
外研版九上英语Module 6 Problems 教案(教学设计)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案
Module 2 Public holidays 教案
Module 3 Heroes 教案(教学设计)
Module 4 Home alone 教案设计
Module 5 Museums 教案设计
Module 6 Problems 知识精讲

Module 6Problems

Unit1 If I start afterdinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed.

Period 1-2


1. 知识与技能

1)学会本单元重点词汇和短语——fail, get into the habit of…, volunteer, necessary, instead of, community, knowledge, consider…



2. 过程与方法


3. 情感、态度与价值观





重点句子:If I start after dinner, I will finish it before I go tobed..

If you start now, you’ll finish it before dinner.

 I want you to get into thehabit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school.

 If you do all these otherthings instead of your homework, you won’t have time to study.



导  学  过  程
















2. 把下列词组进行中英文配对,并在文中划出来

(    ) 1. 考试不及格                 A. stop sb. doing sth                   

(    ) 2. 阻止某人做某事             B. get into the habit of               

(    ) 3. 和某人达成协议             C. last word                    

(    ) 4. 养成….的习惯              D. be able to do sth.          

(    ) 5. 而不是                     E. fail one’s exam                  

(    ) 6. 最终决定                   F. make a deal with sb.

(    ) 7. 弹吉他                     G. instead of

(    ) 8. 能够做某事                 H.  play the guitar


1. 小组内先完成朗读,并解决生词和发音难题。

2. 自学对话,找出疑难点并做上记号。

3. 组内交流,解决难点。

4. 小组间交流,完善知识。

1 I want you to get into the habit of doing your  homework as soon as you come home from school.











 I _______  two days ____ ___________the work.

 It _______  _____ two days _____ ____________ the work.


 I ________  20Yuan _______the book.

 The book  ________ _______ 20Yuan.

 I _______  20Yuan ______ the book.

 I  ________20 Yuan ___ ____________ the book.

2 If you do all these other things instead of your  homework, you won’t have time to study.

考点一:短语“代替,而不是”______________,其中of 为介词,后可接名词、代词、V-ing等,常置于句中或句末。


 Instead of  ________ the bus, he walks to school every day.



 He doesn’t  take the bus to school, __________, he walked to school.

考点二:辨析other/ the other/  others/ the others/ another





the other


可构成one…the other…结构,意为“一个……另一个……”




the others








He has two sons. One is a teacher and  ______________ is a doctor.

We study Chinese, English and _________subjects.

Some like to rest in their free time and  _________like to travel.

There are 50 students in our class. Thirty of us  are girls, and _____________are boys.

I don’t like this one. Please show me __________.

3You should consider what the most important thing  is.

   考点一:考虑;斟酌“_______________”,相当于think  about,后可接名词、代词、V-ing、宾语从句以及疑问词+不定式作宾语。


 I’m  ____________  __________ university  abroad some day.


 He has  never __________ ______ ______ solve that problem.


We all consider it a good idea.



1. He’s really good  at  ____________________(弹吉他)

2. He is sad,  because he  ___________________(考试失败了)

3. We can gain much  _______________(知识)by  reading books.

4. My father  ______________________________(染上抽烟的坏习惯).

5. He is talented  and he can play several musical _________________(乐器)

6. I used to be a  ______________(志愿者)  when I was at college.

7. What a  ___________(可惜)  that I can’t play with you on weekends.


1.        My father doesn’t want me_____________(fail)  my exams.

2.        If it _______________(be)  rainy tomorrow, I won’t go shopping.

3.        How long did you spend__________(get) ready  for the concert?

4.        We should stop people from__________(pollute)  the air.

5.        It’s necessary for us ______________(read)  aloud in English classes.


1. 学习收获


2. 需要注意的问题








I. 单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)
 1. I haven’t been able to work out some problems. I’ll probably_____ the math  exam.            A. pass   B. drop   C. fail   D. succeed

2. I am used to sending him E-mails instead of _________  him letters.

 A.  write   B. to write  C. writes   D. writing

3. Our English teacher is ill. So Mr.Wang will  come to take her class________.

 A.  instead       B. however      C. nearly   D. hardly

4. Before you take an action, please _______your  plan carefully.      

A. decide       B. think     C. consider  D. reguard

5. If you learn English well, you’ll find it a  bridge to so much________.

A. practice       B. level      C. field   D. knowledge

6. Mr.Wang is our leader, and he has the last  __________on everything.

A. thought        B. right     C. word      D. way

7.——Our school team lost the chance to enter the  final match.

