
Legislative Updates (Issue 61) | 法宝双语新闻

Mani 北大法律信息网 2020-09-20





1. 铁路法(修订草案)公开征求意见



1. Public Comments Requested on Railway Law (Revised Draft)

On July 30, 2019, the National Railway Administration issued the Railway Law of the People’s Republic of China (Revised Draft for Comments), and comments may be submitted until August 30, 2019.

The Draft mainly contains: (1) specifying the basic system of railway industry administration and government supervision, and providing for the division of duties of relevant departments of the State Council, local people’s governments and institutions authorized by the state in industry administration; (2) in respect of railway investment and construction, clarifying the principle of level-based planning and classified investment, and encouraging private capital to make investment in railway construction; (3) in terms of railway transport operation, embodying the access permit for railway transport enterprises set by the Order No. 412 of the State Council in this law; (4) strictly stipulating the railway security management rules, especially the basic system of high-speed train security, and standardizing relevant licensing system for railway equipment, the recall system for defective products, and the system for safety protection areas along the railways.

2. 《关于银行在证券交易所参与债券交易有关问题的通知》发布



2. Notice on Banks’ Participation in Bond Trading on Stock Exchanges Issued

On August 2, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the People’s Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Notice on Issues Concerning Banks’ Participation in Bond Trading on Stock Exchanges, effective from the date of issuance.

For the purpose of this Notice, banks include policy banks and the China Development Bank, large state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks, urban commercial banks, foreign-funded banks in China, and other domestic listed banks. Banks are required to participate in the spot bond bidding-based transactions on stock exchanges conditioned upon compliance, risk controllability, and commercial sustainability. The opening of securities accounts, bond registration, depositing, custody, and settlement business in relation to the participation of banks in bond trading on stock exchanges should be handled by the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited in accordance with laws and regulations. Banks participating in bond bidding trading should formulate relevant internal control and risk management rules to standardize operating procedures and prevent risks.

3. 央行就部分拟保留证明事项征求意见



3. PBC Requests Comments on Certification Items to Be Retained

On July 31, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) issued the Catalogue of Certification Items Prescribed in Rules and Regulatory Documents of the People’s Bank of China to Be Retained (Exposure Draft), and comments may be submitted until August 9, 2019.

According to the Exposure Draft, certification items to be retained include: an import and export license for gold and gold products; a business license for an enterprise legal person, an organization code certificate, a legal person certificate for a public institution, or a registration certificate for a social organization as a legal person; a pollutant discharge license and an annual testing report on reaching standards; tax payment records; official replies regarding overseas investment; a photocopy of the outward remittance certificate issued by a bank; relevant certificates of gold mining in overseas countries or regions; a certificate of registration at a spot gold exchange; a recordation registration form for a foreign trade operator and a foreign-funded enterprise approval certificate; proof of the application of the customs-certified enterprise management; certification materials on national scientific research projects and key subjects; value-added tax invoices of gold raw materials obtained in China; a certificate of approval for the processing trade business; documents of regulators on approving the issuance of financial bonds; a business license and a foreign-funded enterprise approval certificate; relevant proof of capital strength; a certificate on non-existence of any serious violation of laws or regulations and a certificate on practicing experiences; certification materials on security; relevant supporting materials on non-existence of criminal records and punishments; certification documents for granting the investment in non-bank payment institutions; testing reports and technical acceptance reports on the access to the comprehensive pre-subsystem of the Accounting Data Centralized System (ACS) of the PBC in an independent manner; and testing reports and technical acceptance reports on the access to the comprehensive pre-subsystem of the ACS by direct connection.

4. 《公开募集证券投资基金信息披露管理办法》发布



4. Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds Issued 

On July 26, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds, effective from September 1, 2019.

With a total of 42 articles in eight chapters, the revision mainly covers the following: optimizing rules for designated information disclosure media and simplifying the information disclosed on newspapers and periodicals; emphasizing succinctness and accessibility, introducing summaries of fund product information, and providing better investor services; strengthening the disclosure of such key information as risk disclosure and intensifying the protection of investors; and enhancing interim and ex-post regulation and directing institutions to fulfill their primary responsibilities as compliance entities.

5. 《关于促进政府采购公平竞争优化营商环境的通知》发布




5. MOF Issues a Notice to Promote Fair Competition in Government Procurement and Optimize Business Environment

On July 26, 2019, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued the Notice of Promoting the Fair Competition in Government Procurement and Optimizing the Business Environment, effective from September 1, 2019. 

According to the Notice, all regions and departments should guarantee the rights of all market participants to participate in government procurement on an equal footing according to the law with a focus on reviewing or rectifying ten issues that impede fair competition, including applying differential treatment or discriminatory treatment to suppliers based on ownership form, organizational form or equity structure, and setting supplier scale, years of establishment or other threshold directly or in disguise to restrict suppliers to participate in government procurement.

The Notice also requires the strict implementation of the fair competition review system, the enhanced management of government procurement execution, the accelerated promotion of the electronic government procurement, more transparent government procurement, and better mechanisms for handling questions and complaints and making administrative adjudication in government procurement.

6. 《境外证券期货交易所驻华代表机构管理办法》发布



6.Administrative Measures for Representative Offices of Overseas Stock Exchanges and Futures Exchanges in China Issued

On July 25, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the Administrative Measures for Representative Offices of Overseas Stock Exchanges and Futures Exchanges in China, effective from the date of issuance.

The Measures have a total of 18 articles in six chapters: General Provisions, Recordation of Establishment, Alteration and Cancellation, Supervision and Administration, Legal Liabilities and Supplementary Provisions. The amendments cover four parts: first, the scope of application should be improved by placing futures exchanges under supervision; second, the reform results of "simplification of administrative procedures, decentralization of powers, combination of decentralization with appropriate control, and optimization of services" should be implemented to change the examination and approval of representative offices into ex post recordation, clarifying concrete requirements for recordation  materials and procedures, and add the publicity of recordation materials; third, the scope of activities of representative offices should be stipulated and the risk prevention and control should be enhanced; fourth, the interim and ex post supervision should be enhanced by exerting more effort to open such matters as recordation, alteration, and cancellation, and publicizing violations of representative offices and circulating a notice thereon to overseas regulators.




Legislative Updates (Issue 60)

Legislative Updates (Issue 59)

Legislative Updates (Issue 58) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 57) 

Legislative Updates (Issue 56) 








