

北京策马翻译 MTI资料与资讯 2022-10-02





Xinhua News Agency: The year 2018 marked the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up, putting China's reform at a new starting point. There have been new hopes, both at home and abroad, for China to accelerate its reform agenda. What concrete actions will be taken to deepen reform this year? What specific measures will be adopted to improve China's business environment?



The year 2018 marked the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up, putting China's reform at a new starting point


▪ put 

CHANGE SB'S SITUATION/FEELINGS 改变某人的境况/情绪;to change someone's situation or the way they feel改变〔某人〕的状况:

•Pit closures have put thousands of miners out of a job (=made them lose their job).煤矿关闭使成千上万的矿工失去了工作。

•put sb in control/command/charge etc (=give someone authority over a group, activity, or organization)让某人掌舵/指挥/负责等

•A knee injury put him out of action for three months.膝盖受伤使他三个月不能行动。


Premier Li: Through 40 years of reform and opening-up, China has made remarkable achievements, delivering benefits to its entire population. We intend to stay on this path and will pursue our reform at greater depth and breadth. We will continue to develop our socialist market economy, and pursue market-oriented reforms.


惠及了亿万中国人民:delivering benefits to its entire population

◾ 这条路我们会继续走下去,而且应该越走越深入、越宽广。

We intend to stay on this path and will pursue our reform at greater depth and breadth

◾ 社会主义市场经济:socialist market economy

◾ 市场化改革方向:market-oriented reforms


The government will continue to move forward these reforms in accordance with market principles and the law, to ensure that concrete outcomes will be delivered through specific actions. In carrying out reform, the government must create an enabling environment for the market to play its decisive role in allocating resources. The job of the government is not to direct what the market should or should not do, but to do its best to energize all market players. During this year's "Two Sessions", I have heard the hope expressed by many NPC deputies and CPPCC members for a better business environment in China. They told me that if there is a more enabling business environment and a level playing field, the market will be in a stronger position to play its role. Over the years, through the reform of government functions, we have made substantial progress in improving our business environment. This has also been evidenced by the fact that China's global ranking in terms of ease of doing business run by an important international organization moved up by over 30 spots last year. There has been improvement, but we are still falling short in some respects. We must listen closely to the views expressed by market players and do our level best to foster a better business environment to unlock market vitality and creativity of the people.


◾ 市场化、法治化的改革: reforms in accordance with market principles and the law

◾ 更好地让市场在配置资源中发挥决定性作用: create an enabling environment for the market to play its decisive role in allocating resources

◾ 要把市场的活力激发出来: to energize all market players


▪ energize 

VERB 动词 使充满活力;使精力充沛 To energize someone means to give them the enthusiasm and determination to do something.

•He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation...他帮助激励和动员了全国数百万人。

•I am completely energized and feeling terrific.我充满了活力,感觉非常好。


When improving the business environment, efforts will be made in both deregulation and oversight. By deregulation, we will ensure that companies of all types of ownership will stand to benefit as equals from our measures of administrative streamlining, including cutting the time required for companies to get business license or other required licenses and permits. There should be no discriminatory practices. For example, through years of efforts, we have cut the time required to get a business license from 22 days to 8.5 days. This year, our goal is to further cut it to five days, and in some places with better conditions, maybe three days. It only takes one day to get a business license in some developed countries. When I visited some local areas, I heard complaints from business owners, telling me that even with a business license, they still face a myriad of requirements for other types of permits, that is, their companies can be up but not actually running. We plan to ensure that except for those areas involving public safety and security and other special sectors, a business license should be enough for a company to be up and running. For government departments, their job should be focused on enhancing compliance oversight, to see what permits are required, and ban non-compliant and disqualified companies from the market.


◾ 改善营商环境,还是要放管结合、放管并重。

When improving the business environment, efforts will be made in both deregulation and oversight.

◾ 拿到营业执照以后还需要很多证,这是所谓“准入不准营”:even with a business license, they still face a myriad of requirements for other types of permits, that is, their companies can be up but not actually running. 

◾ 特种行业:special sectors

◾ 拿到营业执照以后就可以正常经营:a business license should be enough for a company to be up and running.

