
直播 | 第十二届园冶杯国际建筑设计分享会今日下午举办

不断前行的 风景园林网 2023-09-17

为鼓励建筑创新,发掘推介优秀作品,国际设计网及园冶杯组委会于北京时间5月31日举办第十二届园冶杯国际建筑设计分享会。下午13:40,13 家国际设计机构将带着富有创意的设计作品,进行演讲展示和互动交流。届时,欢迎大家扫描二维码观看视频直播。

In order to encourage independent creation and explore excellent design work, Global Design.cn and YUANYE COMMITTEE are going to hold the 12th YUANYE AWARDS international architectural sharing meeting on May 31st at 13:40 P.M.  (Beijing Time). This time 13 international architects are coming to share their creative design works and participate in interactive talks. Welcome to scan the QR code  below to watch on live.




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Liu Chunyang won Award of Excellence in the 11th YUANYE AWARDS in Architecture. 


Mino Caggiula won Award of Honor in the 11th YUANYE AWARDS in Architecture.



Jake Marzolf

Studio Twenty Seven Architecture

© Anice Hoachlander

Jake Marzolf 


AIA architectural designer, a licensed architect with over 13 year of experience with a focus of community-based projects

分享作品: 美国哥伦比亚特区AYA住房


This is a short-term family housing project for 50 families in need of emergency shelter. The building form is ziggurat form to provide natural lighting and views out to the city.

The AYA© Hoachlander Davis Photography

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寻常设计Usual Studio


Lin Jingrui

Laura Canto


Lin Jingrui


As the chief designer of Usual Studio and this sharing work, he graduated from China Academy of Art. He is the youngest domestic winner of the double A+Awards in the United States.

Laura Canto


Laura Canto is a Spanish architect who joined in Usual Design in 2019. She has participated in many projects’ design during her work. She is always dedicated in bridging disciplines across art and architecture with an emphasis on interior design.



"Jinjihang" boutique furniture store is an aesthetic lifestyle house used as a display area for furniture and household decoration, tea break and contact.

“锦寄行”精品生活馆" Jinjihang" boutique furniture store© YUJI

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MIAS Architects

Josep Miàs Gifre

Marina Povedano


Josep Miàs

Josep Miàs,此次分享项目的主创设计师,他是英国伦敦大学巴特利特建筑学院建筑实践教授、意大利萨萨里大学建筑学院客座教授。MIAS的项目作为永久收藏的一部分,最近在巴黎蓬皮杜中心展出。

Josep Miàs is the chief designer of this sharing project and he is professor of Architectural Practice in UCL University College London, Bartlett School of Architecture, United Kingdom; and Visiting Professor in UNISS Università di Sassari, Facoltà d’Architettura Alghero, Italy. MIAS projects have been recently exhibited at Centre Pompidou as part of the Permanent  Collection. 

Marina Povedano

Marina Povedano是建筑师和理学硕士。在哥伦比亚大学的策展实践中,她曾协助纽约古根海姆博物馆和威尼斯双年展的策展团队,在蓬皮杜中心共同策划了正在进行的MIAS展览。

Marina is architect and MSc. in Curatorial Practices by Columbia University, she has assisted curatorial teams at Guggenheim Museum NYC or the Venice Biennale, and she has co-curated the ongoing MIAS exhibition at Centre Pompidou.



The project plan has butterfly’s shape, the design of big window is suspended above the ground. It has two different impressive views when one looks through dining room and living room. It allows an interior-exterior air communication.

Butterfly house ©brugada

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Thomas Fagernes

Nordic Office of Architecture

 ©Kmut Ramstad

Thomas Fagernes 

Thomas Fagernes是Nordic建筑事务所的合伙人、建筑师、设计总监和市场总监。

Thomas Fagernes is a Partner, Architect, Design Director and the Head of Marketing at Nordic Office of Architecture.



This is a competition plan and the concept for MOPAS is to work with Light as the main building material, creating an architecture which is not defined by physical form but rather by how it interacts with Light, both natural and artificial.

