2020年将过半, 中国高校及作者在Top5刊上的发文情况如何?
之前,我们引荐了一些关于中国高校发表的信息:1.发文倾向严重的中国经管学院有哪些?2.双一流高校在中文经管Top刊物上发表情况,3.经济研究, 管理世界被引用量Top200文章,4.《经济研究》在英文期刊中到底处于什么位置?5.《经济研究》所有文章"计量方法"分类汇总,6.中国的经管研究在世界上到底处于什么水平? 7.这些中国经济学家能得诺贝尔经济学奖吗?8.中国内地学者过去30年发Top5刊的信息都在这里,9.2019中国学者经济各分支一流S刊物发表文章115篇,10.2019中国学者金融和会计一流S刊物发表文章40篇,11.2018年中国学者在SSCI上发文最多的刊物,12.那些发表过A层次英文期刊的高校经管学院分类,13.中国英文发表影响力Top60经管学院名单出炉,14.双一流高校在中文经管Top刊物上发表情况,15.真切比较国内外学术氛围;
16.2019年中文社科Top期刊里都有哪些大学和学者?,17.2019各社科领域外文Top期刊里各大学(学者)发文情况如何?,18.中国台湾省的《经济研究》刊啥水平, 期刊如何分级的?,19.2020年中文Top期刊重点选题方向, 写论文就写这些,20.重要信号!复旦和上交人文社科学术期刊分级办法,21.耶鲁教授: 大部分中国学术期刊实际上与大众媒体无实质差别,22.中国第一本金融领域SSCI期刊诞生!23.保密! 高校主办期刊中本校学者所占比例的信息,24.国内一流高校学术"近亲繁殖"统计表,25.AER, QJE = 经济研究 ?26.我国学术经济学家为什么失败?为什么没存在感?为什么不受待见?27.置身于体制内与体制外的两类经济学家,28.中国计量经济学院校60强, 中国计量经济学家300强,29.全球前1000名经济学家名单权威发布,中国有几位入围榜单,30.管理学的尴尬等等。
论文 | 作者 | 摘要 | 期刊 |
①Immigrants and the Making of America | Sequeira, Sandra; Nunn, Nathan; Qian, Nancy(复旦大学泛海国际金融学院) | We study the effects of European immigration to the U.S. during the Age of Mass Migration (1850–1920) on economic prosperity. Exploiting cross-county variation in immigration that arises from the interaction of fluctuations in aggregate immigrant flows and of the gradual expansion of the railway network, we find that counties with more historical immigration have higher income, less poverty, less unemployment, higher rates of urbanization, and greater educational attainment today. The long-run effects seem to capture the persistence of short-run benefits, including greater industrialization, increased agricultural productivity, and more innovation | REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES |
②Frictional Goods Markets: Theory and Applications | Bethune, Zachary; Choi, Michael; Wright, Randall(浙江大学) | We analyse dynamic general equilibrium models with more-or-less directed search by informed buyers and random search by uninformed buyers. This nests existing specifications and generates new insights. A quantitative application concerns the welfare cost of inflation, which is known to be quite high with pure random search and low with pure directed search. Our calibration implies the impact of inflation is fairly low, in part because, in addition to the usual costs, it provides benefits by more heavily taxing high-price sellers that inefficiently profit from exploiting the uninformed. Other applications analyse analytically and numerically changes in credit conditions and information | REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES |
③Diffusing Coordination Risk | Basak, Deepal(印度商学院); Zhou, Zhen(清华五道口金融学院) | In a regime change game, privately informed agents sequentially decide whether to attack without observing others’ previous actions. To dissuade them from attacking, a principal adopts a dynamic information disclosure policy, frequent viability tests. A viability test publicly discloses whether the regime has survived the previous attacks. When such tests are sufficiently frequent, in the unique cutoff equilibrium, agents never attack if the regime passes the latest test, regardless of their private signals. We apply this theory to demonstrate that a borrower can eliminate panic-based runs by sufficiently diffusing the rollover choices across different maturity dates. | AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW |
论文 | 作者 | 期刊 |
Way Down in the Hole: Adaptation to Long-Term Water Loss in Rural India | Blakeslee, David; Fishman, Ram; Srinivasan, Veena | AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW |
The Glittering Prizes: Career Incentives and Bureaucrat Performance | Bertrand, Marianne; Burgess, Robin; Chawla, Arunish; Xu, Guo | REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES |
Diffusing Coordination Risk | Basak, Deepal; Zhou, Zhen | AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW |
CASH AND THE ECONOMY: EVIDENCE FROM INDIA'S DEMONETIZATION | Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel; Gopinath, Gita; Mishra, Prachi; Narayanan, Abhinav | QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS |
国别 | 文章数 |
