

请点击关注 👉 爱天涯 2023-02-28


在我们生命的尽头,我们最希望的是什么?对于许多人来说,这仅仅是安慰,尊重,爱。BJ Miller是一位临终关怀和姑息医学医生,他对如何为患者创造端庄,优雅的生命深处思考。花时间品尝一下这个动人的演讲,它问了关于我们对死亡和荣誉的看法的重大问题……

演讲者:BJ Miller

演讲题目:What really matters at the end of life


Well, we all need a reason to wake up. For me, it just took 11,000 volts. I know you're too polite to ask, so I will tell you.


One night, sophomore year of college, just back from Thanksgiving holiday, a few of my friends and I were horsing around, and we decided to climb atop a parked commuter train. It was just sitting there, with the wires that run overhead. Somehow, that seemed like a great idea at the time. 


We'd certainly done stupider things. I scurried up the ladder on the back, and when I stood up, the electrical current entered my arm, blew down and out my feet, and that was that. Would you believe that watch still works? Takes a licking! 


My father wears it now in solidarity.


That night began my formal relationship with death -- my death -- and it also began my long run as a patient. It's a good word. It means one who suffers. So I guess we're all patients.

那天晚上开启了我和死亡正式的关系——我的死亡—— 也开始了我作为病人的漫长的旅程。这是一个很合适的词。它的意思是一个受苦的人。我想我们应该都是病人吧。

Now, the American health care system has more than its fair share of dysfunction - to match its brilliance, to be sure. I'm a physician now, a hospice and palliative medicine doc, so I've seen care from both sides. And believe me: almost everyone who goes into healthcare really means well -- I mean, truly. But we who work in it are also unwitting agents for a system that too often does not serve. 

美国的医疗保健系统有不少的功能障碍—— 当然,它也有杰出的方面。我现在是一名医生,安宁病房和临终关怀医生,所以我从两个角度看医疗系统。相信我:几乎每一个从事医疗的人都是十分好心的——是真的。但是我们这些从事医疗的人也是在一个有许多缺陷的系统中工作。

Why? Well, there's actually a pretty easy answer to that question, and it explains a lot: because healthcare was designed with diseases, not people, at its center. Which is to say, of course, it was badly designed. And nowhere are the effects of bad design more heartbreaking or the opportunity for good design more compelling than at the end of life, where things are so distilled and concentrated. There are no do-overs.


My purpose today is to reach out across disciplines and invite design thinking into this big conversation. That is, to bring intention and creativity to the experience of dying. We have a monumental opportunity in front of us, before one of the few universal issues as individuals as well as a civil society: to rethink and redesign how it is we die.


So let's begin at the end. For most people, the scariest thing about death isn't being dead, it's dying, suffering. It's a key distinction. To get underneath this, it can be very helpful to tease out suffering which is necessary as it is, from suffering we can change. 


The former is a natural, essential part of life, part of the deal, and to this we are called to make space, adjust, grow. It can be really good to realize forces larger than ourselves. They bring proportionality, like a cosmic right-sizing. 

前者是一个自然的,生命中必不可少的一部分,于是我们为自己预留空间,调整,成长。 能够认识到有比自己更强大的力量是件好事。这能够带给我们均衡性,一个全新的自我认识。

After my limbs were gone, that loss, for example, became fact, fixed -- necessarily part of my life, and I learned that I could no more reject this fact than reject myself. It took me a while, but I learned it eventually. Now, another great thing about necessary suffering is that it is the very thing that unites caregiver and care receiver -- human beings. This, we are finally realizing, is where healing happens. Yes, compassion -- literally, as we learned yesterday -- suffering together.

在我失去肢体之后,这个损失变成了一个事实,无法改变—— 这变成了我生活中的一部分,我认识到抵触这个事实就是在抵触自己。过了一段时间,我才最终认识到这一点。这种不可避免的痛苦的另一个好处 是它最能够团结照顾者和被看护者—— 增进人与人之间的关系。我们意识到这就是痊愈的开始。是的,同情——就像我们昨天所学的—— 一起承担。

Now, on the systems side, on the other hand, so much of the suffering is unnecessary, invented. It serves no good purpose. But the good news is, since this brand of suffering is made up, well, we can change it. How we die is indeed something we can affect. 


Making the system sensitive to this fundamental distinction between necessary and unnecessary suffering gives us our first of three design cues for the day. After all, our role as caregivers, as people who care, is to relieve suffering -- not add to the pile.


True to the tenets of palliative care, I function as something of a reflective advocate, as much as prescribing physician. Quick aside: palliative care -- a very important field but poorly understood -- while it includes, it is not limited to end of life care. It is not limited to hospice. It's simply about comfort and living well at any stage. So please know that you don't have to be dying anytime soon to benefit from palliative care.

