SA OpenProject 178开始报名 | 建筑的生与死
Studio Alpha 每月不定期推出国际设计竞赛或者由SA老师自命题的Open Project供同学们来充实自己的作品集。涉猎范围包含建筑、景观、城市设计。为了鼓励大家的互相协作,并提升学生的主观能动性,竞赛都以1-4人组队报名为单位。SA的竞赛或者Open Project 对于每个学生都可以公平报名申请,老师选拔合适的同学参与。历时从2周至6周不等,只针对SA学员,大多数在使用一对一课时兑换后即可免费参加。SA每年生源有40%来自老八校,15%来自欧美院校,45%来自国内重点大学。学员间自由组队,和志同道合、旗鼓相当的小伙伴们一起参与OP设计。
SA今年已经上线了多个专属21Fall学员的OP。SA自2019年4月24日起开始发布Open Project Plus (OP+),在OP+的设计讨论中邀请世界上最活跃的相关领域的前沿学者或工作者,顶尖的院校教职人员来进行Guest Critic,并与同学交流。SA OP系列是我们邀请相关设计领域的最优秀学者和从业者为给同学设计和作品集水平加分的专题小班课程,我们希望需要的同学都能找到最适合自己的OP,所以在每个OP开始前都会有个双向选择的过程,帮助我们控制OP队伍的构成以获得最佳产出。
OpenProject 178
Audio Intro
Course Description
In Delirious New York, Rem Koolhaas wrote, “From now on each metropolitan lot accommodates…an unforeseeable and unstable combination of simultaneous activities…It has become impossible to ‘plot’ culture.” A hundred years ago, modernism and internationalism took dominance in the field of architecture; since then, “form follows function”, “less is more”, these ideas have been taught in schools and planted deeply in us. However, in recent years, ideologies have begun to diverge, we have witnessed the dissolution of modernism thinking, into challenging the entity of architecture and role of architects. Like Koolhaas wrote, in such a prevailing trend of urbanism, buildings can hardly be built for a single purpose because the programs keep changing. It becomes difficult, or even unnecessary for us architects, to impose functions through forms, to design a predetermined framework.
In the course of our research in the life and afterlife of the architectural study, we will focus on cultures emerging in architecture in the contemporary urban context. We will be paying attention to the challenge of stereotypes, the fundamental understanding, and the typical expectations of reviewing life and death in both western and eastern societies. We will not only ask you to appreciate such a challenge in the time frame of today but 100 years after the present mode of living. You design will be evaluated as a changing form in a span of 10o years with an evolution of existing programs. You should not to fully imagine or to be trapped in the illusion of futuristic design mythologies. Instead, we ask you to test the form of living and dying, freely. We will also expect you to not be limited to the practice of “form following function”, nor to quote yourselves on the idea of only experimenting without creating and delivering promising vignettes and architectural drawings.
At certain moments in time and specific moments of education, it is critical to consider directly and holistically the systems in which we reside, to find edges, determine relevance, and question seemingly inherent outcomes.
In this project, we will directly address the elusive topic of an urban hospice. In the form of this hospice, we will dive into a discussion of life and death. Therefore, the hospice will become a platform of many developments and media to address various types of social modifications. For example, what would be the form of this hospice after 100 years, as, what would change, internally and externally? What would be the key factor of such changes? This could be your prediction of natural disasters, war, or even social conflicts. These “causes” should be presented in your study as well.
Number of Students
Schedule and Approach
Before Class:
1. Works:
a. Readings
b. Go Through the Syllabus
Week 1:
1.In Class:
a. Virtual Site Tour
b. Basic Conceptual Lecture
c. Goals of the Course Through Syllabus
d. Work Samples
e. In Class Discussion, Focus Group, and Brainstorming Session
f. Initial Sketch and Discussions
2. Works:
a. Readings
b. Initial Conceptual Script
c. Conceptual Site Analysis
d. Conceptual Diagrams
e. Conceptual Map Indicating Way Findings
f. Initial Sketch and 3D Model (or physical model)
Week 2:
1. In Class:
a. Review All Materials (Group Pin-Up)
b. Software Session
c. Individual Discussions
2. Works:
a. Readings
b. Finalizing Conceptual Scripts
c. Approving Site Analysis Through Diagrams and Site Maps
d. Approving 3D Model
e. Initial Plan, Sections, Elevations, and Axons
f. Sketched or Screen Captured Views and Study Physical Models
Week 3:
1. In Class:
a. Software Session
b. Individual Discussions
2. Works:
a. Preparing Md-review Materials (PS: Not a typical review at this case, no need for “finalized drawings”, but to fundamentally demonstrate a strong, thoughtful, and clear process of study summed up from the previous weeks)
Midterm Review: (Group Pin-Up)
1. Critics:
a. Yangwei Kevin Gao – Yale University – Vanke China
b. Xinyi Chen - University of Pennsylvania
c. Nate Mollway – University of Pennsylvania
d. Niema Jafari – Yale University – Gensler Los Angeles
e. Nina Yuan Meng – Pfizer – Branding and Marketing Leader/ Graphic Designer
Week 4:
1. In Class:
a. Quick Group Chat to Go Through Mid-Review
b. Individual Discussions
2. Works:
a. Finalizing Site Study and Site Maps
b. Approving all Plans, Sections, Elevations, and Axons
c. Approving 3D Model
Week 5:
1. In Class:
a. Review All Materials (Group Pin-Up)
b. Individual Discussions
2. Works:
a. Preparing Final-review Materials (Refer to Deliverables)
Final Review:
1. Critics:
a. Yangwei Kevin Gao – Yale University – Vanke China
b. Xinyi Chen - University of Pennsylvania
c. Nate Mollway – University of Pennsylvania
d. Niema Jafari – Yale University – Gensler Los Angeles
e. Nina Yuan Meng – Pfizer – Branding and Marketing Leader/ Graphic Designer
Course Instructor
Kevin Gao
Yale, MArch
耶鲁大学建筑学硕士(Russell Moore Scholar),伊利诺伊大学香槟分校建筑学学士,现就职于北京万科,建筑设计管理新动力,目前已积累4年SA授课经验。曾先后实践于Gensler晋斯,和Aedas凯达环球,参与多尺度国际获奖项目的概念设计、BIM深化,以及超高层塔楼立面设计等工作,并多次于国内外高校进行建筑学术宣讲和讨论会。此外,探索并积累行业外管理资源,包括长期负责PwC普华永道和Pfizer辉瑞制药品牌宣传工作,并曾任职于上海McKinsey & Company麦肯锡公司就任小企业咨询顾问一职。
善于把握作品的流行性和当代设计图纸痛点,并与学生讨论建筑与城市设计的地缘性与“生与死”的关系,从而以反映社会核心问题的方式产出专业性图纸。在学习与工作期间,建筑设计作品Turin Olympic Center, Café Elementary, Micro House Malaysia等曾多次获得国际设计奖项,包括P/A Award, YAC Gold Winner等,并多次刊登于ArchDaily,Dezeen等平台。研究型设计作品“信号塔”与“不是美术馆”合作、将收录于一条和二更等平台,致力于研究中国西南部地区艺术的差异性与独立性。
Xinyi Chen
UPenn, MArch
Graduated from University of Pennsylvania (M.Arch), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (B.S. in Architectural Studies). Interned in architectural firms, worked as a teaching assisstant and graphic designer, while keeping a strong interest in photography and writing. Fascinated by cross-disciplinary, cross-culture problem solving and constantly challenging the entity of architecture and the role of architects.
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