《清华中国法律评论》(Tsinghua China Law Review)征稿启事
The following article is from TCLR Author TCLR
Tsinghua China Law Review
Submissions Call
2023年7月,本刊将出版第15卷第2期,现向法学学者与法律实务工作者诚挚征集探讨中国法律问题的原创文章。Length and Forms of Submissions/字数和体裁Academic articles within the range of 10,000 to 20,000 words by scholars and legal practitioners.
For more submission guidelines, please visithttp://www.tsinghuachinalawreview.org/submissions/.Articles of past issues are available athttp://www.tsinghuachinalawreview.org/issues.
Language of Publication/文章语言English.英文。
Citation Style/注释规范TheTCLR uses the 21th edition of The Bluebook Uniform System of Citation. Please refer to www.legalbluebook.com for detailed information on the citation style. 本刊的注释规范使用第21版The Bluebook统一注释体系。具体注释规范请查询网站www.legalbluebook.com。
Submissions/投稿方式Manuscripts should be submitted through:1) Scholastica (URL: https://tsinghuaclr.scholasticahq.com/); or2) email to tsinghuaclr@gmail.com.
The Review shall enjoy exclusive use, any and all rights of whatsoever kind or nature now or hereafter protected by the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China and applicable laws in all foreign jurisdictions in all languages, in and to all posts, articles and notes released in this official account and/or published in our issues. Any use or replication of the information contained therein without the Review’s written permission is strictly prohibited.
Chinese translation of all posts in this official account is for reference only. The Review does not accept any liabilities arising out of the inaccuracies of the translated text. Where there is any inconsistency between the English text and the Chinese translation, the former shall prevail.
Unless the context requires otherwise, statements of fact and opinion in the articles published by the Law Review are those of the respective authors and contributors and not of the Law Review.
《清华中国法律评论》(Tsinghua China Law Review)征稿启事