MOPAS ©BRICK VISUAL, Nordic Office of Architecture

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Sven Grooten


©ilse liekens

Sven Grooten 

B-architecten, B-bis & B-city总管理、建筑师

General management B-architecten, B-bis & B-city, architect

分享作品:比利时Centr'Al 运动中心

Centr'Al运动中心是比利时布鲁塞尔弗雷区的Albertpool活力区域的“大门”,竞赛第一名项目,曾获2016 Laureate奖。

Centr'Al is the gateway to central part in the development of the Albertpool in Vorst (Brussels).

Awards:Be-Exemplary, laureate-2016, Competition:1st prize

Centr'Al ©Lucid

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周超  Zhou Chao

原榀建筑事务所 UPA

Zhou Chao


Founder/ principle architect of United Practice Architects (UPA), National 1st Class Registered Architect



A dilapidated farmyard in Tianjin is disturbed by the noise of the expressway and has poor living quality. After UPA technical transformations, it has become a "paradise" in the minds of the owners.

丘山居 ©直译建筑摄影/何炼

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Jaspar Jansen

Chris Collaris (Speaker)

Jeroen Dellensen

 i29 architects

i29 architects


i29 is an award winning office for interior and architecture projects. i29 deliver work that stands out for its simplicity. 


“漂浮之家”是荷兰阿姆斯特丹船屋 (Schoonschip)社区中的一部分,i29在有限的预算下,将建筑设计与室内设计和谐统一,打造了这栋独一无二的水上住宅。

Floating home is part of the schoonship community in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Under the limited budget, i29 harmoniously integrates the architectural design and interior design to create this unique water residence.

Floating Home ©i29/ Ewout Huibers

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Bu Xiaojun 

Zhang Yingfan


Atelier Alter Architects 

Bu Xiaojun 

卜骁骏,哈佛大学M.Arch.II 建筑学硕士,清华大学建筑学硕士及学士学位,美国纽约州注册建筑师,美国LEED(绿色节能建筑设计)注册设计师。

Bu Xiaojun, received his M.Arch II from Harvard GSD, M.Arch and B.Arch from Tsinghua University. He is a licensed architect in the State of New York and a LEED Accredited Professional. 

Zhang Yingfan

张继元,哈佛大学设计研究院城市设计建筑硕士,本科毕业于库珀联盟学院(Cooper Union)建筑学专业,美国纽约注册建筑师、美国建筑师协会会员以及英国皇家建筑师协会认证会员。

Zhang Yingfan, received her master from the MAUD Harvard GSD, and her bachelor of architecture from the Cooper Union. She is a New York licensed architect, an AIA member and a RIBA chartered member. 



Crisscrossed crystals interweave light and Exhibition programs, creating a museum of nature history that looks like a science fiction movie scene.

英良石材历史博物馆 ©时境建筑 Atelier Alter Architects 

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Francisco Ortega

Enero Arquitectura

Francisco Ortega

Francisco Ortega是ENERO Arquitectura 的设计师及CEO。他的使命是把业主的想象变为现实,发现每一个新建筑的特点并尊重它们的独特性。

He is Architect and CEO of ENERO Arquitectura. As Enero´s CEO, his mission is to turn his clients´ visions into reality, approaching each new project with an awareness of and respect for its individuality.


Enero Arquitectura 在优先考虑场地下方发现的考古遗迹的同时,将西班牙科尔多瓦医院综合体融入城市环境。金属网格表皮包裹了建筑,通过控制和偏转自然光,使光线变暗并提高了能源效率。

Enero Arquitectura insert the building complex into the urban surroundings while prioritizing the archaeological ruins discovered underneath the plot. Its distinctive exterior appearance is due to a metallic latticework skin that envelopes the building, tinges the light and improves energy efficiency by controlling and shifting the natural sunlight. 

