
银行卡纠纷案例汇编 | 法宝双语案例





Chen Hui v. Wenling Sub-Branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. (case regarding debit card disputes)

2. 中国工商银行股份有限公司厦门市分行诉王益民等信用卡透支案

Xiamen Sub-Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China v. Wang Yimin, et al. (case regarding dispute over credit card overdraft)


Tang Hongwang v. Tianjin Lanzhou Road Sub-branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Company Limited (case regarding dispute over savings)


Chen Hui v. Wenling Sub-Branch of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. (case regarding debit card disputes)



[Judgment Abstract] 

The bank card holders and the issuing banks maintain a relationship governed by the contract of savings deposit. Based on the principles of “voluntariness in depositing, freedom of withdrawal, interest on every deposit and keeping secret for depositors,” the issuing banks, in the financial activities of taking deposits and making loans, should faithfully perform their obligations to keep secrets for depositors and guarantee the security of their savings. If an issuing bank fails to perform such obligations to the extent that the card holders suffer any loss, such bank should assume the default liability that it should return to the bank card holders the amount of money already withdrawn plus the corresponding service charges. Therefore, where the savings of a bank card holder are withdrawn by others from other places for which the card holder has no fault, the issuing bank should assume the aforesaid default liability.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.6823121(EN)


Xiamen Sub-Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China v. Wang Yimin, et al. (case regarding dispute over credit card overdraft)



[Judgment Abstract]

In accordance with the Contract Law, a borrower should repay the loan within the agreed time limit; otherwise, he should pay delayed repayment interest pursuant to the contract or the relevant provisions of the State. Where a cardholder, after applying for a credit card, overdraws and fails to repay the overdraft amount and the interest payable in a timely manner pursuant to relevant provisions, a breach of contract is constituted, as a result of which the cardholder should bear the liability for breach of contract pursuant to law. In accordance with Article 18 of the Security Law, a guarantor who agrees in a contract to undertake joint guarantee liability should assume joint guarantee liability for the overdraft amount and the interest incurred by the cardholder. Accordingly, the creditor may request the debtor to perform the obligation, or request the guarantor to assume guarantee liability to the extent of his guarantee. However, instead of assuming unlimited liability, the guarantor should only bear guarantee liability for the debts incurred by the cardholder from credit card overdraft within a certain period in the future. The guarantor should assume no liability for overdraft debts incurred by the cardholder beyond the guarantee period or the amount not guaranteed. Therefore, in a dispute concerning a joint guarantee contract for credit card debts, the guarantor should only assume joint guarantee liability for the debts arising from credit card overdraft within the guarantee period and to the extent of the guaranteed amount.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.385273(EN)


Tang Hongwang v. Tianjin Lanzhou Road Sub-branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Company Limited (case regarding dispute over savings)



[Judgment Abstract]

The relationship between a bank and a depositor is a contractual legal savings relationship. ATMs are extensions of bank counter services, so therefore, a bank should ensure the safe operation of ATMs by monitoring and maintaining the ATMs in real time. A depositor, as the other party to the contract, should also perform the duty of care of the contractual obligations, which is to understand the operating instructions of bank-related business, and have the necessary caution against illegal acts. Therefore, if a criminal suspect makes an ATM work abnormally, causing a withdrawer to follow the suspect's instructions and subsequently lose deposits, because the bank is negligent in monitoring and maintaining the ATM and fails to fulfill the contractual obligations of transaction security, the bank has certain faults and should bear liability for compensation. However, where the withdrawer fails to perform the usual duty of care, they should also bear the corresponding responsibility according to their faults.


[CLI Code] CLI.C.873836(EN)















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧稿件来源 | 北大法宝英文编辑组(Mani)审核人员 | 张文硕

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