

M君 MTI资料与资讯 2022-10-02




Day Day Up

1. The explanation given by the manager yesterday was not at all ( ) to us.

A. satisfy 

B. satisfied 

C. satisfactory 

D. satisfying

2. Part of the funds will be used to ( ) that old library to its original splendor.

A. rest 

B. recover 

C. replace 

D. restore


3. This silk has gone right ( ) and we have not sold a single piece of it for weeks.

A. out of fad 

B. out of pattern 

C. out of custom 

D. out of fashion


4. The new Personal Digital Assistance contained a large ( ) of information about an individual life.

A. deal 

B. amount 

C. number 

D. account


5. Primitive superstitions that feed racism should be ( ) through education.

A. ignored 

B. exalted 

C. eradicated 

D. canceled


6. ( ) pollution control measures are expensive, many local governments hesitate to adopt them.

A. Although 

B. However 

C. Because 

D. Morever


7. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ( ) to the body.

A. the stress it is greater 

B. greater is the stress 

C. greater stress is 

D. the greater the stress


8. Annie Jump Cannon, ( ) discovered so many stars that she was called "the census taker of the sky".

A. a leading astronomer,

B. who, as a leading astronomer, 

C. was a leading astronomer, 

D. a leading astronomer who


9. Kingdom of Wonders, ( ) in 1995 in Fremont, Calif., became an industry legend for two toys: a talking bear and a ray-gun game.

A. find 

B. found 

C. founded 

D. founding


10. Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event ( ) is equal to the probability that it will not occur.

A. occurring 

B. to occur 

C. occurs 

D. occur 

11. Only one-fifth of Americans saw oil as the chief reason that the U.S. made a war on Iraq, but 75 percent of the French and of the Russians believed ( ).

A. to

B. so

C. go

D. do

12. Sadly, while the academic industry thrives, the practice of translation continues to ( ).

A. stack 

B. stage 

C. stagnate

D. stamp

13. Your blunt treatment of disputes would put other people in a negative frame of ( ), with the result that they would not be able to accept your proposal.

A. mind

B. idea

C. intention

D. wish

14. If you are an energetic person with strong views as to the right way of doing things, you find yourself ( ) under pressures.

A. variably

B. invariably 

C. invaluably

D. invalidly

15. Uncle Vemon, quite unlike Harry Potter who looked nothing like the rest of the family, was large, very fat, and ( ), with an enormous black mustache.

A. neck-less  

B. neck-lace  

C. reckdess  

D. rack-less

16. Home to ( ) and gangsters, officials and laborers, refugees and artists, the city was, in its prime, a metropolis that exhibited all the hues of the human character.

A. magnates

B. magnets

C. machine

D. magnitudes

17. His ( ) behavior made everyone nervous. He was always rushing to open doors and performing other small tasks, apologizing unnecessarily for any inconvenience that he might have caused.

A. oblivious  

B. observant  

C. obsequious  

D. obsolescent

18. He was completely ( ) by her tale of hardship.

A. taken away 

B. taken down

C. taken in

D. taken up

19. Americans who consider themselves ( ) in the traditional sense do not usualy hesitate to heap criticism in domestic matters over what they believe is oppressive or wasteful.

A. pedestrian

B. penchant

C. patriarch

D. patriotic

20. As technological advances put more and more time between early school life and the young person's final access to specialized work, the stage of  ( ) becomes an even more marked and conscious period.

A. adolescence

B. adjacency

C. advantage

D. adventure


1. C  [解析]同根词辨析。satisfactory(事物)令人满意的,符合要求的,侧重于性质状态方面的描写。satisfying 令人满足的,与satisfied 相对。比较: The boy's intelligence is satisfactory for his age./It is satisfying to do the job I love.


2. D [解析]近义词辨析。restore修复,使复原,常与to搭配,如:restore sb. to life使某人苏醒过来,restore sb. to his old post使某人复职。recover 恢复,痊愈,找回;replace替代。


3. D [解析]固定搭配。out of fashion过时了,不流行了。


4. B [解析]近义词辨析。amount量,数量。常用表达:a large amount of;deal量,数量。常用搭配:a great deal of/a good deal of;number数,数量,修饰可数名词;account计算,账目,说明。


5. C [解析]近义词辨析。eradicate根除。ignore 不理睬,忽视;exalt颂扬,提升;cancel取消,删去。[译文]滋生种族主义的原始迷信应该通过教育来根除。

6. C [解析]从属连词的用法。逻辑上前后是因果关系。


7. D [解析]the more...the more...句型。the连接两个形容词或副词的比较级,表示越...越...句中the stress后面省略了is。[译文]地表面对运动员的体重弹性越小,运动员身体所承受的反作用力就越大。

8. A [解析]句子结构。a leading astonomer作同位语,句子中discovered作谓语,that引导结果状语从句。


9. C [解析]形近词辨析。founded是动词found“建立,创建”的过去式; ;found是find“找到,发现”的过去式。


10. A [解析]非谓语动词用法。the probability of doing something, an event作occuring的逻辑主语。也可以是the probability of an event's occuring。[译文]大量试验证明某一事件发生的概率为50%。


11. B [解析]省略与替代。so代词,这样,像早已指出或确定的那样,常用作say, call, speak, tell, think, hope, expect, suppose, imagine, fear, hear, do等动词的宾语,如:I think so. 我想是这样。Well, I told you so, didn't I? 我不正是对你这样说的吗?


12. C [解析]形近词辨析。stagnate 停滞不前。stack堆叠;stage上演,筹备,举行;stamp跺(脚),压印。[译文]遗憾的是学术界在蓬勃发展,然而翻译方面却仍是停滞不前。

13. A [解析]固定搭配。frame of mind心情,心境。[译文]你对争议的生硬态度使其他人反感,这样他们就不会接受你的提议。


14. B [解析]形近词辨析。invariably 总是,不变地。variably易变地,不定地;invaluably非常贵重的,无法评价的;invalidly无用地,无价值地。


15. A [解析]形近词辨析。这里是在描述一个男性的相貌,所以应选A. neck-less没有脖子的。


16. A [解析]形近词辨析。magnate大资本家,巨头,富豪。magnet磁体,有吸引力的人、地方或东西;machine机器;magnitude数量,广大。[译文]作为巨富、歹徒、官员、工人、逃亡者以及艺术家的家园,这座城市是一个展示形形色色的人物的大都会。


17. C [解析]形近词辨析。obsequious 谄媚的,奉承的,拍马屁的。oblivious 健忘的;observant严格遵守的,观察敏锐的;obsolescent荒废的。


18. C [解析]动词搭配辨析。take in欺骗,理解,吸收。take away拿走;take down记下,拆卸;take up拿起,开始从事。


19. D [解析]形近词辨析。pataiotic 爱国的。pedestian 步行者;penchant(强烈的)倾向,趣味;patriarch家长,族长,创办者。[译文]认为自己在传统意义上很爱国的美国人对于国内一些他们认为是压迫的或浪费的事情一般会毫不犹豫地去批评。

20. A [解析]形近词辨析。adolescence青春期。adjacency接近,毗邻;advantage优势;adventure冒险,历险。









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