
新目标九年级英语全册Unit 7朗读+微课精讲+知识点习题

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10










Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious

Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the ··

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

Unit 6  When was it invented?

Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry

Unit 12  Life is full of the unexpected.

Unit 13 We’ re trying to save the···

Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you


Unit 7  Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own c lothes













_Unit 7 单词 (音标)

license  /\\'laɪsns/ (= licence)n. 证;证件

safety  /\\'seɪfti/n. 安全;安全性

smoke /sməʊk/v. 吸烟;冒烟 / n. 烟

part-time  /ˌpɑː(r)t\\'taɪm/adj.& adv. 兼职(的)

pierce  /pɪəs/,/pɪrs/v. 扎;刺破;穿透

earring  /\\'ɪərɪŋ/,/\\'ɪrɪŋ/n. 耳环;耳饰

flash  /flæʃ/n. 闪光灯;闪光 / v. 闪耀;闪光

tiny  /\\'taɪni/adj. 极小的;微小的

cry  /kraɪ/v. & n. 哭;叫喊

field  /fi:ld/n. 田野;场地

hug  /hʌg/n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱

lift  /lɪft/v. 举起;抬高 / n. 电梯;搭便车

badly  /\\'bædli/adv. 严重地;差;非常

talk back回嘴;顶嘴

awful  /\\'ɔːfl/adj. 很坏的;讨厌的

teen  /ti:n/n.(13至19岁之间)青少年

regret  /rɪ\\'gret/v.&n. 感到遗憾;懊悔

poem  /\\'pəʊɪm/n. 诗;韵文

community  /kə\\'mju:nəti/n. 社区;社团

keep…away from     避免接近;远离

chance  /tʃɑːns/,/tʃæns/n. 机会;可能性

make one’s own decision    自己做决定

educate  /\\'edʒukeɪt/v. 教育;教导

manage  /\\'mænɪdʒ/v. 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)

society  /sə\\'saɪəti/n. 社会

get in the way of     挡⋯⋯的路;妨碍

support  /sə\\'pɔː(r)t/v. & n. 支持

enter  /\\'entə(r)/v. 进来;进去

choice  /tʃɔɪs/n. 选择;挑选

Picasso  /pɪ\\'kæsəʊ/,/pɪ\\'kɑːsəʊ/






第二节微课 知识点讲解









Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to 

choose their own clothes.


1.get his driver’s license 取得驾驶执照

2.no way没门,不行

3.sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的人

sixteen-year-old 十六岁的

4. be worried about=worry about 担

5. have part-time jobs 做兼职工作

6. get one’s ears pierced 打耳洞

7. get / have / make sth. done 使某物被做……

8. stop doing sth 停止做某事

9. stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

10. spend time with sb. 花时间和某人在一起

11.take photos, take a photo 照相

12.use a flash 使用闪光灯

13.all night 整夜

14.stay by my side 呆在我身边

15.make sure = be sure 确保,确定

16.keep sb. (away) from sth使某人远离某物

17. hurt oneself 伤害某人自己

18. give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人

19.lift sb.up 举起某人

20. cough badly 剧烈地咳嗽

21. talk back 回嘴

22. an adult 一个成人

23. think back to 回想起

24. regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事

25. make one’s own decision 做某人自己的觉得

26.too + adj.+ to do sth. 太…而不能做某事


28.agree with sb 同意某人的观点

29.disagree with sb. 不同意某人的观点

30.move out 搬出去


1.I don’t think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.


2. They talk instead of doing homework.

3. He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm.

4. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.

5. What school rules do you think should be changed?

6. The two pairs of jeans both look good on me.

7. The classroom is a real mess.

8. Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?

9. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.


10. They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much a s they want.


11. We have nothing against running.


1. 两种语态:主动语态和被动语态主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者;被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。Cats eat fish.(主动语态)猫吃鱼。Fish is eaten by cats.(被动语态)鱼被猫吃。
2. 被动语态的构成由“助动词be +及物动词的过去分词”构成助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化。
由so+助动词(be/do/will/have)/情态动词+主语,意为:…也是一样。She is a student. So am I. 她是一个学生,我也是。She will go to school. So will he.  她将去学校,他也是。


1. ①两种语态:主动语态和被动语态

主动语态表示是动作的执行者 ;被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者

Cats  eat  fish.  (主动语态)猫吃鱼。

Fish  is eaten  by cats. (被动语态)鱼被猫吃。



由“助动词be +及物动词的过去分词”构成

助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be 作为连系动词时完全一样。


2. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事    如:

Mother allows me to watch TV every night.  



be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态)    


LiLy is allowed to go to Qinzhou. 



