不正当竞争纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例
1.北京极科极客科技有限公司与北京爱奇艺科技有限公司不正当竞争纠纷上诉案 Beijing Geek-Geek Technology Co., Ltd. v. Beijing IQIYI Technology Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over unfair competition) 2.广州立白企业集团有限公司与高锵益等擅自使用知名商品特有名称、装潢纠纷案 Guangzhou Liby Group Co., Ltd. v. Gao Qiangyi, et al. (case regarding dispute over unauthorized use of the unique name and decoration of a well-known commodity) 3.为你读诗(北京)科技有限公司与尚客圈(北京)文化传播有限公司不正当竞争纠纷上诉案 Weinidushi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. v. Shangkequan (Beijing) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. (appeal case regarding dispute over unfair competition)
[Judgment Abstract]
A judgment on “competition” between business operators should be based on the existence of competitive behaviors. In spite of differences in main businesses or industries, hardware manufacturers or software manufacturers may all engage in the businesses of software and website services, they can thus have competitions whenever their business operations are expanded. Accordingly, the use of technologies should not overstep the legal limitations. A business operator should not directly hinder others' operating activities unless it's necessary for the public good. In the case where the use of a plug-in, seemingly in favor of the short-term interests of customers, will eventually bury the business mode of “free of charge plus advertising” of the video website operators, such conduct should constitute unfair competition.
[CLI Code] CLI.C.6253211(EN)
Guangzhou Liby Group Co., Ltd. v. Gao Qiangyi, et al. (case regarding dispute over unauthorized use of the unique name and decoration of a well-known commodity)
[Judgment Abstract]
In accordance with Article 5 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the acts of using the unique name, packaging, or decoration of a well-known commodity without permission, or using any name, packaging, or decoration similar to that of a well-known commodity, causing confusion with another's commodity so that purchasers would mistake its commodity for the well-known commodity are deemed as acts of unfair competition. Therefore, only when the infringed object is a well-known commodity and confusion has been made for the infringement of the special decoration, is unfair competition constituted. To determine the special decoration, a people's court should review whether the writing, design, color, and their combination attached to the packaging of a commodity is uniquely aesthetic, that is, whether the design is so ingenious and distinctive to be an important basis for public to identify the commodity. The special decoration can be determined only upon the satisfaction of the above-mentioned conditions.
[CLI Code] CLI.C.3392430(EN)
Weinidushi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. v. Shangkequan (Beijing) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. (appeal case regarding dispute over unfair competition)
[Judgment Abstract]
Whereas both apps and WeChat Official Accounts are mobile Internet platforms operating and providing the same kind of services as products with consistency in content, function, platform and audience, they should thus constitute a competitive relationship in the same range of services. Besides, the criterion for the constitution of commercial defamation is to determine whether or not an operator's misrepresentation of any information about the operations and services of its competitors is sufficient to damage their goodwill. An operator may make any comments or criticism regarding another person's services or other business activities for legitimate purposes, such comments or criticism should be objective, authentic, evenhanded and neutral, as permitted by the law, without misleading the public and harming the goodwill of others.
[CLI Code] CLI.C.8334776(EN)
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