
正在展出 | 里森纽约 | 「Controlled Burnings」: 席勒、莱瑟姆、史尼曼

里森画廊 Lisson里森画廊

Installation view of 'Controlled Burnings: Hiller, Latham, Schneemann' at Lisson Gallery, New York, 4 May - 10 June 2023 © Lisson Gallery. Photography by Mark Waldhauser

本次展览汇集了三位艺术家的作品——苏珊·席勒 (Susan Hiller)、约翰·莱瑟姆 (John Latham) 和卡洛莉·史尼曼 (Carolee Schneemann)。在1960年代末和1970年代初,他们曾在伦敦短暂交汇。将这三位艺术家的作品在同一展览中呈现不仅代表了一种隐喻性的思想碰撞,也指明了他们共有的艺术语言——对材料和观念的实验、以及对艺术的去物质化。他们的创作都对绘画和雕塑的媒介提出了诘问、进行解构,并挖掘作品在表演、仪式和身体领域的潜能。

群展「Controlled Burnings」

纽约空间 508 W 24th Street


Installation view of 'Controlled Burnings: Hiller, Latham, Schneemann' at Lisson Gallery, New York, 4 May - 10 June 2023 © Lisson Gallery. Photography by Mark Waldhauser

火是展览的核心主题,莱瑟姆和史尼曼都曾用火燃烧各自的作品——莱瑟姆的《Skoob》(“Books”倒过来拼写) 系列是一些被烧过的书籍;史尼曼的盒子系列《Controlled Burnings》也被火焰轻轻灼烧过席勒的《Relics》系列则是她所画作焚烧后储存在玻璃瓶中的灰烬, 展览中的《Hand Grenades》(1972) 正是此系列的作品之一。如果说绘画是这三位艺术家实践的众多起点之一,那么他们对火焰、唾液、胶水、暴力、梦境等非寻常元素的使用,则最终令他们被归为一类——新兴、另类、不羁的国际艺坛先锋。

Installation view of 'Controlled Burnings: Hiller, Latham, Schneemann' at Lisson Gallery, New York, 4 May - 10 June 2023 © Lisson Gallery. Photography by Mark Waldhauser


Installation view of 'Controlled Burnings: Hiller, Latham, Schneemann' at Lisson Gallery, New York, 4 May - 10 June 2023 © Lisson Gallery. Photography by Mark Waldhauser


Installation view of 'Controlled Burnings: Hiller, Latham, Schneemann' at Lisson Gallery, New York, 4 May - 10 June 2023 © Lisson Gallery. Photography by Mark Waldhauser

在来到伦敦之前,史尼曼试图创作不基于画布和墙面呈现的作品。例如,《One Window is Clear》(1965) 中倾泻到地板上的录音磁带让人联想起一个不能被播放的音频。同时期逐渐深入涉猎表演和舞蹈领域,她还创作了《Controlled Burning》(1962),旨在向伊冯娜·雷纳 (Yvonne Rainer) 致敬。雷纳曾参演史尼曼于纽约 Living Theater 上演的第一件作品《Glass Environment for Sound and Motion》,她随后也参与了史尼曼多部于 Judson  Dance Theater 的表演。1964年,史尼曼首次前往伦敦,上演了她闻名遐迩且饱受争议的表演《Meat Joy》。五年后她回到伦敦,度过了一段颇长的创作高峰。

John Latham, Burning of "Skoob Tower", May 31, 1996, Mattress Factory © The John Latham Foundation. Courtesy The John Latham Foundation and Lisson Gallery

莱瑟姆在同时期的创作是他职业生涯中最具开创性的。1964至1968年期间,他在法院大楼、大英博物馆,及艺术团体“Destruction in Art Symposium”1966年的“毁坏”事件中,呈现他的作品《Skoob Tower Ceremonies》——将堆成三米高的书塔焚烧直至倒塌。同年,他还完成了《Spit and Chew》——他与学生咀嚼克莱门特·格林伯格 (Clement Greenberg) 著作的《艺术与文化》书页,并将残渣发酵一年,他也因此被开除教职。

