

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,@央视新闻 的一则题为「美科学家称武汉绝不是新冠病毒源头」的消息引发广泛关注。



Sorry, conspiracy theorists. Study concludes COVID-19 'is not a laboratory construct'


Conspiracy theories claiming COVID-19 was engineered in a lab as part of a biological attack on the United States have been gaining traction online in recent weeks, but a new study on the origins of the virus has concluded that the pandemic-causing strain developed naturally.

An analysis of the evidence, according to the findings first published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine, shows that the novel coronavirus "is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus," with the researchers concluding "we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible."

"There’s a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories that went to a pretty high level," Dr. Robert Garry, a professor at the Tulane University School of Medicine and one of the authors of the study, told ABC News, "so we felt it was important to get a team together to examine evidence of this new coronavirus to determine what we could about the origin."

Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, supported the study’s findings, writing on his blog, "This study leaves little room to refute a natural origin for COVID-19."

Researchers concluded that the novel coronavirus is not a human creation because it does not share any "previously used virus backbone." It likely arose, the study said, from a recombination of a virus found in bats and another virus, possibly originating from pangolins, otherwise known as scaly anteaters.

COVID-19 is 96% identical to a coronavirus found in bats, researchers said, but with a certain variation that could explain what has made it so infectious.

"We know from the study of other coronaviruses that they’re able to acquire this [variation] and they can then become more pathogenic," Garry told ABC News. "This is a good explanation as to why this virus is so transmittable and has caused this pandemic."

The mutation in surface proteins, according to Garry, could have triggered the outbreak of the pandemic, but it’s also possible that a less severe version of the illness was circulating through the population for years, perhaps even decades, before escalating to this point.

"We don’t know if those mutations were picked up more recently or a long time ago," Garry told ABC News. "It’s impossible to say if it actually was a mutation that triggered the pandemic, but either way, it would have been a naturally occurring process."

And while many believe the virus originated at a fish market in Wuhan, China, Garry said that is also a misconception.

"Our analyses, and others too, point to an earlier origin than that," Garry said. "There were definitely cases there, but that wasn’t the origin of the virus."

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Understanding the virus


Sorry, conspiracy theorists. Study concludes COVID-19 'is not a laboratory construct'


Conspiracy theories claiming COVID-19 was engineered in a lab as part of a biological attack on the United States have been gaining traction online in recent weeks, but a new study on the origins of the virus has concluded that the pandemic-causing strain developed naturally.


表示“合谋;密谋策划;阴谋”,英文解释为“Conspiracy is secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal.举个🌰:

Seven men, all from France, admitted conspiracy to commit arson.


conspiracy theories 阴谋论


1)原意表示“牵引;拖拉;牵引力;拉力”,英文解释为“the action of pulling sth along a surface; the power that is used for doing this”;

2)表示“(观点或产品等)变得流行(或被接受)”,英文解释为“the fact of an idea, product, etc. becoming popular or being accepted”举个🌰:

In our digital age, it takes less time for new words and phrases to gain traction than it did in the past.


类似的还有一个出镜率更高的go viral,go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为表示“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral,英文解释为“to become very popular very quickly”。


1)表示“(动植物的)品系,株系,品种”,英文解释为“an animal or plant from a particular group whose characteristics are different in some way from others of the same group”举个🌰:

Scientists have discovered a new strain of the virus which is much more dangerous.


2)表示“压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧等)”,英文解释为“pressure on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces”举个🌰:

Their marriage is under great strain at the moment.


3)表示“压力;拉力;张力;应力”,英文解释为“the pressure that is put on sth when a physical force stretches, pushes, or pulls it”举个🌰:

The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it collapsed.


An analysis of the evidence, according to the findings first published in the scientific journal Nature Medicine, shows that the novel coronavirus "is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus," with the researchers concluding "we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is plausible."



前几天刚在安倍提议东京奥运会延期一年!一文中出现过,scenario /sɪˈnɑːrɪˌəʊ/表示“设想;可能的情况”,英文解释为“If you talk about a likely or possible scenario, you are talking about the way in which a situation may develop.举个🌰:

There are several possible scenarios.


"There’s a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories that went to a pretty high level," Dr. Robert Garry, a professor at the Tulane University School of Medicine and one of the authors of the study, told ABC News, "so we felt it was important to get a team together to examine evidence of this new coronavirus to determine what we could about the origin."


Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, supported the study’s findings, writing on his blog, "This study leaves little room to refute a natural origin for COVID-19."


1)表示“驳斥;批驳”,英文解释为“to prove that sth is wrong”,如: to refute an argument/a theory 驳斥一个论点/理论;

2)表示“反驳;否认”,英文解释为“to say that sth is not true or fair”,举个🌰:

She refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally.


Researchers concluded that the novel coronavirus is not a human creation because it does not share any "previously used virus backbone." It likely arose, the study said, from a recombination of a virus found in bats and another virus, possibly originating from pangolins, otherwise known as scaly anteaters.



1)表示“支柱;骨干;基础”,英文解释为“the most important part of a system, an organization, etc. that gives it support and strength”举个🌰:

Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy.


2)表示“脊梁骨;脊柱”,英文解释为“the row of small bones that are connected together down the middle of the back”;

3)表示“毅力;骨气”,英文解释为“the strength of character that you need to do sth difficult”,举个🌰:

He doesn't have the backbone to face the truth.


bat 蝙蝠

pangolin = scaly anteater 穿山甲


COVID-19 is 96% identical to a coronavirus found in bats, researchers said, but with a certain variation that could explain what has made it so infectious.


"We know from the study of other coronaviruses that they’re able to acquire this [variation] and they can then become more pathogenic," Garry told ABC News. "This is a good explanation as to why this virus is so transmittable and has caused this pandemic."



表示“发病的;病原的:致病的”,英文解释为“A pathogenic organism can cause disease in a person, animal, or plant.”

The mutation in surface proteins, according to Garry, could have triggered the outbreak of the pandemic, but it’s also possible that a less severe version of the illness was circulating through the population for years, perhaps even decades, before escalating to this point.


表示“(生物物种的)变异,突变”,英文解释为“a process in which the genetic material of a person, a plant or an animal changes in structure when it is passed on to children, etc., causing different physical characteristics to develop; a change of this kind”。

"We don’t know if those mutations were picked up more recently or a long time ago," Garry told ABC News. "It’s impossible to say if it actually was a mutation that triggered the pandemic, but either way, it would have been a naturally occurring process."

And while many believe the virus originated at a fish market in Wuhan, China, Garry said that is also a misconception. "Our analyses, and others too, point to an earlier origin than that," Garry said. "There were definitely cases there, but that wasn’t the origin of the virus."

加里在接受美国广播公司(ABC)采访时表示,尽管许多人认为该病毒起源于中国武汉的一个海鲜市场,但这是一个错误观点。 “我们的分析以及其他一些分析都指向了比那更早的起源。武汉那里肯定有一些病例,但绝不是该病毒的源头。央视新闻)

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