
【期刊】目录 | PARTICUOLOGY Volume 57 | 颗粒学报

蔻享学术 2022-07-02

以下文章来源于颗粒学报 ,作者颗粒学报编辑部


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Volume 57

August 2021

Invited review Volume 57, Pages 56–71

Advanced electrode processing of lithium ion batteries: A review of powder technology in battery fabrication (Open Access)

He Liu, Xinbing Cheng, Yan Chong, Hong Yuan, Jia-Qi HuangQiang Zhang

万字长文!清华张强&北理工黄佳琦从颗粒角度解读锂离子电池电极制备技术👈 👈 👈 点击查看文章内容导读

Invited Article Volume 57, Pages 104–111

Lanthanum-doped α-Ni(OH)2 1D-2D-3D hierarchical nanostructures for robust bifunctional electro-oxidation (Open Access)

Zimeng Wei, Wenbin Sun, Shanshan Liu, Jindi Qi, Luyao Kang, Jiechen Li, Shanshan Lou, Junfeng Xie, Bo Tang, Yi Xie

Article Volume 57, Pages 1–9

Effects of coefficient of friction and coefficient of restitution on static packing characteristics of polydisperse spherical pebble bed 

Jian Wang, Mingzhun Lei, Hao Yang, Kun Xu, Shuling Xu, Pinghui Zhao, Yuntao Song

Article Volume 57, Pages 10–18

Synthesizing molecularly imprinted polymer beads for the purification of vitamin E

Youhong Zhang, Yinpei Zhu, Leslie S. Loo, Jianguo Yin, Kean Wang

Article Volume 57, Pages 19–27

Ultrasound-triggered directional release from turmeric capsules

Tomasz Kubiak, Maja Zubko, Arkadiusz Józefczak

Article Volume 57, Pages 28–44

Research progress on the cleaning and regeneration of PM2.5 filter media

Shunjie Wu, Rongrong Cai, Lizhi Zhang

Article Volume 57, Pages 45–55

Flow-field analysis of a continuous gas–solid separation fluidized bed equipped with a moving scraper

Bo Lv, Xiaowei Deng, Chaojun Fang, Xiangnan Zhu

Article Volume 57, Pages 72–81

Growth-controlled synthesis of polymer-coated colloidal-gold nanoparticles using electrospray-based chemical reduction

Mohamed Hasaan Hussain, Noor Fitrah Abu Bakar, Kim-Fatt Low, Ana Najwa Mustapa, Fatmawati Adam, Mohd Nazli Naim, I. Wuled Lenggoro

Article Volume 57, Pages 82–94

Particulate aggregation through a modulated annular one-dimensional acoustic field at resonant frequencies

Zhenghui Qiao, Xiaojun Pan, Shaohua Liang, Xiaolong Bi, Juan Wang, Wei Xie, Kang Wang, Yanwen Wang, Jun Fang, Xuefei Zhu, Shaoxin Sun, Shaohui Li

Article Volume 57, Pages 95–103

Synthesis of TiCl2 powders through reactive gas phase infiltration in a fluidized bed reactor

Miao Song, Yafeng Yang, Hongdan Zhao, Maoqiao XiangQingshan Zhu, Jibin Jia, Chaoquan Hu, Fen Yue

Article Volume 57, Pages 112–126

CFD–DEM–VDGM method for simulation of particle fluidization behavior in multi-ring inclined-hole spouted fluidized bed

Meng Chen, Zhao Chen, Ming Gong, Yaping Tang, Malin Liu

Article Volume 57, Pages 127–138

Drag coefficient and volume fraction of bubbles in a supercritical water fluidized bed

 Hao Wang, Youjun Lu

Article Volume 57, Pages 139–145

Three-dimensional architectures based on carbon nanotube bridged Ti2MXene nanosheets for Li–S batteries

Qinhua Gu, Ming Lu, Junnan Chen, Yujie Qi, Bingsen Zhang

Article Volume 57, Pages 146–156

Large-scale transportation and storage of wood pellets: Investigation of the change in physical properties

Hamid Gilvari, Coen H.H. van Battum, Simon A. van Dijk, Wiebren de Jong, Dingena L. Schott

Article Volume 57, Pages 157–166

Evaluation of granule structure and strength properties of green packed beds in iron ore sintering using high-resolution X-ray tomography and uniaxial compression testing

Mingxi Zhou, Hao Zhou

Article Volume 57, Pages 167–175

Turbulent mass transfer model for simulating protein desorption in liquid–solid circulating fluidized bed risers

Panfeng Ren, Yawen Zhang, Wenbin Li, Kuotsung Yu

Article Volume 57, Pages 176–186

Improved filtered mesoscale interphase heat transfer model

Yu Li, Yaxiong Yu, Chi Zhang, Zheqing Huang, Qiang Zhou

Article Volume 57, Pages 187–200

Gas–solid flow in a diffuser: Effect of inter-particle and particle–wall collisions

Santosh Kumar Senapati, Sukanta K. Dash

Article Volume 57, Pages 201–213

Numerical solution of particle size distribution equation: Rapid expansion of supercritical solution (RESS) process

Hamidreza  Bagheri, Hassan Hashemipour, Vahab Ghalandari, Sattar Ghader

Article Volume 57, Pages 214–222

Shear-induced particle segregation in binary mixtures: Verification of a percolation theory

Monica Tirapelle, Silvia Volpato, Andrea C. Santomaso


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颗粒写作 | 科技论文中符号的正斜体使用规则

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# 颗粒视界 | 孙世刚院士:电催化表面结构效应

颗粒视界 | 电化学界面:从传统到现代



Particuology(《颗粒学报》)2020年度影响因子3.067, 五年影响因子3.387,已连续十一年在SCI化工类期刊中位列Q2区,是颗粒学领域三大期刊之一。同时,《颗粒学报》始终坚持以创精品与国际化为办刊方针,多年来一直保持60%国际稿源,70%国际审稿,作者来自中国、美国、德国、英国、澳大利亚等20多个国家,读者遍布全球100多个国家,并连续九年被评为“中国最具国际影响力期刊”称号。



Particuology(《颗粒学报》)2019年度影响因子2.787, 五年影响因子3.111,已连续十年分别在SCI化工类及材料综合类期刊中位列Q2区,是颗粒学领域三大期刊之一。同时,《颗粒学报》始终坚持以创精品与国际化为办刊方针,多年来一直保持60%国际稿源,70%国际审稿,作者来自中国、美国、德国、英国、澳大利亚等20多个国家,读者遍布全球100多个国家,并连续九年被评为“中国最具国际影响力期刊”称号。



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