   ——____________. You’ve done a great teamwork all along.

A. Never mind     B. Good luck     C. It doesn’t  matter     D. That’s a shame

8.——Mum, I plan to join several more clubs at  school.

——_____________.I am afraid you don’t have so  much free time.

A. No deal        B. No idea     C. The more, the  better     D. Why not

9. Have you considered _________ the job as a  teacher?

A. take           B. took        C. taking                D. to take

10. She always does her homework ______than her  brother.

A. more careful     B. careful      C. more  carefully    D. carefully

11.——When will you tell him the good news?

  ——I will  tell him about it as soon as he ____ back.

A. comes          B. came        C. will come        D. is coming

II. 用所给词完成短文填词。

consider,    community, fail, the point, get into the habit of, instead of, anyway,    knowledge

 Lucy  didn’t do well in her exam. I’m afraid she would ________this exam. I know  she did badly just because she spent more time on other things _____________her  schoolwork. She wanted to learn to play the violin. Also she helped the  ____________. She wanted to increase her ______________ about the world. Her  father said that’s not ______________. He thought his daughter should  _______________what the most important thing was. ________, he wanted his  daughter to _________________doing her homework first.

III. 根据汉语意思完成句子,一空一词。

1. 我希望那不是你对该问题的最后决定。

I hope that’s not your_____  ________ on the problem.

2. 我将试着和他达成协议。

I’ll try to ______  ____     _______   _____ him.

3. 不要花太长时间看电视。                                    

Don’t ___________ _______ _____ time _______TV.

4. 他买了个足球而不是篮球。

He bought a football ______ __________ a  basketball.

5. 我们都应该好好考虑怎样才能解决这个问题。

We all should carefully________ ________ _______  solve the problem.







































































Unit 2 If youtell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest.

Period 3-4


1. 知识与技能

(1)the Ss can understand the passageand learn to sum up what the story is about by reading.

(2)the Ss can learn and master somenew words and expressions,such as: reason,try out, be angry with, nolonger, repair, truth, at least, honest, apologise…

 (3) The Ss can write letters about theirproblems or give advice.

2. 过程与方法


3. 情感、态度与价值观





重点单词和短语:at least, come round, try put,apologise to do sth. , decide to do ….


The reason is that he thinks it will gowrong if I play games on it.

He could no longer find the documentsanywhere.

If you offer to give up your pocketmoney, your father will realize that you are very honest.



导  学  过  程




不再_____________                 bill____________(n.)

愤怒的________(adj.)               原因;理由_______(n.)

最少_________ (pron.)              认错;道歉__________(v.)

truth__________(n.)                 试用_____________

老实的;诚实的_________(adj.)      修理;修补________(v.)

2. 把下列词组进行中英文配对,并在文中划出来

(    ) 1. 试用                    A. pocket money                   

(    ) 2. 不再                    B. at least                

(    ) 3. 生某人的气              C. try out                    

(    ) 4. 至少                    D. no longer  

(    ) 5. 零花钱                  E. be angry with sb.                  

(    ) 6. 拜访(某人的家       F. apologise to sb.

(    ) 7. 向某人道歉              G. make mistakes/a mistake

(    ) 8. 犯错误                  H. take off

(    ) 9. 卸载                    I. decide to do sth

(    ) 10. 决定做某事             J. come around

3. 我的疑惑:






1. 教师设置一些阅读技巧方面的问题,让学生带着问题理解文章。

2. 自学课文,提出疑难点,并做上记号。

3. 组内交流,解决难点。

4. 小组间交流,完善知识。

1) …come round with a new computer game.


come round在此处意为“_____________”,也可写作come around;“到某地拜访一般用come  round to +地点名词。


I want to ______ _______ _______your house  tonight.


drop by/round顺便拜访    drop  in on sb. 顺便走访某人    

drop into +地点  顺便走访某地   pay a visit to +地点/  拜访某地/某人

2) Well, while my dad was out, we decided to try  out David’s game.

考点一:decide  to do sth.意为“_______________”,其否定形式为decide not to do  sth.


I ________ ______ attend university in Beijing.

拓展:decide 后还可接“疑问词+to do”结构,也可接that从句。


 I can’t  decide ______ _______ take a vacation.


 I decide  ______ I will be careful ______ _________.

