

xueshan199 科研共进社 2021-12-21


1. 为什么要讲故事?



What makes a good publication? :从文章结构开始谈起

2. 怎样讲好一个故事?

有人会说,论文又不是记叙文,哪有什么情节,故事呀!但如果大家仔细类比的话, 其实议论文完全可以参考戏剧的经典结构(三幕剧结构)来创作。具体而言包括以下三个部分:


1. 第一幕——交代(开端),让观众参与到角色和故事中。

2. 第二幕——危机(对抗),保持和增强其对故事的情感投入。

3. 第三幕——高潮(结局),把观众带入令人满意的的结局。


1. 第一幕——交代课题背景,让读者先了解你的研究领域

2. 第二幕——制造危机,让读者明白该研究领域的难点

3. 第三幕——交代论文的核心发现,阐明你论文的重要价值以及对该领域的重要意义

戏剧主要是情节在发展,而论文则是逻辑在发展。在Introduction里面讲故事,最重要的就是要把握好逻辑的三个层次。1)课题背景的介绍既不能太泛,也不能太窄,太泛的话很难收缩到一个点,论文空洞不紧凑;太窄的话受众范围小。2)逻辑发展最重要的一步是制造危机,也就是说要从背景中提炼出一个与论文研究亮点非常契合,又极具重要性的研究难点(这是过去的研究所没有解决的又非常重要的一个点)。这里的转折很重要,转折不能太急,痕迹太明显的话,逻辑就不顺畅,不能给读者一气呵成的感觉,也就容易让读者“出戏”,从而无法认同论文的逻辑。3)从危机到解决危机(高潮),最重要的是要体现论文中和以前的研究最核心的区别,也就是说为什么你能而以前的论文不能, 凭什么?


今天的实例论文出自厦门大学郑南峰老师/傅钢课题组(Science, 2016, 352, 797-800),论文的标题为“Photochemical route for synthesizing atomically dispersed palladium catalysts”。这篇论文的introduction部分可以很好地套用三幕剧的结构进行分析,下面结合实例来说明Introduction的三幕剧结构是什么样的、其逻辑如何发展以及有何设计技巧。


从论文的标题也可以看出来,这篇论文的核心在于“单原子催化剂的制备方法”。因此,作者在introduction部分也着重强调了这两个方面:1. 单原子(第一段);2. 制备方法(第二段)。这样的研究背景与论文的研究亮点非常契合,先介绍单原子催化剂的优势,达到科普的作用(“起”);然后将背景介绍的口子收缩,集中到制备方法这个点(“承”),再顺势提出现阶段单原子催化制备的核心挑战——负载量低、反应机理不明确(“转”)。Introduction的最后(第三段)交代了论文的核心发现,本文在研究难点上做了什么,达到了什么程度等等(“合”)。通篇读下来,起承转合的行文逻辑非常顺畅,很有感染力,很容易让读者跟着思路走。


Atomically dispersed catalysts with mono-nuclear metal complexes or single metal atoms anchored on supports have recently attracted increasing research attention. With 100% metal dispersity, atomically dispersed catalysts offer the maximum atom efficiency, providing the most ideal strategy to create cost-effective catalysts, particularly those based on Earth-scarce metals such as Pt, Au, Pd, and Ir. Moreover, the uniform active sites of atomically dispersed catalysts make them a model system to understand heterogeneous catalysis at the molecular level, bridging the gap between heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis.



During the past decade, several strategies for atomically dispersing metal sites on catalyst supports have emerged; these include lowering the loading amount of metal components, enhancing the metal-support interactions, and using voids in supports or vacancy defects on supports. In most cases, the supports for atomically dispersed catalysts are deliberately chosen. Zeolites provide effective voids to anchor individual metal atoms therein and prevent them from sintering during catalysis. Defects on reducible oxides (e.g., TiO2 and CeO2) and on graphene or C3N4 help to stabilize atomically dispersed metal atoms on supports. Coordinatively unsaturated Al3+ ions on g-Al2O3 act as binding centers to maintain the high dispersion of Pt atoms, but Pt rafts form as the loading amount of Pt increases. Currently, two major challenges remain in the field of atomically dispersed catalysts: (i) to ensure a loading content high enough for practical applications while maintaining the metal centers as individual sites under catalytic conditions, and (ii) to address whether atomically dispersed catalysts offer distinct active sites and/or undergo catalytic pathways different from those of conventional metal catalysts。

第二段集中体现了如何从背景中提炼研究难点。第一句话,先将口子从“单原子催化剂”这个面收缩到“单原子催化剂制备”这个点;然后第二句话紧接着就指出了”support“的重要性(因为本文实现高负载量单原子的核心就在于EG-TiO2载体)。仔细分析我们会发现作者在介绍Support作用的时候也是非常有讲究的。前几句话中只提到了support的作用,而在介绍support的最后一句话中Coordinatively unsaturated Al3+ ions on g-Al2O3 act as binding centers to maintain the high dispersion of Pt atoms, but Pt rafts form as the loading amount of Pt increases,作者提到了loading amount这个重要的概念。这为下面提出研究难点(two major challenges)做好了铺垫。



We report a room-temperature photochemical strategy to fabricate a highly stable, atomically dispersed Pd catalyst (Pd1/TiO2) on ultrathin TiO2 nanosheets with Pd loading up to 1.5%. Ultraviolet (UV) light–induced formation of ethylene glycolate (EG) radicals on TiO2 nanosheets was shown to be critical for preparing Pd1/TiO2. With abundant Pd-O interfaces, Pd1/TiO2 activates H2 in a heterolytic pathway distinct from the homolytic pathway on conventional Pd heterogeneous catalysts. The Pd1/TiO2 catalyst exhibits extremely high catalytic activities and stabilities in hydrogenation of C=C and C=O. A turnover frequency (TOF) greater than that of surface Pd atoms on commercial Pd catalysts by a factor of >55 was demonstrated on Pd1/TiO2 in the hydrogenation of aldehyde at room temperature, and no decay in the catalytic activity was observed during catalysis.

Introduction第三段介绍本文核心发现,与研究难点一一对应,从逻辑上非常完备。1)突破负载量限制——1.5wt%; 2)为什么能实现高负载量?UV light–inducedformation of ethylene glycolate (EG) radicals;3)明确了催化反应机理—— activates H2 in a heterolytic pathway; 4)催化活性有何突出之处?by a factor of >55;at room temperature;no decay 。



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 SCI论文写作的三重境界 | What makes a good publication? :从文章结构开始谈起 | 题好一半文:Science, Nature的论文标题是什么样子的?|  好话不说第二遍:论文写作中的重述语意  | 写论文一定要有提纲 |  SCI论文写作之Experimental section(一) (二) | SCI论文写作之Results & Discussion(一) | SCI论文写作之Results & Discussion(二):句与句之间的逻辑! |  SCI论文写作之Results & Discussion(三):段与段之间的逻辑! | SCI论文写作之Results & Discussion结构设计 | SCI 论文写作之Introduction (一):如何写好Article中的Introduction?


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