3. get their ears pierced  穿耳洞

get sth. done(过去分词):让/使(别人)做某事


4. enough 足够

形容词+enough  (这一点还是比较容易出题的)   如:beautiful enough 足够漂亮

enough+名词    如:enough food 足够食物


5.  stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事       

Please stop speaking.请停止说话。

stop to do sth. 停止一件事去做另一件事      

Please stop to speak. 请停下来说话。

6. it seems that +从句  ;看起来好像……

It seems that he feels very sad. 



7. 系动词不能独立作谓语,要和表语一起构成谓语。

常用的连系动词有:look, feel, be, become, get, turn, smell, taste, stay(保持), kept等。连系动词除be 和become 等少数词可接名词作表语外,一般都是接形容词。如:

He became a doctor two years ago.

She felt very tired.

8. 倒装句:


She is a student. So am I.  


She will go to school. So will he.  



9. yet 仍然,还 ; 常用在否定句或疑问句当中


10. stay up 熬夜     

如:I often stay up until 12:00pm.



11. clean up 打扫 整理 , 如:

I have cleaned up the bedroom. 



12. 程度副词:

always 总是      

usually 经常      

sometimes 有时     

never 从不


13. 曾经做某事:Do you ever get to school late?


14. go shopping(去购物), 

go fishing(去钓鱼), 

go swimming(去游泳), 

go boating(去划船), 

go hiking(去远足


15. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉     如:

Mother is strict with her son. 妈妈对她的儿子很严厉。

16.  take the test  参加考试

pass the test  通过考试

fail a test   考试失败


17. the other day  前几天


18. agree 同意    反义词    

disagree不同意    动词

agreement 同意    反义词    

disagreement 不同意    名词


18. keep sb/ sth+ 形容词;使某人/某物保持……    如:

We should keep our city clean. 



19. both…and… + 动词复数形式(bothand本身也是一个非常重要的考点)

如:Both Jim and Li Ming play  bastketball.


20. learn (sth.) from sb; 向谁学习(什么)     如:

Jim learnt English from his English teacher.  



21. have an opportunity to do sth. 


如:I have an opportunity to go to Beijing.


22. at present 目前

23. at least 最少    at most 最多


24. 花费: 

take ,cost, spend , pay

sth. take (sb.) time to do sth.     

如:It took (me) 10days to read the book.


sth. cost (sb.) ……        

如:The book cost (me) 100yuan.


sb. spend … on sth.        

如:She spent 10days on this book.


sb. spend …doing sth.       

如:She spent 10days reading this book.


sb. pay … for sth.          

如:She paid 10yuan for this book.(大家注意这几个词的区分,take它的主语往往是it,spend和pay的主语是人,cost的主语是物,我们只要明白了这几点,做题就比较容易了)


25. have + 时间段+off : 放假,休息       

如:have 2 days off


26. reply to 答复某人


27. agree with sth. 同意(常见考点)     

如:I agree with that idea.


28. get in the way of : 碍事,妨碍


29. success  n.     

succeed  v.     

successful  adj.     

successfully  adv.


30. think about 与think of 的区别




I often think about/ of that day. 



②think about 还有“考虑”之意 ,think of做为想到、想出时两者不能互用


At last, he thought of a good idea. 



We are thinking about going Qinzhou. 



31. 对… 热衷, 对…兴趣

be serious about doing (注意about后面用的是动名词,也就是动词的ing形式)   

如:She is serious about dancing.



be serious about sth.     

如:She is serious about him.



32. practice doing 练习做某事

She often practice speaking English.


33. care about sb. 关心某人      

如:Mother often care about her son.


34. also :也 ,用于句中

either:也 ,用于否定句且用于句末

too:也 ,用于肯定句且用于句末(要记住它们分别用在什么句子中,以及用在什么位置)

I am also a student. 



I am a student too. 



I am not a student either. 






16.I like Mr Zhang s lessons, because they are ______.

A.lovely B.live    

C.lively     D.living

17.This is the small village ______ Hong Zhanhui was born.

A.that     B.which   

C.who     D.where

18.—Would you like to go out for a walk with us?

—______, but I must finish my homework first.

A.Of course not   

B.That s all right  

C.I d love to    

D.Yes, I do

19.It s ______ for the little boy to carry so heavy a desk to go upstairs.

A.possible    B.impossible  

C.possibly    D.impossibly

20.The boy ______ becoming a scientist in the future.