这是缓和医疗的原则,我的职责就是当一个支持者,就像一个处方医生一样。顺便提一下:缓和医疗——是一个非常重要的 工作领域,但是经常被误解—— 它涵盖,但不仅限于病人临终前。不仅限于安宁病房。而是在任何一个阶段都有舒适的生活品质。所以不一定是在病人临终前才能得到安宁缓和医疗。

Now, let me introduce you to Frank. Sort of makes this point. I've been seeing Frank now for years. He's living with advancing prostate cancer on top of long-standing HIV. We work on his bone pain and his fatigue, 


but most of the time we spend thinking out loud together about his life -- really, about our lives. In this way, Frank grieves. In this way, he keeps up with his losses as they roll in, so that he's ready to take in the next moment. Loss is one thing, but regret, quite another. Frank has always been an adventurer -- he looks like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting -- and no fan of regret. 


So it wasn't surprising when he came into clinic one day, saying he wanted to raft down the Colorado River. Was this a good idea? With all the risks to his safety and his health, some would say no. Many did, but he went for it, while he still could. It was a glorious, marvelous trip: 


freezing water, blistering dry heat, scorpions, snakes, wildlife howling off the flaming walls of the Grand Canyon -- all the glorious side of the world beyond our control. Frank's decision, while maybe dramatic, is exactly the kind so many of us would make, if we only had the support to figure out what is best for ourselves over time.

冰凉的水,干热的酷暑,蝎子,蛇,大峡谷似火的岩壁上各种野生动物的嚎叫—— 都是我们无法控制的世界的壮丽的一面。弗兰克的决定,或许有些戏剧性,但是如果我们有我们所需要的支持,去寻找做最有利于自己的选择,那我们大多数人可能都会做出这样的选择。

So much of what we're talking about today is a shift in perspective. After my accident, when I went back to college, I changed my major to art history. Studying visual art, I figured I'd learn something about how to see -- a really potent lesson for a kid who couldn't change so much of what he was seeing. Perspective, that kind of alchemy we humans get to play with, turning anguish into a flower. 

今天聊到的许多都是从不同角度看问题。在我的事故发生之后,我回到了大学,我把我的主修改成了艺术史。在学习视觉艺术的过程中,我发现我学会了如何去观察—— 对于一个无法改变过去所见的孩子来说,那是强有力有的一课。观点是一种人们可以改变的炼金术,可以把煎熬变成花朵。

Flash forward: now I work at an amazing place in San Francisco called the Zen Hospice Project, where we have a little ritual that helps with this shift in perspective. When one of our residents dies, the mortuary men come, and as we're wheeling the body out through the garden, heading for the gate, we pause.往前快进:现在我在旧金山一个很棒的地方工作,叫做禅宗安宁病房项目。在那里我们会举行一个小仪式帮助我们换一个角度看问题。当我们的一个病人去世后,太平间的人会来,当我们推他的遗体车穿过花园时,在大门前,我们会停留片刻。

Anyone who wants -- fellow residents, family, nurses, volunteers, the hearse drivers too, now -- shares a story or a song or silence, as we sprinkle the body with flower petals. It takes a few minutes; it's a sweet, simple parting image to usher in grief with warmth, rather than repugnance. Contrast that with the typical experience in the hospital setting, much like this -- floodlit room lined with tubes and beeping machines and blinking lights that don't stop even when the patient's life has. 

任何人—— 其他的住客,家人,护士,志愿者,还有灵车司机—— 如果他们愿意,他们会分享一段故事,一首歌,或者简单的沉默,同时,我们在遗体上撒花瓣;只有几分钟的时间;这是个很美好,简单的告别场景,用温暖迎接悲痛,而不是厌恶。把这个和普通的医院中的环境对比,差不多跟这个一样——灯光照明的房间中排满各种管子和嘟嘟叫的机器,还有不停闪烁的灯光,尽管病人的生命已经停止了。

Cleaning crew swoops in, the body's whisked away, and it all feels as though that person had never really existed. Well intended, of course, in the name of sterility, but hospitals tend to assault our senses, and the most we might hope for within those walls is numbness anesthetic, literally the opposite of aesthetic. I revere hospitals for whatthey can do; I am alive because of them. 

清理人员立即进来,遗体被快速地接走,然后就好像那个人从来没有存在过似的。从卫生角度考虑,他们的做法当然有道理,但是医院很容易侵犯我们的感官,在那四面墙内,我们最多也只能期盼麻木—— 麻木不仁,字面意思上和美感完全相反。我敬仰医院所做的一切,因为有它们我现在还活着。

But we ask too much of our hospitals. They are places for acute trauma and treatable illness. They are no place to live and die; that's not what they were designed for.


Now mind you -- I am not giving up on the notion that our institutions can become more humane. Beauty can be found anywhere. I spent a few months in a burn unit at St. Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, New Jersey, where I got really great care at every turn, including good palliative care for my pain. And one night, it began to snow outside. I remember my nurses complaining about driving through it. 


