
When Will School Start? Ministry of Education Gives 3 Conditions

ShekouDaily 2020-03-19

A big question on every parent's mind is, "When will school start up again?" China's Ministry of Education yesterday gave a response. Before they do, three conditions need to be met.

Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Office of the Leading Group of the Ministry of Education's Response to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Situation, said in an interview with reporters that the start time needs to be scientifically judged and that three conditions must be met before school can start.

First, the epidemic situation should be basically controlled. The definition of "Basic control" is determined by the state, and specific situations may be decided based on the county-level epidemic prevention and control situation.

The second is that parents in the society think, or the vast majority agree, that it is safe to start school again.

Third, the necessary prevention and control materials and conditions are in place for when school starts.

After having these three conditions, we will consider when to start school.

Source: 何时开学?教育部最新回应:需要满足三个条件