A.makes up    B.uses up   

C.dreams of    D.looks at

21.They often go to the movies ______ they are interested ______.

A.which; in    B.which; /   

C.what; in     D.what; /

22.—When ______ we ______ to be there?

—You should be there at nine in the morning.

A.do; suppose    

B.are; supposed  

C.can; suppose    

D.have; supposed

23.The children ______ clothes because they are too young.

A.needn t to wash   

B.don t need wash 

C.needn t wash    

D.don t need washing

24.You can see your mother, your father and brothers.Who ______ can you see in the picture?

A.other     B.else    

C.another     D.the other

25.—How long will you ______?

—Oh, three weeks.

A.leave     B.away    

C.be away     D.go away


One day a father of a very rich family took his son on a trip__26__the countryside with the firm aim of encouraging his son to work hard by showing him how poor people can be.They__27__a few days and nights helping with the daily work on the__28__of a poor family.So they learned__29__about planting on the farm.

On their return from the trip, the father asked his son, “__30__is the trip?”

“It is great, Dad.”

“Do you see how poor people can be?” the father asked.

“Oh, yeah, ”__31__the son.

“ So what do you learn from the trip?” asked the father.

The son answered, “I see that we have__32__dog and they have four.We have a pool that__33__the middle of our garden and they have a river that has no end.We have a small __34__of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.We buy our food, but they__35__theirs.” The boy s father was speechless.Then his son added, “Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are.”

26.A.at     B.on    

        C.to      D.in

27.A.took     B.cost    

        C.spent     D.paid

28.A.farm     B.countryside  

        C.city     D.school

29.A.little     B.a little   

        C.few     D.a few

30.A.How     B.What    

         C.Which     D.How long

31.A.spoke    B.told    

         C.said     D.talked

 32.A.one     B.two    

         C.three     D.four

33.A.get to    B.gets to   

        C.arrives in    D.arrive in

34.A.pair     B.piece    

        C.double     D.dozen

35.A.buy     B.beg    

        C.grow     D.get



Come and visit the Native Place of Xiang Yu.Here you can see the statues of Overlord Xiang Yu and his concubine Yu Ji.The Chinese scholar tree (国槐) planted by Overlord Xiang Yu is still standing over there!How amazing!It is as old as over 2200 years, and was named by an American botanist (植物学家) “No.1 Chinese scholar tree in the world”.


Here you can also learn more about the great hero.You should keep quiet and not make too much noise here.


Location:1 Xiang Wang Road, Suqian, Jiangsu Province

Price:15 yuan

Open:8:00 am­6:00 pm

Route:Bus No.1, 4 to Native Place of Xiang Yu

36.______planted the Chinese scholar tree.

A.Xiang Yu s concubine     

B.An American botanist  

C.Xiang Yu s mother      

D.Xiang Yu

37.The Chinese scholar tree is______years old.

A.less than 2200  

B.more than 2200   

C.over 3200   

D.about 4200

38.What can you do in the Native Place of Xiang Yu?

A.Take photos with the great hero, Overlord Xiang Yu.

B.Talk loudly with others freely.

C.Throw rubbish under the Chinese scholar tree.

D.Visit the statues of Xiang Yu and Yu Ji from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.

39.How much will you pay for the tickets if you go to the Native Place of Xiang Yu with your two friends?

A.15 yuan.    B.30 yuan.   

C.40 yuan.    D.45 yuan.

40.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Visitors can call the Native Place of Xiang Yu at 0527­4240638.

B.If you want to visit the Native Place of Xiang Yu, you can book tickets by e­mail.

C.You can take Bus No.1 or No.4 to get to the Native Place of Xiang Yu.

D.The Native Place of Xiang Yu is in Suqian.


Most of us can t even drive a car on our own by the time we re 16.But the teenager Michael Perham, from Hertfordshire, England, has a much bigger goal (目标) than a simple drive around the block.He plans to become the youngest person to finish a sailing trip around the world all by himself.

Michael s trip began on Saturday.He said goodbye to his friends and family and set off from Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth.He ll be completely alone in the water for the next four months, with no communication except for satellite link­ups (卫星联系).He plans to make the return voyage(远航)home around the middle of March, just in time for his 17th birthday.

“I m a little bit nervous but really, really excited, ” Michael said.

His mother, Heather, was sad to say goodbye to her son, but she is proud of her son for his exciting voyage.“Maybe many young people have this kind of thought, but only my son made it true, ” said Heather proudly.Michael s voyage will raise money for the charities “Save the Children”  and “Tall Ships Youth Trust”.