下定决心做某事:make a decision (to  do )sth./ make up one’s mind to do sth.

3)He could no longer find the documents anywhere!

考点一:“no longer” 意思是“_______________”,表示某状态在某个时刻之后不再继续下去了,常放在行为动词之前,be动词、情态动词、助动词之后。

辨析:no longer/no more

no longer

相当于not …any longer,表示时间或距离上“不再延长”

no more

相当于not …any more,表示数量或程度上“不再增加”



He _____ _________ lives here.= He doesn’t live her  ______ __________.


The baby ____ ________ cried.= The baby didn’t  cry ____ ________.

 4)I am not  sure whether a computer engineer can get the document back.




 I wonder  __________ ______ _______ help us.


1. 与动词不定式(to do )连用时  I can’t  decide whether to stay.

2. or not 连用时    I want  to know whether it’s good news or not.

3. 在介词之后时   I  worry about whether I hurt her feelings.

练一练:用whether/if 填空。

 1. We are  having a hot discussion about ________ students can use cellphones.

 2. Can you  tell me ________ I can leave or not.

 3. I don’t  know _______ he will come.



I. 翻译下列短语。

come  round ______________     go wrong _______________

try  out ____________          finish doing  sth. ____________

decide  to do sth. ____________   take off  _____________

pay  to do sth. ____________     apologise  to sb. ____________

feel  terrible ______________     no longer _______________

be  angry with sb. ___________    try out ______________


1. You’ll never ______ wrong if you follow his  advice.

A. turn     B. get     C. grow    D. go                     

2.  You’ll do much better _____ you are more careful with your spelling.

  A. if         B. before        C.  although      D. unless

3.___I  didn’t know if his uncle______?        

 ____I think he _____ if it doesn’t rain.                        

A. will come; comes     B. will come; will come  

  C. comes;  comes         D. comes; will com

4. Her  father decided ________his holidays in Beijing.

A. spend     B. spending  C. to spend   D. spent

5.  She asked me__________________.

A. what was the matter    B. what the matter was 

  C. what  is the matter      D. what the matter  is



l  学习收获

l  本节课要掌握些什么?掌握了多少?

l  需要注意的问题




Ⅰ. 翻译下列词组

1. 给某人道歉___________       2.  拜访(某人的家)_________

3. 出毛病;发生故障________    4. 试用________________

5. 不再____________            6. 错误地__________________

7. 至少________________        8. 犯错误________________

9. 担心……_______________     10. 提供_______________

11. 放弃_______________        12. 付钱做某事_______________

II. 根据句意或首字母完成单词。

1. Tell  me the r__________ why he refused to listen to my advice.

2. He got  a__________ with me for not having written to him.

3. The best  thing would be to tell him the ________(真相).

4.  The young man has an _________(诚实的) face.     

5. The road  is under r________, so we have to go around.

III. 从方框内选择合适的词填空。




come round     no longer     at least     after all       try out


1. We should  brush our teeth __________ three times a day.

2. My  brother wants to  _____________ for the  football team .

3. He once  knew her, but they are ______________ friends.

4. He  _______ last week and we chatted for a while.

5. She wears  too much. It is spring ______________.

IV. 单项填空(每小题2.5分,满分25分)

1. Though  Jerry had a cold, _______he came to school on time.

A. so B. yet         C. however D. /

2. —It seems  that John won’t come here today.

—But he_______ he________ come.

A. does say; would                           B. did say; would

C. has said; will                                D.  said; will

3. —How are  you feeling here?

—It’s quite  cold. I don’t know________ to go or stay.

A. how         B.  what          C. whether             D. weather

4. Miss Gao  said to us, “Try ________late every day. ”.

A. to not                                 B.  to not be

C. not to                                 D.  not to be

5. I sit in  the front of the classroom ___I  can hear clearly.

A. so that       B. when      C. while       D. because

6. I am  sorry. I took your pen_______.

  A. by accident     B. by the way    

C. by the time     D. by mistake

7. China has ______ much help to Japan  since it was hit by the earthquake.

A. supported      B. offered    C. provided    D. afforded

8. —Why were  your parents _____ you?

—Because I  was always playing computer games instead of doing my homework.