And there was no window in my room, but it was great to just imagine it coming down all sticky. Next day, one of my nurses smuggled in a snowball for me. She brought it in to the unit. I cannot tell you the rapture I felt holding that in my hand, and the coldness dripping onto my burning skin; 


the miracle of it all, the fascination as I watched it melt and turn into water. In that moment, just being any part of this planet in this universe mattered more to me than whether I lived or died. That little snowball packed all the inspiration I needed to both try to live and be OK if I did not. In a hospital, that's a stolen moment.


In my work over the years, I've known many people who were ready to go, ready to die. Not because they had found some final peace or transcendence, but because they were so repulsed by what their lives had become  in a word, cut off, or ugly. 

在我多年的工作中,我结交了许多愿意离开,准备好接受死亡的人。并不是因为他们找到了最终的安乐或者超越,而是因为他们被他们生命中的转折击退了—— 有一个词,也就是隔绝,丑陋。

There are already record numbers of us living with chronic and terminal illness, and into ever older age. And we are nowhere near ready or prepared for this silver tsunami. We need an infrastructure dynamic enough to handle these seismic shifts in our population. Now is the time to create something new, something vital. I know we can because we have to. The alternative is just unacceptable. And the key ingredients are known: policy, education and training, systems, bricks and mortar. We have tons of input for designers of all stripes to work with.


We know, for example, from research what's most important to people who are closer to death: comfort; feeling unburdened and unburdening to those they love; existential peace; and a sense of wonderment and spirituality.


Over Zen Hospice's nearly 30 years, we've learned much more from our residents in subtle detail. Little things aren't so little. Take Janette. She finds it harder to breathe one day to the next due to ALS. Well, guess what? She wants to start smoking again -- and French cigarettes, if you please. Not out of some self-destructive bent, but to feel her lungs filled while she has them. Priorities change. Or Kate -- 


she just wants to know her dog Austin is lying at the foot of her bed, his cold muzzle against her dry skin, instead of more chemotherapy coursing through her veins -- she's done that. Sensuous, aesthetic gratification, where in a moment, in an instant, we are rewarded for just being. So much of it comes down to loving our time by way of the senses, by way of the body -- the very thing doing the living and the dying.


Probably the most poignant room in the Zen Hospice guest house is our kitchen, which is a little strange when you realize that so many of our residents can eat very little, if anything at all. But we realize we are providing sustenance on several levels: smell, a symbolic plane. Seriously, with all the heavy-duty stuff happening under our roof, one of the most tried and true interventions we know of, is to bake cookies. As long as we have our senses -- 


even just one -- we have at least the possibility of accessing what makes us feel human, connected. Imagine the ripples of this notion for the millions of people living and dying with dementia. Primal sensorial delights that say the things we don't have words for, impulses that make us stay present -- no need for a past or a future.

哪怕只有一个—— 我们至少还有可以接触人性的感觉,和世界连接。对于全世界数百万的与痴呆症生死搏斗的人来说,我们可以想象一下这个观点的效应。最原始的感官上的愉悦是我们无法用语言描述的,是使我们珍惜当下的冲动—— 不需要回到过去或者展望未来。

So, if teasing unnecessary suffering out of the system was our first design cue, then tending to dignity by way of the senses, by way of the body -- the aesthetic realm -- is design cue number two. Now this gets us quickly to the third and final bit for today; namely, we need to lift our sights, to set our sights on well-being, so that life and health and healthcare can become about making life more wonderful, rather than just less horrible. Beneficence.


Here, this gets right at the distinction between a disease-centered and a patient- or human-centered model of care, and here is where caring becomes a creative, generative, even playful act. "Play" may sound like a funny word here. But it is also one of our highest forms of adaptation. 


Consider every major compulsory effort it takes to be human. The need for food has birthed cuisine. The need for shelter has given rise to architecture. The need for cover, fashion. And for being subjected to the clock, well, we invented music. So, since dying is a necessary part of life, what might we create with this fact? By "play" I am in no way suggesting we take a light approach to dying or that we mandate any particular way of dying. 


There are mountains of sorrow that cannot move, and one way or another, we will all kneel there. Rather, I am asking that we make space -- physical, psychic room, to allow life to play itself all the way out -- so that rather than just getting out of the way, aging and dying can become a process of crescendo through to the end. We can't solve for death. I know some of you are working on this. 


Meanwhile, we can --


We can design towards it. Parts of me died early on, and that's something we can all say one way or another. I got to redesign my life around this fact, and I tell you it has been a liberation to realize you can always find a shock of beauty or meaning in what life you have left, 


like that snowball lasting for a perfect moment, all the while melting away. If we love such moments ferociously, then maybe we can learn to live well -- not in spite of death, but because of it. Let death be what takes us, not lack of imagination.







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主编/慕容风 监制/Richard
视频编辑/李小可 安雅制图/慕容秋水©爱天涯

