approach接近,动手处理。










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