
一周立法最新双语动态,我们来了! 第80期

北大法宝 2021-11-10

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1. 新证券法四审获通过
New Securities Law Adopted

2. 十三届全国人大常委会第十五次会议表决通过多部法律
15th Session of the Standing Committee of Thirteenth NPC Vote and Adopt Several Laws


3. 最高检修订刑事诉讼规则
SPP Revised Rules for Criminal Procedure of the People's Procuratorate

4. 最高法发布外商投资法司法解释
SPC Issues Judicial Interpretation of Foreign Investment Law

5. 最高法修改民事诉讼证据规定
SPC Amends Provisions on Evidence in Civil Procedure


1. 新证券法四审获通过

New Securities Law Adopted


On December 28, the new Securities Law was passed at the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress, effective from March 1, 2020.


With a total of 226 articles in 14 chapters, the new Securities Law details the issuance of securities, trading of securities, acquisition of listed companies, disclosure of information, protection of investors, stock exchanges. It also details securities companies, securities registration and clearing institutions, securities trading service institutions, securities industrial associations, securities regulatory bodies and legal liabilities, among others.


The new contents of the Securities Law include the following:

1. clear and comprehensive implementation of a registration system;

2. the maximum penalty for an issuer’s fraudulent issuance of unissued securities is 20 million yuan;

3. a special seal for the disclosure of information and insurance has been added;

4. securities practitioners buying or selling stocks will have their illegal gains confiscated and will be fined;

5. the punishment for insider trading has been increased, with a maximum fine of up to ten times the original amount;

6. the fines for illegal disclosure of information are up to 10 million yuan;

7. the requirements for disclosure of information have been strengthened, and the responsibilities of directors, supervisors and senior managers have been clarified.

2. 十三届全国人大常委会第十五次会议表决通过多部法律

15th Session of the Standing Committee of Thirteenth NPC Vote and Adopt Several Laws


On December 28, 2019, the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth National People's Congress voted on and adopted several laws.


The Basic Health Care, Medicine and Health Promotion Law prohibits any organization or individual from threatening or endangering the personal safety of medical and health personnel and violating their personal dignity. The Forest Law divides forests into public forests and commercial forests, and stipulates that the State shall impose strict controls over the annual tree lumbering quota. The Community Correction Law lays down that community correctional institutions may use informationized verification methods such as mobile phone locating and video communication to keep informed of the activities of an offender. The Decision to Amend Law on Protection of Investments by Taiwan Compatriots clarifies that Taiwan investors may establish enterprises funded solely or partly by themselves. They may also adopt other ways of investment provided for by laws, administrative regulations and the State Council rules.


In addition, the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress regarding Repealing Legislation and System of Detention Education abolishes both paragraph 2 and 4 of Article 4 of the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on the Strict Prohibition against Prostitution and the detention education system implemented accordingly.


3. 最高检修订刑事诉讼规则

SPP Revised Rules for Criminal Procedure of the People's Procuratorate


On December 30, 2019, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate issued the Revised Rules for Criminal Procedure of the People’s Procuratorate, effective from the date of issuance.


With a total of 684 articles in 17 chapters, the Revised Rules implement people-centered judicial ideas and strengthen judicial protection of human rights. The Rules rigorously implement the exclusionary rule, improve the regulations on the supervision over the withdrawal of a case after disapproving the arrest, and strictly limit the extension of the period of investigation and custody. The Rules further simplify the work process, improve prosecution efficiency and reduce litigation cost for the litigant. With the guiding principle of “education, reformation, salvation” and the juvenile judicial policy of “education-oriented, punishment-assisted”, the Rules clarify the handling principles of priority protection, special protection and two-way protection.


The Revised Rules describe the procedures for handling cases in the procuratorial stage and improve the handling procedure of cases directly accepted by the people’s procuratorate, which improve the link-up between Criminal Procedure Law and relevant laws, Supervision Law and Criminal Procedure Law. It also improves the proceeding of default trial during procuratorial stage.


The Rules implement a judicial responsibility mechanism; improves the case-handling mechanism of the integration of arrest and indicting, makes it clear that the prosecutors or prosecutor team shall not be changed during a case; and improves the supervision over criminal prosecution by the people’s procuratorate to ensure the correct implementation of laws.

4. 最高法发布外商投资法司法解释

SPC Issues Judicial Interpretation of Foreign Investment Law


On December 26, 2019, the Supreme People’s Court issued the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Foreign Investment Law, to come into effect alongside the Foreign Investment Law from January 1, 2020.


The Interpretation focuses on the determination of validity of the contract. This is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first, where a party to an investment contract formed in a field not on the negative list claims that the contract is void or has not become effective on the ground that the contract has not been approved or registered by the relevant administrative department in charge, the people's court should not support it; Second, even if a foreign investor invests in a field where investment is restricted by the negative list, as long as the parties have taken necessary additional and corrective measures prior to the people's court making an effective judgment, the investment contract may still be considered valid; Third, even when the requirements of the negative list are not met when the investment contract is concluded, if the negative list is adjusted and relaxes the restrictive requirements before the effective judgement is made, the investment contract can also be considered valid.

5. 最高法修改民事诉讼证据规定

SPC Amends Provisions on Evidence in Civil Procedure


On December 25, 2019, the Supreme People’s Court issued the Decision of the Supreme People’s Court regarding Amendment of Several Provisions on Evidence in Civil Procedure.


The amended Provisions mainly include: First, improvement of the system of order for production of documentary evidence and expansion of litigants approaches to collecting evidence. The second is amendment and improvement of the admission rule to better balance the exercise of the parties' right of disposition and the needs of the people's court to find truth. The third is improvement of the recognizance system for parties and witnesses, the promise system for authenticators and the sanction measures for litigants’ or witnesses’ false statements, as well as the authenticators’ false authentication to promote the implementation of the good faith principle in civil procedure. The fourth is supplementation and improvement of the provisions on the scope of electronic data and clarification of the rules on examination and judgment of electronic data.


For cases that have not been concluded after the implementation of the Amendment Decision, the Amendment Decision should apply in principle; for cases that been concluded, the content of the Amendment Decision can not be used as a basis of application for retrial. Where the judicial interpretations issued by the Supreme People's Court before are inconsistent with the Provisions, they shall no longer apply.


本文来源 | 北大法律信息网




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