最高人民法院公报案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例
1.长春泰恒房屋开发有限公司与长春市规划和自然资源局国有土地使用权出让合同纠纷案 Changchun Taiheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. v. Changchun Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources (case regarding dispute over a contract for assignment of the right to use state-owned land) 2.佛山市顺德区美的洗涤电器制造有限公司与佛山市云米电器科技有限公司等侵害实用新型专利权纠纷案 Midea Washing Electric Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd. of Shunde District in Foshan City v. Foshan Yunmi Electric Appliance Technology Co., Ltd., et al. (case regarding dispute over infringement upon a utility-model patent) 3.周杰帅诉余姚绿城房地产有限公司商品房预售合同纠纷案 Zhou Jieshuai v. Yuyao Lvcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over contract for advance sales of commercial housing)
[Judgment Abstract]
First, where a contract cannot be performed due to laws, provisions and policies, rendering it impossible for any party to realize the purpose of the contract, a people's court should support the party's claim for rescission of the contract;
Second, whereas both parties are at fault for nonperformance of the contract and unrealization of the purpose of the contract, a people's court shall render a judgement in accordance with Article 97 of the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China that only the amounts received theretofore and the corresponding yield should be returned, and any claim for compensations from the other party should not be supported;
Third, where both parties are at no fault for the rescission of the contract involved in the case, they can equally share the loss on the deed tax paid by any party for the performance of the contract under the principles of equality.
Source: SPC Gazette, Issue 6, 2020
[CLI Code] CLI.C.94505914(EN)
Midea Washing Electric Appliance Manufacturing Co., Ltd. of Shunde District in Foshan City v. Foshan Yunmi Electric Appliance Technology Co., Ltd., et al. (case regarding dispute over infringement upon a utility-model patent)
[Judgment Abstract]
In a case regarding patent infringement dispute, if the alleged infringer provides evidence to prove that the alleged infringing technical solution falls under the existing technologies, and hence argues that his act does not constitute a patent infringement, such evidence should support the prior art defense. Whereas the evidence for existing technologies all exist prior to the date of patent application, the reasons and evidence for the prior art defense submitted by the alleged infringer in the process of retrial examination for the first time should not be reviewed in order to maintain the adjudicative force of the effective judgments, standardize the judicial procedures, avoid bringing to the patentee the proceeding surprise and defying the proceedings of first instance and second instance, guide the litigants to full contest in the proceedings of first instance and second instance, and eventually resolve the dispute.
Source: SPC Gazette, Issue 5, 2020
[CLI Code] CLI.C.98409015(EN)
Zhou Jieshuai v. Yuyao Lvcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd. (case regarding dispute over contract for advance sales of commercial housing)
[Judgment Abstract]
Where the liquidated damages agreed upon by the parties exceed 30% of the losses, they may generally be deemed to be “significantly higher than the damages incurred” as set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 114 of the Contract Law. If a party claims an appropriate reduction of the agreed-upon liquidated damages on the ground that the amount is significantly higher than the damages incurred, a people's court should, on the principles of fairness and integrity, make a decision in full consideration of the contractual agreements, performance of contract, seriousness of the party's faults, expected interests, and other comprehensive factors, as well as according to actual damages incurred as a result.
Source: SPC Gazette, Issue 12, 2019
[CLI Code] CLI.C.93799761(EN)
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