
​看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(53-54集)

英语学习 2023-03-09

《西游记》(Journey to the West)家喻户晓。暑假已至,一起看看英语动画片版本的吧。回顾故事的同时,学习英语,一举多得。



Wukong stared at the river. “I should

have stopped Master from getting in

that canoe. But whenever I warn him about

someone, he doesn’t believe me.”

Wujing nodded. “I’ll find out where that

man took our friends.”

The purple spirit dived into the river. He

soon came to a palace. A sign on the gate

read “Home of the Black River God.”

Wujing tapped on the door with his spear.

“Open up!”

The door opened, and a lizard peeked out.

“What do you want?” asked the lizard.

“I’m looking for my companions,” said

Wujing. “One is a monk, and the other is a

pig. They were kidnapped by a man.”

“They were kidnapped by me,” said the


“You?” said Wujing.

“Yes.” The lizard smiled. “I plan to eat

the Tang Monk and live forever!”

Wujing struck at the lizard with his

spear. The lizard spun around, blocking the

spear with his tail. The force nearly knocked

Wujing over. Right away the lizard was on

top of him.

“Get off me!” shouted Wujing. He shoved

the lizard.

The lizard attacked again. Wujing

swung his spear and then swam upward. He

splashed out of the river and landed next to


“There’s a lizard demon down there,”

said Wujing, breathing heavily. “He’s very


Wukong was about to respond when he

noticed someone nearby. The man from the

canoe was walking toward them.

The monkey pulled out his iron bar. “How

dare you kidnap our friends!”

The man fell to his knees, shaking. “It

wasn’t me!” he cried. “It was a lizard demon.

I’m the Black River God, and this is my

river. But that lizard pretended he was me!”

Wukong put the iron bar back in his ear. “I

believe you,” he said. “Do you know who the

lizard is?”

“I don’t,” said the river god. He looked

even more frightened now. “But his uncle is

the mighty Dragon King of the Eastern Sea.”

Wukong laughed. “That dragon is a friend

of mine. He’s also a bit scared of me. I’ll go

have a talk with him.”

A moment later the monkey was at the

Dragon King’s palace.

“Hello again, Wukong,” said the dragon,

smiling. “What can I do for you?”

“Why did you let your nephew take over

the Black River?” demanded the monkey.

The dragon’s smile faded. “What are you

talking about?”

“Your nephew—a lizard demon—took

over the Black River,” said Wukong. “And

now he’s planning to eat the Tang Monk.”

“Oh dear,” said the dragon. “I had no

idea. I’ll take care of it.”

Wukong and the dragon flew back to the

Black River.

The Dragon King shouted, “Nephew!

Come out of that river at once!”

The lizard leaped from the river. “Uncle!”

he said. “It’s nice of you to visit.”

“I’m not here to visit!” yelled the dragon.

“I’m here to take you to the Jade Emperor.

You will be punished.”

The lizard gulped. His head hanging low,

he followed his uncle up into the sky.

With a splash, the river god appeared

from the water. The Tang Monk and Bajie

were with him.

“Thank you, Wukong,” said the god.

“You’re welcome,” said the monkey. “But

we still need to cross your river.”

“That’s easy,” said the river god. He

held up his hand. Instantly the river stopped

flowing, and the water formed walls. The

travelers walked across the muddy riverbed

and continued west.


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看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(45-46集)

看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(47-48集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(49-50)【附26-50集限时下载】
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(51-52)

