
新目标八下英语Unit 10朗读+微课精讲+知识点习题

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10












Unit 1 What’s the matter
Unit 2 I\'ll help to clean up the city parks
Unit 3 Could you please clean the room? 

Unit 4 Why don\' t you talk to your···

Unit 5 What were you doing when the······

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains

Unit 7 What\'s the highest mountain in the world?

Unit 8  Have you read Treasure Island yet?

Unit9  Have you ever been to a museum?


《Unit10  I\' ve had this bike for three years》














_Unit 10 单词 (音标)
yard [jɑ:d] n. 院子yard sale 庭院拍卖会sweet [swi:t] adj. & n. 甜的,糖果memory [ˈmemərɪ] n. 记忆,记忆力,回忆cent [sent] n. 分,分币toy [tɔɪ] n. 玩具bear [bɛə] n. 熊maker [ˈmeɪkə(r)] n. 生产者,制造者bread maker 面包机scarf [skɑ:f] n. 围巾,披巾,头巾soft [sɔft] adj. 柔软的soft toy 软体玩具,布绒玩具check [tʃek] n. & v. 餐馆账单;检查check out 察看,观察board [bɔ:d] n. 板子,甲板board game 棋类游戏junior [ˈdʒu:nɪə(r)] adj. 地位低下的junior high school 初中clear [klɪə] adj. 清晰的,清澈的clear out 清理,清除掉bedroom [ˈbedru:m] n. 卧室no longer 不再,不复own [əun] adj. 属于自己的railway [ˈreɪlweɪ] n. 铁路,铁道part [pɑ:t] n. 部分,零部件part with 放弃,交出certain [ˈsə:tn] adj. 某一,确定的,无疑的as for 至于,关于honest [ˈɒnɪst] adj. 诚实的,正直的to be honest 说实在的while [wail] conj. 当...时候,一段时间,一会儿truthful [ˈtru:θfl] adj. 诚实的,真实的hometown [ˈhəʊmtaʊn] n. 家乡,故乡nowadays [ˈnaʊədeɪz] adv. 现今,现在,目前search [sɜ:tʃ] v. 搜索,搜查among [əˈmʌŋ] prep. 在其中…之一crayon [\'kreɪən] n. 彩色铅笔shame [ʃeɪm] n. 羞耻regard [rɪ\'ɡɑ:d] n. & v. 致敬,问候;将…视为count [kaunt] n. & v. 计算,计数;有价值century [\'sentʃərɪ] n. 世纪,百年according [ə\'kɔ:dɪŋ] adv. 依照,按照opposite [ˈɔpəzit]在…对面,与…相对;对面的especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] adv. 特别,尤其childhood [ˈtʃaɪldhʊd] n. 孩童时期consider [kənˈsidə] v. 仔细考虑,思考,注视,close to 几乎,接近hold [həuld] v. 拥有,抓住




第一课时 课文精讲

第二节微课 A《延续性动词和非延续性动词的区别》

第三节微课 B《全部倒装句和部分倒装的问题》










Unit10  I\' ve had this bike for three years


1. these days 目前,现在

2.regard with great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着

3. in order to 为了

4.so far 迄今,到目前为止

5. in need 需要

6. not...any more 不再.....

7. welcome to sp 欢迎来到.....

8.check out 察看,观察

9. board games 棋类游戏

10. one last thing 最后一样东西

11. junior high school 初级中学

12.clear out 清理

13. no longer 不再

14.toy monkey 玩具猴

15. part with 与.....分开

16. to be honest 说实在的

17. ride a bike 骑自行车

18. have a yard sale 进行庭院拍卖会

19. one’s old things 某人的旧东西

20. bring back sweet memories 勾起甜美的回忆

21. give away 捐赠

22. play for a while 玩一会

23. do with 处理,处置

24. search for work 找工作

25.for the last 13 years 在过去的13年里

26. the mid-20th century 20世纪中期

27. stay the same 保持原状

28. according to 依照,按照

29. in one’s opinion 依......看

30. in my time 在我那个年代


1. Have long have you had that bike over there? 


2. Amy has had her favorite book for three years . 


3. He has owned it since his fourth birthday. 


4. Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. 