◾事中事后监管:compliance oversight

◾不符合资质条件的,该逐出市场就逐出市场:ban non-compliant and disqualified companies from the market


▪ compliance   / kəmˈplaɪəns ; kəmˈplaɪəns /noun Uformal

when someone obeys a rule, agreement, or demand〔对规则、协议或要求的〕服从,听从,遵守;⇒comply:
in compliance with sth

•He changed his name to Lee in 1815 in compliance with his uncle's will.1815 年他遵照舅父遗嘱上的要求,改姓李。

•Patients should have a history of good compliance with treatment.病人必须有积极配合治疗的记录。

ensure / secure / enforce compliance

•The staff involved should be monitored to ensure compliance with the policy.应该监督有关员工,确保他们遵守这一规定。


With lower market thresholds, there must be tightened oversight. There should be fair access to market and impartial regulation. With laxity in regulation on the part of government, malpractices such as cheating and manipulation, infringements of intellectual property, making and selling of fake or substandard goods, or payment arrears, may be left unchecked. I have heard complaints from CPPCC members during this year's "Two Sessions" about difficulties in seeking legal redress and getting debts repaid due to inadequate oversight. We must make the rules open and transparent, so that market players are fully aware of the dos and don'ts. We must not exercise selective or arbitrary regulation. We must put in place effective institutional arrangements for both deregulation and oversight.


◾ 宽进就要严管。

with lower market thresholds, there must be tightened oversight.

◾ 公平的准入,公正的监管,这是鸟之两翼,不可偏废。There should be fair access to market and impartial regulation.

◾ 如果我们监管不到位,那些坑蒙拐骗、侵犯知识产权、假冒伪劣、恶意拖欠款项的行为就有可能肆意妄为。

With laxity in regulation on the part of government, malpractices such as cheating and manipulation, infringements of intellectual propertymaking and selling of fake or substandard goods, or payment arrears, may be left unchecked.

◾ 这次“两会”上我听到一些政协委员反映,他们遇到的是打官司难、讨债难,政府的监管不到位。

I have heard complaints from CPPCC members during this year's "Two Sessions" about difficulties in seeking legal redress and getting debts repaid due to inadequate oversight. 

◾ 监管要把规则公开透明,让被监管者知道自己该做什么、不该做什么。

We must make the rules open and transparent, so that market players are fully aware of the dos and don'ts. 

◾ 监管不能搞选择性监管、任性监管。要形成一种放和管结合的有效的制度性安排

We must not exercise selective or arbitrary regulation. We must put in place effective institutional arrangements for both deregulation and oversight.


▪ threshold 门口,门槛:

lax / læks ; læks /adjective

不严格的,疏忽的; 松散的; SYNslack

lax in (doing) sth

The company has been lax in carrying out its duties.公司没有严格履行义务。

lax security 松懈的保安措施


/mælˈpræktɪs ; ˌmælˈpræktəs /noun C,Ulaw 玩忽职守,渎职:

Her doctor was found guilty of malpractice.她的医生被发现犯有渎职罪。

▪ arrears / əˈrɪrz ; əˈrɪəz /noun pl.

be in arrears if someone is in arrears, or if their payments are in arrears, they are late in paying something that they should pay regularly, such as rent 拖欠:

•Many people are in arrears with their rent.许多人拖欠房租。

•The rent money is two months in arrears.租金已经拖欠了两个月。

fall / get into arrears ( = become late with payments )拖欠
②money that you owe someone because you have not made regular payments at the correct time逾期欠款:

•We've got 3 months arrears to pay.我们有 3 个月的欠账未付。

rent / mortgage / tax arrears

•He was ordered to pay rent arrears of £550.他被勒令支付拖欠的 550 英镑租金。

③paid in arrears BrEif your salary is paid in arrears, it is paid at the end of the period you have worked…之后付款:

•a salary paid monthly in arrears每月后行支付的薪金

▪ redress / ˈridrɛs ; rɪˈdres /noun U formal

 money that someone pays you because they have caused you harm or damaged your property〔对伤害或财产损坏的〕赔偿; SYN compensation

•The only hope of redress is in a lawsuit.获得赔偿的唯一希望就是打官司。


It can be said that the tax and fee cuts, together with administrative streamlining and impartial regulation, are two very important parts of our measures to counter the downward economic pressure and boost market vitality. The purpose is to ensure steady and sustained growth of the Chinese economy, and make it full of vigor and vitality.


 公平监管:impartial regulation

◾  激发市场活力:boost market vitality

◾  简政:administrative streamlining

◾  目的是让中国经济行稳致远,而且活力四射:

The purpose is to ensure steady and sustained growth of the Chinese economy, and make it full of vigor and vitality.


▪ impartial / ɪmˈpɑrʃəl ; ɪmˈpɑːʃəl /adj

not involved in a particular situation, and therefore able to give a fair opinion or piece of advice不偏不倚的,公正的;

SYNfair; ANTbiased

•We offer impartial advice on tax and insurance.我们就税收和保险问题提供公正的建议。

•an impartial observer不带偏见的观察家








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