
每日一说109 | 公司那么多人,为什么只开除你?

2018-01-03 Hitalk英语口语

Why were you fired?这个问题较为尖锐,一般理解为被迫离开上一个单位。在回答这个问题时要注意,首先不能把这个问题看成是一个承认错误的机会。也就是说,要表明“被开除错不在我”。但同时也要注意,不要指责以前的老板或是同事,这无疑会给面试官留下不好的印象,也会让面试官怀疑你所说的话的真实性。

Answer 1

The broad-based restructuring at my former company resulted in my position being eliminated. However, during my time there I was successful at my job as a department director. I worked very hard and got along well with my colleagues. Now I'm excited about having the opportunity to meet new challenges.


Answer 2

A new manager came in and cleaned house in order to bring in members of his old team. I outlasted several downsizings, but the last one included me. Sign of the times, I guess. It was the manager's right, but it cleared my head to envision better opportunities elsewhere. The opportunity we're discussing seems to be made for me, and I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility.


Answer 3

Although circumstances caused me to leave my last job, I was very successful in school and got along well with both students and faculty. Perhaps I didn't fully understand my boss's expectations. I certainly don't know why he released me before I had a chance to prove myself. Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise, though. Now I have an opportunity to explore jobs that better suit my qualifications and interests.