5. As for me ,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but to be honest, I have not played for a while now. 


6. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? 


7. What would you do with the memory you raise? 



某英文报举办“家乡的变化”主题征文活动。请你根据以下提示,“The changes in my hometown”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。 








The Changes In My Hometown 

    In the past, my hometown was very small, and people lived a poor life. The houses were old and small. Pollution was very serious, and there was rubbish everywhere. The traffic was not convenient, so few visitors came here. 

    Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. The environment has become more beautiful. The mountains have turned greener, the rivers are clearer and the sky are bluer. There are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. People live a better life. Their houses are large and bright. Many people have their own cars. Every year , thousands of people from all over the world come to our city. 

    I’m sure it will get richer and more beautiful in the future. I love my hometown.


1. for/since

 (1) for与表示一段时间的词连用,表示“做某事多长时间了”,常用于现在完成时,表示从过去某时开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。for所在句子中的动词是延续性动词。例如:

    I’ve lived inChinafor two years. 我住在中国两年了。

    I’ve known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他20多年了。

 (2) since作连词,引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句常用完成时。例如:

    I have studied English since I came here. 自从我来这里就学习英语。

    I have known her since I was five years old. 自从我五岁就认识她。


    She has been ill since last weekend. 


    She has been in Wuhan since four years ago. 


2. maker

maker是名词,意为“生产者;制造者”,是由“动词make + 后缀-r”构成的。英语中,表示职业或身份的名词小结:

(1) 以-ist结尾的有:

    pianist钢琴家  chemist化学家  violinist小提琴家

    physicist物理学家  scientist科学家     

(2) 以-er,-r或-or结尾的有:

    teacher教师  painter画家  

    writer作家  singer歌唱家  

    visitor参观者    actor演员  

    engineer工程师  inventor发明家  

    professor教授  reporter记者

(3) 以-man结尾的有:

    postman邮递员  policeman警察   

    businessman商人   spaceman宇航员

    fisherman渔夫   dustman清洁工

(4) 以-ian结尾的有:

    musician音乐家  politician政治家

3. certain


    He decided to sell his certain books. 



be certain / sure of sth. 对某事有把握 

be certain / sure to do sth. 肯定做某事

be certain / sure + that从句  确信……   例如:

They are certain / sure of success. 他们有把握成功。

I’m certain / sure that he will come. 我确信他会成功的。

4. a 46-year-old husband and father


    a three-meter-long line一条三米长的绳子


(1) 基数词 + years old。例如:

    He is 8 years old. 他八岁了。

(2) 基础词-year-old。例如:

    Lucy is an eighteen-year-old girl. Lucy是一位18岁的女孩。

(3) 名词 + of + 基础词。例如:

    Tom is a boy of 18. Tom是一位18岁的男孩。

(4) at the age of + 基数词。例如:

    She is at the age of 18. 她18岁了。

5. shame


    He felt no shame for what he had done. 


    It’s a shame that you can’t stay for dinner. 



    feel shame at…因……而感到羞愧    

    in shame羞愧地    

    have no shame无羞耻心

    with shame羞愧地   

    to one’s shame令某人感到羞愧的是    

    bring shame on使丢脸

6. regard


    I regard you as my best friend. 我把你当作我最好的朋友。

    We regard him as our brother. 我们把他当成兄弟看待。

7. opposite

(1) opposite作介词,意为“在……对面”,相当于across from,常与名词一起构成介词短语,表方位。例如:

    They live opposite the bank. 他们住在银行对面。 

(2) opposite作形容词,意为“另一边的;对面的;相反的”。例如:

    We live on the opposite side of the road. 我们住在马路对面。

(3) opposite作副词,意为“在对面”。例如:

    There’s an old man living opposite. 有一个老人住在对面。

(4) opposite作名词,意为“相反的人或物;对立面”,常与介词of一起使用。例如:

    “Tall” is the opposite of “short”. “高”是“矮”的反义词。

8. consider


    Please consider my suggestion. 


    Why don’t you consider visiting Qing Dao?

    I consider that he is a selfish man. 