西班牙科尔多瓦QUIRONSALUD医院 ©Jorge Allende

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Dominique Jakob 

Brendan MacFarlane (Speaker)

Jakob + MacFarlane

©A. Tabaste_HD-4

Jakob + MacFarlane

Jakob+MacFarlane是一家成立于1998年的建筑、城市规划和设计公司,位于法国巴黎,由Dominique Jakob和Brendan MacFarlane两位合作伙伴领导。他们的工作集中在发展创新和社会承诺的建筑,以适应21世纪的环境和其他挑战。

Jakob + MacFarlane is an architectural, urban planning and design practice founded in 1998 in Paris, France, and led by two partners, Dominique Jakob and Brendan MacFarlane. Their work is centered on the development of innovative and socially committed architecture tailored to meet the environmental and other challenges of the 21st century.

分享作品:法国“能源插头”Odyssée Pleyel

Odyssée Pleyel“能源插头”项目是Jakob+MacFarlane团队对位于法国巴黎郊区圣但尼镇的一处废弃工业结构的“零碳改造更新和扩建”。

Odyssée Pleyel – The Energy Plug project involves a “zero-carbon retrofit and extension” of a disused  industrial structure by Jakob+MacFarlane in Saint Denis, a suburb of Paris, France.

法国“能源插头”Odyssée Pleyel ©Jakob+MacFarlane, Nicolas Borel

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Benjamín Iborra


Benjamín Iborra作为MESURA的创意总监,Benjamin Iborra一直是许多获奖项目的项目负责人和设计师。As a creative director at MESURA, Benjamin has been the project leader & designer of many awarded projects.

分享作品:西班牙Casa Ter 住宅由三个分别朝向大海、山丘和田野的体块组成的西班牙别墅。Casa Ter house is composed of three volumes facing the sea, hills and fields in Spanish.

Casa Ter ©Salva Lopez

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Fabian Tan

Fabian Tan Architect

Fabian Tan Architect

Fabian Tan Architect专注于独特的住宅设计,已完成了多个著名的住宅项目如Jose house、Bewboc house、Ottiqa House。Fabian Tan Architect foucus in unique residential designs and has completed several notable houses, namely Jose House, Bewboc House, Ottiqa House.

分享作品:马来西亚吉隆坡Bewboc House

一种适合角落建筑形式的住宅,并重新定义了地面层生活空间。Bewboc House is a house suitable for corner architecture and re-purposes the living spaces on ground level.

Bewboc House ©Ceavs Chua

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Oshin Mariam Varughese



在德国拉卡基金会举办的“2021年教育奖”设计中,Pirouette House获得了荣誉称号,Wallmakers是唯一一家被列入 2020 ArchDaily 20家年轻建筑机构里印度机构。The Pirouette House has received the Honorable Mention in the Design that Educates Awards 2021 conducted by the Laka Foundation, Germany and Wallmakers is the only Indian practice to be listed in the top 20 young practices of 2020 by the ArchDaily.

分享作品:印度旋转屋Pirouette House

坐落在印度特里凡得瑯的Pirouette House,创建灵感源于Laurie Baker的建筑物,墙身以烧制而成的砖瓦技术交织成几何图案,彷似在空中翩翩起舞。Located in Trivandrum, India, Pirouette house is inspired by Laurie Baker's building. The walls are woven into geometric patterns by firing brick and tile technology, as if dancing in the air.


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(点击图片,查看上届回顾 Click on the picture to review the previous sharing meeting)


园冶杯国际竞赛始创于2010年,历时11年的发展,现已成为行业内参与面、参赛量、规模均处于顶尖水平的国际赛事之一。第十一届园冶杯国际竞赛共吸引 20 多个国家及地区参与,其中专业奖项有500多个企业近1000件企业作品参赛,大学生奖项有430多所高校、8000多名学生的3000余件学生作品参赛,近200位国内外专家学者参与评审。

After  11-year development, YUANYE AWARDS has become one of the international competitions with the widest participation, the largest number of participants and the largest scale. The 11th YUANYE AWARDS has attracted more than 20 countries and regions to participate. Among the professional awards, there are more than 500 enterprises and nearly 1000 design works participating in; among the student awards, more than 3000 works from more than 8000 students of 430 universities participated in the competition. Nearly 200 experts and scholars from China and abroad participated in the review.