A. angry with     B. proud of       

C. friendly  to         D. pleased with

9. To stay  healthy, teenagers should have ______ 9 hours’ sleep each night.

A. at most         B. in face           C. at least              D. up to

10. This  idea sounds fine. But we should ______ in practice.

A. try out  it       B. try it out        C. try on it     D. try it on

V. 如何写建议信


1.    I would like to suggest that…

2.    If I were you, I would…

3.    It seems to me that you could…

4.    I think it would be better if you …

5.    I hope you will find these suggestions useful/helpful.


Dear  Sam,

I  know that you didn’t have enough time to finish your homework  yesterday.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.











































































































Unit 3Language in use

Period 5


l  知识与技能

l 掌握if引导的条件状语从句并能灵活运用。

l  过程与方法

l  通过观察、个人自学和小组讨论等方式进一步学习结果状语从句和让步状语从句,教师精选试题或设置练习帮助学生理解、巩固知识。

l  情感、态度与价值观

l  平衡学习和兴趣爱好之间的时间分配,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。



重点单词和短语:refuse, warn sb. about doingsth., offer to do sth



导  学  过  程




1. hurry up  ___________        6. 取得进步   _____________

2. give  up__________          7. ……为自豪_____________

3. 找出,查明_________      8.  与某人产生矛盾_________________

4. 警告某人某事__________ 

5. offer to  do sth.___________________







1.        大声朗读P46页方框中的句子。

2.        自学P133页状语从句(5).

3.        小组内交流心得并提出疑问。

4.        总结。




1. 学习收获


2. 需要注意的问题





Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成句子(每小题1分,满分5分)

1. Could  you   _________(修理)my bike for me?

2. To tell  the _________(事实),  I don’t like him at all.

3. Food  ________()  bad easily in summe.

4.  She _________ (认识到)  that he had been lying.   

5. Can you  prove that he is________ (诚实的).

Ⅱ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分)

6. Can you  give me some _________(advise) on my study.

7.  This pen is  _______________ valuableof  all my stationery.               

8. Tom has  to give up ________ (play) computer games.

9. He hopes  _____________ (see) his mother soon.

10.  I don’t know how____________ (solve) the problem.

Ⅲ. 单项填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)

11.---Some  foreigners will visit our school tomorrow.

  ---- Great! It’s_________ to tidy up our  classroom now.

A.  possible          B. necessary     C. difficult         D.  special

12.  —Let’s go swimming_____ going hiking, shall we?

   —Good idea.

A. as well  as     B. in order to    C. in addition to            D. instead of

13.  The governments are stopping the farmers ______ down trees at present.

A. cut        B. to cut      C. from cutting        D. being cut

14.  The policeman warned the driver________ after drinking wine.

A.  drive   B. to drive    C. drives   D. not to drive

15.  I ________ you to visit our school some day.

A. hope      B. wish         C. suggest    D. advice

16.We  are looking for someone with_______ good knowledge of German.

 A. /           B. a         C. the        D. an

17.  —I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.

   —Why  not_____ visiting Huanggang? There are many places of interest there.

 A. suggest         B. consider    C. wonder       D. regard

18.  I don’t think the newly-directed film by Zhao Wei is as interesting as people  say_______ ?

 A. do you      B. isn’t it     C. is it       D. don’t you

19.  Finish your homework first, then you’ll _______ play computer games for an  hour.

 A. be able to         B. could     C. can      D. able

20.  If you don’t work hard for most of the year and then work hard for only a few  days before the exam, you’ll probably ________.

 A. succeed      B. finish    C. fail     D. pass.



So you think your teacher hates you? You are not  the only one. Most students, at one time or another, think the teacher just  likes to pick on (……的茬)  them. They believe the teacher gives lower grades than they deserve(应得的),or  is more snippy (粗鲁的)to  them than to the rest of the class. 

      It does happen. Teachers and students  sometimes have personality clashes(性格上难以相容), just like two any people who don’t get  along. Teachers are not perfect. And some students are too naughty.   

       Most of the time, though , things are  more complicated(难处理的)  than that. The relationship between a student and a teacher can be tricky(难以捉摸的),  and there a lots of reasons why you and you teacher might not get along well.

       Confronting (对抗)your teacher usually  makes things worse. Instead, take a look at your behavior and see if you are  doing something that really annoys him or her. Change your ways and see if  the teacher warms up to(……热心)  you.




The    problems

Some    students think their teacher is 1.__________________them , giving them    2.________________ ,and more snippy to them.



They    don’t get along. Teachers are not perfect and some students are really    naughty.


How    to deal with them

Do    not 4._____________________.

Pay    attention to your own 5.____________.















































