完成,实践,值得,忙(finish, practice, be worth, be busy);

考虑,建议,不禁,想(consider, suggest, can’t help, feel like);

错过,习惯,(别)放弃(miss, be used to, give up);

继续,喜欢,(要)介意(keep on, enjoy, mind)。


1. How long have you had that bike over there?

how long意为“多长时间”,询问某一动作或状态持续了多久,故句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词或


How long do you watch TV? 你看电视多长时间了?

How long can I keep the book? 这本书我可以借多久?

【拓展】how long; how often; how soon的辨析:

how   long


—     How long is he staying? 他打算待多久?

—     He’s staying for a week. 他打算待一个星期。

how   often


—     How often do you watch TV?你多久看一次电视?

—     Twice a week. 一周两次。

how   soon


—     How soon will he be back? 他要多久才回来?

—     In an hour. 一小时以后。

2. Because I don’t read it any more.

not…any more意为“不再”。not常位于be动词、情态动词或助动词之后,any more常位于句末,相当于no more。no more常位于句中,放在be动词之后,实义动词之前,两者经常可以互换。例如:

    He doesn’t live here any more. = He no more lives here. 



表示“不再”的词还有not…any longer或no longer。二者的区别在于:

(1) not…any more = no more,表示数量或程度上的“不再”增加,通常修饰终止性动词。例如:

    The baby isn’t crying any more. = The baby is no more crying. 


(2) no longer = not…any longer表示时间或距离上的“不再”延长,通常修饰延续性的动词。例如:

    I can’t stand it any longer. 我对此再也不能忍受下去了。

3. Amy thinks it’s hard to sell her old things.

It is/was + adj. + to do sth. 意为“做某事是……的”,to do sth.为句子的真正的主语,而it为形式主语,形式主语不能用别的词来代替,句中可在形容词后加for sb.,意为“对于某人来说,做某事是……的”。例如:

    It’s important for us to learn a foreign language. 


    It’s necessary for us to eat more fruit and vegetables. 



这个句型中的for sb.有时也可以用of sb. 二者意义有区别:

 (1) 在It’s + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 中,for sb.意为“对某人来说”,句中的形容词是用来说明to do sth.的,形式主语只能用it。例如:

    It’s necessary for the students to do some housework. 


 (2) 在It’s + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 中of sb. 意为“某人……”,句中形容词可与逻辑主语sb. 构成系表结构,即形容词是用来说明或形容sb.(某人)的。例如:

    It’s very kind of you to help us. 


4. Jim has been inJapanfor three days.

(1) been是be动词的过去分词形式。

(2) have been in 是be in的现在完成时形式,一般与段时间状语连用。例如:

    He has been in hospital for two months. 他住院已经有两个月了。

【拓展】have been to; have been in 与have gone to的辨析:

(1) “have/ has been to + 地点”表示“去过某地”,现在已经回来了。例如:

    I’ve been to Beijing twice. 我已去过北京两次。

(2) “have/has been in + 地点”表示“在某地待了一段时间”。例如:

    He’s been in this school for two years. 他在这所学校待了两年了。

(3)“ have/has gone to + 地点”表示“到某事去了”,现在还没有回来,可能在去的途中,也可能在那里或返回的途中。例如:

    — Where’s Wei Hua? 魏华在哪里?

    — She has gone to the zoo. 她到动物园去了。

5. But he also thinks some things will never change, and his hometown is still the place that holds all his childhood memories.

这是一个复合句,some things至句末为宾语从句,作thinks的宾语。在该宾语从句中包含由and连接的

两个分句,在第二个分句中,“that holds all his childhood memories”是定语从句,修饰先行词place。关



    I like clothes that/which are unusual. 


    Pass me the book(that/which) you bought for me yesterday. 






