
黑石Blackstone收购美国上市公司环球资源 | 投中快讯

2017-05-26 CVCapital 投中资本


环球资源(Global Sources) 昨晚再发公告,并购价格由此前公告的每股18美元提高到每股20美元,使本次交易规模达到5.18亿美元。根据公司提供给美国证监会SEC的资料披露,收购方Expo Holdings为黑石Blackstone持有。投中资本证券任本次交易卖方独家财务顾问。



纽约时间,2017年5月25日,环球资源 Global Sources Ltd.(NASDAQ: GSOL) (简称“公司”) 今日宣布其与 Expo Holdings I Ltd. (“买方”) 和买方的一家全资子公司 Expo Holdings II Ltd. 就公司之前公告的合并协议进行了修订,将合并对价从每股18.00美元现金提高至每股20.00美元现金。

修订后的每股20.00美元现金的合并对价对比原先的合并对价增加了大约11.1%的溢价,对比公司在2017年5月22日 (即公司签订原合并协议之前的最后一个交易日) 收盘价每股12.00美元增加了大约66.7%的溢价,对比公司在2017年5月22日之前30个交易日内成交量加权平均收盘价增加了大约91.7%的溢价。






本新闻稿中的前瞻性声明是根据经修订的证券法 (1933年) 第27-A条及经修订的证券交易所法  (1934年) 第21-E条而作出的。由于公司业务、宏观经济情况及作出上述声明的假设或会发生变化,可能使公司实际业绩与此前瞻性声明有所出入。


Global Sources enters into amendment to amalgamation agreement with The Blackstone Group ( According to SEC discloure, Expo Holdings belongs to Blackstone) to increase amalgamation consideration to US$20.00 per share.  CVCapital Securites  is serving as the financial advisor to the Board. 

Below is the announcement released by Global Sources:

NEW YORK, May 25, 2017 – Global Sources Ltd. (NASDAQ:GSOL) (the “Company”) today announced that the Company, Expo Holdings I Ltd. (“Parent”) and Expo Holdings II Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent, have entered into an amendment to the previously announced Agreementand Plan of Amalgamation (as amended, the “Amended Amalgamation Agreement”) providing for an increase in the amalgamation consideration from US$18.00 per share in cash to US$20.00 per share in cash.


The revised amalgamation consideration of US$20.00 per share represents approximately a 11.1% premium over the original amalgamation consideration and approximately a 66.7% premium over the Company’s closing price of US$12.00 per share on May 22, 2017, the last trading day prior to the date that the Company entered into the original Agreement and Plan of Amalgamation, and approximately a 91.7% premium over the volume-weighted average closing prices of the shares during the 30 trading days prior to May 22, 2017.  


On May 24, 2017, the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) received a proposal from a third party to acquire all the outstanding common shares of the Company for US$20.00 per share in cash. On May 25, 2017, the Board received a proposal from Parent to amend the original Agreement and Plan of Amalgamation to increase the amalgamation consideration from US$18.00 per share to US$20.00 per share. The Board unanimously approved the Amended Amalgamation Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Amended Amalgamation Agreement, and continues to recommend that the Company’s share holders approve the Amended Amalgamation Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Amended Amalgamation Agreement. In making its recommendation, the Board considered a number of factors and consulted with its legal and financial advisors.

The consummation of the amalgamation is subject to customary closing conditions, including the approval by the share holders of the Company, as well as certain other customary closing conditions. The Company expects to hold a special meeting of its share holders to consider and act upon the Amended Amalgamation Agreement and the transactions contemplated by the Amended Amalgamation Agreement as promptly as practicable. Details regarding the record date for, and the date, time and place of, the special meeting will be included in a press release when finalized.


CVCapital Securities, LLC is serving as the financial advisor to the Board. Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP is serving as U.S. legal advisor to the Board, and Appleby is serving as Bermuda legal advisor to the Board. 

Safe Harbor Statement

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27-A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21-E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.The company’s actual results could differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements as a result of the risks associated with the company’s business, changes in general economic conditions, and changes in the assumptions used in making such forward-looking statements.


Keep following CVCapital for more information.


重磅 l 美国上市公司环球资源Global Sources签署合并协议,投中资本证券任卖方独家财务顾问


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