Michael s father, who introduced him to sailing at the age of seven, agrees.“Whether he is 16, 26 or36, as a parent you should always care for your children,” he said.“But it doesn t mean you should make them stay with you all the time.Michael s voyage is really amazing.Not every young people can make it.I take_my_hat_off_to_him completely.”

41.What is Michael s goal?

A.To drive around the block at the age of 16.

B.To drive his car around the world alone.

C.To finish a sailing trip around the world alone.

D.To have his birthday party in the sea.

42.How did Michael feel when he started his trip?

A.Happy but terrified.     

 B.Worried but confident.  

C.Nervous and sad.      

D.Nervous but excited.

43.How old will Michael be after his four­month voyage?

A.Sixteen.     B.Seventeen.  

C.Twenty­six.    D.Thirty­six.

44.What does the underlined part “take my hat off to him” mean in the last paragraph?





45.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Michael will return home around the middle of March.

B.Heather was sad to say goodbye to Michael when he began his trip.

C.Michael began learning to sail at the age of seven.

D.Michael s trip will raise money for his family and the charities.


Beijing is old,having over 2000 years of history.However,it is also young,because it has developed quickly into an international city.

When I was a junior high school student,my favorite subject was history.From the history book,I learned that Beijing was one of the six famous old capitals of China.

At the age of 18,I went to a university in Beijing.(1)That_was_the_first_time_that_I_saw_the_city_with_my_own_eyes.I arrived at a very big railway station—Beijing West Railway Station.There I saw lots of people who came from different parts of the world.When I was 19,the 29th Olympic Games was held in Beijing.(2)从那时起,这座城市对我来说越来越美了。

I lived in Beijing for 3 years.I have to say that the days I spent in Beijing left me with good memories (回忆).During the three years,my impression of the city changed a lot.At first I felt uncomfortable.I wasn t used to the weather and the way people speak.However,as time went on,I knew more about Beijing.(3)Knowing_more_about_it_made_me_love_it_more.Now,I am not in Beijing,but I always miss the days I spent there.I really hope that I can go back to Beijing one day.







______ ______ I know about Beijing,______ ______ I love it.

49.In which year did the writer go to a university in Beijing?


50.How many famous old capitals of China were there in history?




51.We found the program e______ and informative.

52.At last, we came to a final c______.

53.We shouldn t c______ our jobs all the time.

54.After a short rest, she c______ with her homework.

55.In g______, our class have made great progress.


56.I love places where the people are really ______(friend).

57.I want to go there, because I like ______(excite)vacation.

58.Would you like ______(drink)some orange juice?

59.His father decided ______(study)abroad.

60.Do you plan on ______(stay)overnight here?


A:Summer holiday is coming.61._____

B:Well, I d like to visit my aunt in Hong Kong.

A:Really?Hong Kong is a nice place to visit.62._____

B:I m leaving next week.63._____

A:Oh, I d like to go sightseeing in Sichuan.

B:That s great.The scenery in Sichuan is beautiful.64._____

A:By train.It s expensive to go there by plane.By the way, how long are you staying in Hong Kong?

B:For two weeks.65._____

A:My parents.They are both teachers.They are free in summer vacation.

B:Have a nice vacation!

A:You, too.


根据要点提示, 请以“A Travel to ...” 为题, 写一篇90词左右的英语短文, 记录令你难忘的一次旅游。


1.What place of interest did you visit?

2.What did you do on the trip?

3.What did you think of the trip?




Ⅳ. 16-25   CDCBC   ABCBC

Ⅴ. 26-35   CCABA   CABBC

Ⅵ.  36-45   DBDDB    CDBDD

46    那是我第一次亲眼看到这座城市。

47   From then on, the city seemed more and more beautiful to me.

48   The more; the more  

49   2007.

50   Six.

Ⅶ. 51 educational  52 conclusion  

53 change 54 continued 55 general  

56 friendly  57 exciting 58 to drink 

59 to study  60 staying  


61.Where would you like to go on vacation?

62.When are you leaving?

63.What about you?

64.How are you going there?

65.Who will go with you?


Ⅸ.  参考范文:

A Travel to People s Centre Park

This National Day, I went to People s Centre Park with my parents.

In the morning, we set off very early on a bus.It took us about an hour to get there.There were many trees and flowers at the foot of the hill.After we walked about half an hour, the hill was suddenly steep before us.Then we began to climb the hill.We were all very tired when we got to the top of it.At noon, we sat under the trees and had our picnic lunch there.We took many interesting photos during the trip.And we all enjoyed ourselves that day.





























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