I. 英汉互译。

1. 多久___________________

2. not …any more __________

3. grow up_____________      

4. 起初___________________

5. as for __________________

6. give up_____________

7. 至少________________

8. 一年一两次________________

9. according to ______________

10. in order to___________________

II. 根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺单词。

1. All my life I have tried to be an _________(诚实的) man.

2. He tied a _________(围巾) around his neck.

3. Please ________(检查) your answer again.

4. It’s very comfortable to step on the _________(柔软的) ground in the spring.

5. During the 1830s, countries all over the world started to build _________(铁路).

6. He is the tallest one _____(在……当中) the boys.

7. In judging him you should ________(仔细考虑) his youth.

8. I have many pleasant _________(回忆) of our friendship.

9. My little son can _________(数数) from one to ten.

10. Miss Li _______(搜寻) on the Internet for the information she needed.

III. 用since或for填空。

1. Jill has been inIreland_________ Monday.

2. Jill has been inIreland_________ three days.

3. My aunt has lived inAustralia_________ 15 days.

4. Margaret is in her office. She has been there _______ 7 o’clock.

5.Indiahas been an independent country ________ 1947.

6. The bus is late. We’ve been waiting _______ 20 minutes.

7. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty ________ many years.

8. Mike has been ill ________ a long time. He has been in hospital _______ October.


I. 英汉互译。

1. how long   2. 不再   3. 长大  4. at first   

5. 至于……   6. 放弃  7. at least 

8. once or twice a year   9. 根据;按照  10. 为了

II. 根据句意及首字母和汉语提示写出所缺单词。

1. honest   2. scarf   3. check  4. soft   

5. railway  6. among     7. consider  

8. memories   9. count  10. searched

III. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. since  2. for  3. for  4. since  5. since  

6. for  7. for  8. for; since


I. 根据汉语提示完成英语句子(每空一词)。

1. 你拥有那边的那辆自行车多长时间了?

 ______ ______ ______ you ______ that bike over there?

2. 请查看一下这些玩具是否完好。

Please ______ ______ if these toys are all right.

3. 说实在的,我很喜欢美国乡村音乐。

______ ______ ______, I like American country music very much.

4. 我在纽约住了几个星期。

I have lived in New York for ______ ______ ______ weeks.

5. 他不懈地学习着,直到不再讨厌数学为止。

He worked and worked until he ______ ______ hated mathematics.

6. 怀特先生的记忆力很差。

Mr. White has ______ ______ ______.

7. “空的”是“满的”的反义词。

“Empty” is ______ ______ ______ “full”.

8. 许多警察和官兵正在森林里搜寻从监狱里跑出来的犯人。

Many policemen and soldiers are ______ the forest ______ the prisoner escaping from prison.

II. 句型转化,每空一词。

1. He ran in the school for half an hour. (对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ ______ he run in the school?

2. We started to skate two hours ago. (对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ you start to skate?

3. They started to play the piano one or two hours ago. (改为同义句)

  They started to play the piano ______ ______ ______ two ago.

4. They have been away from here since two years ago. (改为同义句)

  ______ ______ two years ______ they left here.

5. The man began to work four hours ago. (改为同义句)

  The man has ______ ______ four hours.

6. I have already finished my homework. (改为否定句)

  I ______ ______ my homework ______.

7. She has cleaned the room. (改为一般疑问句)

  ______ she ______ the room?

8. Tina bought the car last year. (改为同义句)

  Tina ______ ______ the car ______ a year.

III. 补全对话。

W: I have visited the World Expo Garden in Shanghai.M: Yang Liu, the summer holiday is over.    1     

M: That must be exciting.   2     You must have waited for a long time to visit some wonderful pavilion, didn’t you?

W: Yes, I did. But I think it’s worth visiting.    3     

M: You’re right. I want to go to the World  Expo Garden, too.

W:   4     

M: I’m planning to go during National Day holiday.

W:   5     

M: The China Pavilion, of course.

W: Have a pleasant trip.

M: Thanks.


I. 根据汉语提示,完成英语句子(每空一词)。

1.   How long have; had   2. check out  

3. To be honest  4. a couple of   5. no longer

6.   a bad memory 7. the opposite of  8.   searching; for

II. 句型转化,每空一词。

1. How   long did   2. When did   

3. one hour or   4. It is; since 

 5. worked for  6. haven’t finished; yet

7. Has;   cleaned  8. has had; for

III. 补全对话。

1-5   EGDBF 




























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