Installation view of 'Controlled Burnings: Hiller, Latham, Schneemann' at Lisson Gallery, New York, 4 May - 10 June 2023 © Lisson Gallery. Photography by Mark Waldhauser

受到激浪派深刻影响的席勒,比激浪派艺术家史尼曼早一年左右从美国搬到了伦敦,加入了一群勇于发声的艺术家群体,她们专注女权议题、表演,代表和团结女性。1960年代伦敦的许多创新性空间为这种热切的协作讨论和实践氛围提供了场所,比如 Gallery House (现为歌德学院)、Art Meeting Place,以及史尼曼在1969年抵达伦敦后曾短暂居住过的 Arts Lab,还有一些独立空间,例如昙花一现却影响深远的 Signals 画廊,里森画廊也在同时期成立。自1970年起,莱瑟姆便在里森画廊展出作品,史尼曼也在那里结识了她的伴侣——艺术家安东尼·麦考尔 (Anthony McCall)。


Carolee Schneemann, Gift Science, 1965, paint, slides, mirrors, lights, and bird constructed in a wooden box, 104.8 x 39.4 x 12.7 cm, 41 1/4 x 15 1/2 x 5 in © Carolee Schneemann. Courtesy Lisson Gallery

Carolee Schneemann, For Yvonne Rainer’s Ordinary Dance (from the Fire Series), 1962, Burnt wooden box, glass, mirrors, paint, 22.9 x 38.1 x 20.3 cm, 9 x 15 x 8 in © Carolee Schneemann. Courtesy Lisson Gallery


Carolee Schneemann, Controlled Burning: Fireplace, 1963-64, Box construction; glass shards, burnt paint and adhesive, 54.6 x 62.2 x 14.6 cm © Carolee Schneemann. Courtesy Lisson Gallery

Susan Hiller, Study for ‘Home’, No. 1: Little Cook’s Kitchen Set (Spain); Study for ‘Home’, No. 2: Guaranteed Untarnishable (Cornwall); Study for ‘Home’, No. 3: Daree (Morocco); Study for ‘Home’, No. 4: Fancy Free (Paris) (Detail), 1968, Mixed media, 24 x 103.5 x 7.2 cm, 9 1/2 x 40 3/4 x 2 7/8 in © Susan Hiller. Courtesy Lisson Gallery

Susan Hiller, Recent Work, 1972-73, Ashes of paintings in glass cylinder with rubber stopper, glass pestle, tags with title and signature, Dimensions Variable, Vitrine: 24.3 x 23 x 24.3 cm, 9 5/8 x 9 x 9 5/8 in © Susan Hiller. Courtesy Lisson Gallery

Susan Hiller, Painting Block (Detail), 1970/71, Oil on canvas, cut and bound with thread into block, 10.5 x 10.5 x 6.5 cm 4 1/8 x 4 1/8 x 2 1/2 in © Susan Hiller. Courtesy Lisson Gallery

John Latham, 1962, 1962, Books, plaster on canvas and mounted on hardboard, 77.2 x 79.1 x 20 cm, 30 3/8 x 31 1/8 x 7 7/8 in © The John Latham Foundation. Courtesy The John Latham Foundation and Lisson Gallery

John Latham, Skoob Assemblage (Detail), 1960, Mixed media collage, including books, wire and paint on canvas mounted on panel, 79.4 x 61 x 26.7 cm, 31 1/4 x 24 x 10 1/2 in © The John Latham Foundation. Courtesy The John Latham Foundation and Lisson Gallery

John Latham, The original reading and writing machine, 1960, Book, machine fragments, wire mesh, wires, plaster, paint, 36.8 x 27 x 19.1 cm, 14 1/2 x 10 5/8 x 7 1/2 in © The John Latham Foundation. Courtesy The John Latham Foundation and Lisson Gallery

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正在展出 | 里森纽约

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