
教授专访 | 傅强教授:国大中文EMBA,通往世界的窗口(双语)

中文EMBA 新加坡国立大学EMBA 2022-09-22


A Window to the World


In this time of rising geopolitical tensions, innovation, and widespread disruption, the demand for skilled talent with a global perspective has never been higher. This is something Professor Fu Qiang of the National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School knows all too well. 


As Academic Director of the NUS EMBA (Chinese)programme, Professor Fu looks ahead to a future where the defining characteristic of programmes will be their ability to connect students to a global audience. Programmes like the Chinese EMBA can help nurture and incubate the next generation of world business leaders, combining Eastern cultural influences with an international perspective. We caught up with him to find out more.







傅强教授曾两次当选新加坡最具影响力40岁以下商科教授,为众多金融机构与大型企业高管授课、咨询,或担任董事、监事等职务。傅强教授从事应用对策论的理论研究,曾担任德国巴伐利亚州财政部Max Planck公共税收与法律研究所、加拿大CIREQ经济研究所客座研究员。其学术论文广泛发表于诸如the American Economic Review, Theoretical Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Games and Economic Behavior等国际顶级学术期刊。



Fu Qiang


The world is changing very quickly. Old business models are being reinvented, market structures are evolving and reforming in new and exciting ways. There is a lot of pressure on today’s business leader to stay ahead of the game, and to be constantly adapting and evolving. 

企业的定义也在发生转变。传统业务在过去要简单得多,领导者的责任也仅是将股东利益最大化。而如今,全世界都在呼吁包容性增长。人们期望企业在社会中发挥更大的作用,履行社会责任,为客户、员工和社会创造更大的价值。 现代企业的多维属性体现在对ESG(环境、社会责任及公司治理)的日益重视上,许多公司仍在努力应对这些新的挑战。

The definition of business is also being transformed. Traditional businesses used to be much simpler, and the responsibility of the leader was simply to maximise shareholder value. Now, the whole world is clamoring for inclusive growth. Businesses are expected to play a much bigger role in society, and to create value for a broader range of stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the wider community.  The multidimensional nature of the modern business is illustrated by the growing emphasis on ESG, and many companies are still struggling to manage these new commitments.


Leaders today have to strike a delicate balance. They must juggle between delivering results in the present, while at the same time transforming their businesses to prepare for the future. I once asked one of our EMBA participants why he joined our programme, his answer was simple “The world is changing too quickly, I can’t keep up!”. 



Fu Qiang


The very nature of education is changing, and people everywhere are embracing lifelong learning. Whether you are 18 or 80, there is a growing understanding that we will need to update our skills continuously across our lifespans.


Universities have to champion this change, and to be constantly updating our programmes and content so that we can continue bringing state of the art ideas and concepts to the classroom. We also need to give students the skills to take that knowledge out into the world. Our role as educators is not to present students with existing knowledge, but to encourage students to think both analytically and creatively.  


To be a successful leader today, it is not enough to have a deep understanding of one or two areas of specialisation. There will always be a need for knowledge in core areas such as accounting, finance and marketing, but leaders now need to have a grasp of different topics like Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Design Thinking. EMBA programmes like ours can provide a window into this world, helping them understand and interpret all these new ideas and information, and connecting the dots so that they have a solid platform for lifelong learning. 



Fu Qiang


Singapore is very well-positioned as a junction that connects East and West. We have been very successful at materialising this concept, and NUS Business School was actually the first leading institution of higher learning to offer its EMBA programme in Chinese, some 25 years ago.


Even though the programme is delivered in Chinese, the curriculum is structured in a Western way. The modern management sphere needs students steeped in Chinese culture, but who are also well-versed with Western methods and modes of thinking. To this end, our faculty are very diverse – many are Chinese but educated in leading Western Universities. We also have faculty members from Europe and America who are very interested in engaging with emerging Eastern cultures. 


Diversity and inclusiveness are our defining characteristics. Our students tend to have Chinese cultural roots but are globalist in outlook. In our most recent intake, participants hail from 14 countries and 39 different cities. We actively look for students who are open to external perspectives, and eager to build a more globalised view of the world. Our role is to provide them with an environment where they have the academic freedom to explore and express these ideas.



Fu Qiang


Times are changing, and programmes like ours need to constantly evolve to keep pace. We have to continue updating and expanding our curriculum and working hard to inspire and delight our students.

我们更大的愿景是,不仅要成为教育者,更要成为连接的桥梁。我们希望打造一个生态系统,帮助我们的学生实现他们的全球抱负。近期,我们还设立了 "出海企业家奖学金“,鼓励那些已经取得这方面进展的学生。我们还将为他们匹配相应的教师顾问,提供财务支持,将他们与我们广泛的全球校友网络联系起来,帮助他们孵化自己的想法,在全球范围内取得更大的成功。

Our bigger vision is to be not just educators, but also connectors. We hope to build an ecosystem that will help our students realise their global ambitions, and recently created a Going Global scholarship to reward students who have already made some progress. We will match them with relevant faculty advisors, support them financially, and connect them to our extensive alumni network to help incubate their ideas for global success.


英文采访来源:NUS Business School BIZBeat.




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