USA | 64 |
ENGLAND | 17 |
CANADA | 7 |
INDIA | 4 |
ITALY | 4 |
SPAIN | 3 |
SWEDEN | 2 |
FRANCE | 1 |
JAPAN | 1 |
NORWAY | 1 |
ISRAEL | 1 |
机构 | 发文数 |
National Bureau of Economic Research | 34 |
University of London | 12 |
Harvard University | 11 |
University of California System | 11 |
London School Economics & Political Science | 8 |
Centre for Economic Policy Research - UK | 8 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | 7 |
Stanford University | 7 |
Yale University | 6 |
Northwestern University | 6 |
Columbia University | 6 |
University of California Berkeley | 5 |
University of Pennsylvania | 5 |
University of Texas Austin | 4 |
University of Texas System | 4 |
New York University | 4 |
IZA Institute Labor Economics | 3 |
University of California Los Angeles | 3 |
Duke University | 3 |
Princeton University | 3 |
University College London | 3 |
University of Wisconsin Madison | 2 |
University of Maryland College Park | 2 |
University of California Davis | 2 |
University of Wisconsin System | 2 |
University System of Maryland | 2 |
University of Warwick | 2 |
University of Chicago | 2 |
Johns Hopkins University | 2 |
University of Minnesota Twin Cities | 2 |
Rice University | 2 |
KU Leuven | 2 |
University of Bonn | 2 |
University of Minnesota System | 2 |
Ifo Institut | 2 |
London Business School | 2 |
Federal Reserve System - USA | 2 |
University of Pittsburgh | 1 |
University of Lausanne | 1 |
University of Calgary | 1 |
University of Toronto | 1 |
Central European University | 1 |
University Svizzera Italiana | 1 |
University of Basque Country | 1 |
Pennsylvania Commonwealth System of Higher Education (PCSHE) | 1 |
University of Edinburgh | 1 |
Paris School of Economics | 1 |
Harvard Medical School | 1 |
Bank of England | 1 |
Universita della Svizzera Italiana | 1 |
University of Arizona | 1 |
University of California Irvine | 1 |
University of California San Diego | 1 |
Indiana University System | 1 |
Boston College | 1 |
University of Michigan | 1 |
Dartmouth College | 1 |
Cornell University | 1 |
Wake Forest University | 1 |
Carnegie Mellon University | 1 |
Brown University | 1 |
Brigham Young University | 1 |
University of Virginia | 1 |
University of Washington Seattle | 1 |
Aarhus University | 1 |
University of Copenhagen | 1 |
Tel Aviv University | 1 |
Tsinghua University | 1 |
Fudan University | 1 |
Zhejiang University | 1 |
University of Bologna | 1 |
University of Oslo | 1 |
University of Gothenburg | 1 |
Uppsala University | 1 |
University of Geneva | 1 |
Carleton University | 1 |
University of British Columbia | 1 |
Laval University | 1 |
University of Montreal | 1 |
Western University (University of Western Ontario) | 1 |
University of Mannheim | 1 |
University of Munich | 1 |
Bocconi University | 1 |
European University Institute | 1 |
Hitotsubashi University | 1 |
Singapore Management University | 1 |
University of Adelaide | 1 |
Indiana University Bloomington | 1 |
University of Washington | 1 |
University of Michigan System | 1 |
Bank of Finland | 1 |
IU Kelley School of Business | 1 |
Federal Reserve System Board of Governors | 1 |
The World Bank | 1 |
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) | 1 |
Institut fur Weltwirtschaft an der Universitat Kiel (IFW) | 1 |
Indian School of Business (ISB) | 1 |
Banco de Espana | 1 |
University of York - UK | 1 |
University of Leicester | 1 |
University of Oxford | 1 |
HEC Montreal | 1 |
Attention:面向海内外本科、研究生生开放Research assistant职位,现阶段主要工作是翻译及汇编计量经济学前沿文献和实证技术,而你能得到远超过你同学所拥有的学术人脉资源。符合如下要求的伙伴可以将简历发送到邮箱:econometrics666@126.com。
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Econometrics Circle
数据系列:空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 | 夜间灯光 | 官员方言 | 微观数据 | 内部数据计量系列:匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 200篇合辑 | 因果识别 | 社会网络 | 空间DID数据处理:Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |干货系列:能源环境 | 效率研究 | 空间计量 | 国际经贸 | 计量软件 | 商科研究 | 机器学习 | SSCI | CSSCI | SSCI查询 | 名家经验计量经济圈组织了一个计量社群,有如下特征:热情互助最多、前沿趋势最多、社科资料最多、社科数据最多、科研牛人最多、海外名校最多。因此,建议积极进取和有强烈研习激情的中青年学者到社群交流探讨,始终坚信优秀是通过感染优秀而互相成就彼此的。