

2016-07-19 精译求精 港股那点事

The VC Pricing


I took at look the mostrecent VC investments in ride sharing companies and what prices they translateinto.


*Sources: Public News Reports, 

来源:Public News Reports, 
The danger in extrapolating VC investments to overall value, which is what thepress stories that report the overall prices do, is that the only time that aVC investment can be scaled up directly to overall value is if it comes with nostrings attached. Adding protections (ratchets) or sweeteners can very quicklyalter the relationship, as I noted 


The Drivers of Price 

Notwithstandingthat concern, is there a logic to this pricing? In other words, what makes Ubermore than three times more valuable than Didi Kuaidi and Didi Kuaidi six timesmore valuable than Lyft? To answer these questions, I pulled up the statisticsthat I could find for each of these companies:



* The revenues are estimated using the revenueslice that these companies report, but with customer give aways and othermarketing costs, the actual revenues were probably lower.
Note that almost all of these numbers come from leaks, guesses or judgmentcalls, and that there are many items where the data is just not available. Forinstance, while we know that Ola, GrabTaxi and BlaBlaCar are all losing money,we do not know how much. At the risk of pushing my data to breaking point, Icomputed every possible pricing multiple that I could for these companies:


On apure pricing basis, Lyft looks cheap on every pricing multiple, and Uber looksexpensive on each one, perhaps providing some perspective on why Carl Icahnfound Lyft to be a bargain, relative to Uber. Didi Kuaidi looks expensive onany measure other than gross billing and GrabTaxi looks cheap on some measuresand expensive on others.  It is worth noting that these companies havedifferent revenue models, with Lyft and Uber hewing to the 20% slice model,established in the US and Ola (which has more of a taxi aggregating model), atleast according to the reports I read, follows the same policy. BlaBla ismostly long-distance rides and gets about 10-12% of the gross billing asrevenue, GrabTaxi gets only 5-10% of gross billings, Didi Kuaidi, which had itsorigins in a taxi hailing app, gets no share of a big chunk of its revenues andBlaBlaCar derives its revenues more from long distance city-to-city trafficthan from within city car service. Given how small the sample is and how fewtransactions have actually occurred, I will not attempt to over analyze thesenumbers, other than wondering, based on my post on corporate names, how muchmore an umlaut would have added to Über's hefty price.

在纯定价的基础上,Lyft看上去在每一的价格上都很便宜,而步每一都很也可能解什么Carl Icahn认为步来,Lyft个公司更划算。滴滴快滴除了在所谓毛收入这一项上有价格优势在其他别的方面都很贵,而Grabtaxi则贵贱不等。值得注意的是这些公司都有其不同的收益模式,从美国发展起来的Lyft和优步坚持20%分成模式;而Ola(这个公司和出租车的模式相类似),至少根据我从新闻上所读到的来看,是遵循着相同的政策的。BlaBla主要运营长途车业务,从所谓毛收入中获利10%-12%,Grabtaxi只获利5%-10%,而前身为出租车呼叫软件的滴滴快的根本就不获利;比起市内专车业务,BlaBlaCar从城际专车业务获利更多。考虑到目前样本规模很小同时交易数量也不多,我不会去过度解读这些数据,但我真正好奇的是,根据我那篇关于公司名称的文章,如果公司改名叫Über的话,那么加上的这个元音能给到底公司的估值加价多少呢?

With all of these companies, the prices paid have risen dramatically in thelast year and a half and I believe that this pricing ladder is driven by Uber'ssuccess at raising capital. In fact, as Uber's estimated price has risen from$10 billion early in 2014 to $17 billion last June to $40 billion at the startof 2015 to $51 billion this summer, it has ratcheted up the values for all ofthe other companies in this space. That should not be surprising, since thepricing game almost always is played out this way, with investors watching eachother rather than the numbers. As with all pricing games, the danger is that adrop in Uber's pricing will ratchet down the ladder, causing a mark down ineveryone's prices.


Bigversus Small Narratives 


If narrative drivesnumbers and value, which is the argument that I have made in valuing Uber andLyft in these last two posts, the contrast between the two is also in theirnarratives. Uber is a big narrative company, presenting itself as a sharingcompany that can succeed in different markets and across countries. Givingcredit where it is due, Travis Kalanick, Uber’s CEO, has been disciplined instaying true to this narrative, and acting consistently. Lyft, on the otherhand, seems to have consciously chosen a smaller, more focused narrative,staying with the story that it is a car service company and further narrowingits react, by restricting itself the US. 


The advantage of a bignarrative is that, if you can convince investors that it is feasible andreachable, it will deliver a higher value for the company, as is evidenced bythe $23.4 billion value that I estimated for Uber. It is even more important inthe pricing game, especially when investors have very few concrete metrics toattach to the price. Thus, it is the two biggest market companies, Uber andDidi Kuaidi, which command the highest prices. Big narratives do come withcosts, and it those costs that may dissuade companies from going forthem. 


It can distract: Bignarratives will require companies to deliver on multiple measures and that maydistract management from more immediate needs. 


It can be costly: Havingto grow faster and in multiple markets (different businesses and differentgeographies) at the same time will be more costly than focusing on a smallermarket and having more measured ambitions.


It can createdisappointments: The flip side of convincing investors that you can reach forthe heights is that if you don’t make it, you will disappoint them, no matterhow good your numbers may be. 


With Uber, you see thepluses and minuses of a big narrative. It is possible that Uber Eats (Uber’sfood delivery service), UberCargo (moving) and UberRush (delivery) are allinvestments that Uber had to make now, to keep its narrative going, but it is alsopossible that these are distractions at a moment when the ride sharing market,which remains Uber’s heart and soul, is heating up. It is undoubtedly true thatUber, while growing at exponential rates, is also spending money at those samerates to keep its big growth going and it is not only likely, but a certainty,that Uber will disappoint their investors at some time, simply becauseexpectations have been set so high. 


It isperhaps to avoid these risks that Lyft has consciously pushed a smallernarrative to investors, focused on one business (ride sharing) and one market(the US). It is avoiding the distractions, the costs and the disappointments ofthe big narrative companies, but at a cost. Not only will it cede the limelightand excitement to Uber, but that may lead it to be both valued and priced lessthan Uber. Uber has used its large value and access to capital as a bludgeon togo after Lyft, in its strongest markets.


As an investor, there isnothing inherently good or bad about either big or small narratives, and acompany cannot become a good investment just because of its narrative choice.Thus, Uber, as a big narrative company, commands a higher valuation ($23.4billion) but it is priced even more highly ($51 billion). Lyft, as a smallnarrative company, has a much lower value ($3.1 billion) but is priced at alower number ($2.5 billion). At these prices, as I see it, Lyft is a betterinvestment than Uber. 


Blockand Draft


It is clear that Uberand Lyft have very different corporate personas and visions for the future andthat some of the difference is for outside consumption. It serves Uber well, inits disruptive role, to be viewed as a bit of a bully who will not walk awayfrom a fight, just as it is Lyft’s best interests to portray itself as thegentler, more humane face of ride sharing. Some of the difference, though, ismanagement culture, with Uber drawing from a very different pool ofdecision-makers than Lyft does. If this were a bicycle race, Uber reminds me ofthe aggressive lead rider, intent on blocking the rest of the pack and gettingto the finish line first, and Lyft is the lower profile racer who rides justbehind the leader, using the draft to save energy for the final push. This isgoing to be a long race, and I have a feeling that its contours will change asthe finish line approaches, but whatever happens, it is going to be fun towatch!














● 投稿给格隆汇。投稿邮箱:tg@gelonghui.com

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