

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,国家电影局发布通知,低风险地区(low-risk areas)在电影院各项防控措施有效落实到位的前提下,可于7月20日有序恢复开放营业。


China to let most cinemas re-open from Monday as pandemic ebbs


China will allow most cinemas to re-open from July 20, the film administration said on Thursday, six months after they were forced to close as part of draconian measures to contain the novel coronavirus.

The relaxation has been long awaited in the world’s second-largest film market, where lockdowns have eased gradually as infections have dropped sharply since March, with many restaurants and malls open for months.

Cinemas in low-risk areas will resume operations but curbs, from limited film showings to mandatory masks, will still apply, although those in medium- and high-risk areas will stay shut, the China Film Administration said in a statement.

No area in China is now categorised as high-risk, the government said, however, and just four neighborhoods in Beijing, the capital, are graded medium-risk.

“This is breaking news for the industry and people are thrilled,” said Gao Jun, former general manager of Beijing-headquartered Xinyinglian Cinema Chain.

“This industry is in a desperate situation because of high operational cost: the rent.”

Cinemas that re-open will have to limit audiences to 30% of normal and keep vacant seats between patrons, who are required to book in advance and not carry in food and drinks, the film authority said.

The theatres were forced to shut in late January as China battled the virus late last year.

Shares in China’s largest cinema owner, Wanda Film jumped on the news, to end up 1.1% percent, outperforming a drop of 5% in the benchmark Shenzhen Composite Index.

“Wanda Film’s preparations are progressing in an orderly fashion,” the company, which runs more than 600 cinemas nationwide, said in a statement, adding that it planned to announce re-openings.

Last week, it forecast a swing to a first-half net loss of up to 1.6 billion yuan (182.40 million pounds), from a gain of 524 million yuan in the corresponding period last year.

Social media users welcomed the news, despite the restrictions. “I have many films that I want to watch in the cinema!” said one user on Sina Weibo.

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China to let most cinemas re-open from Monday as pandemic ebbs


China will allow most cinemas to re-open from July 20, the film administration said on Thursday, six months after they were forced to close as part of draconian measures to contain the novel coronavirus.

ebb /ɛb/

1)表示“衰退;逐渐减少;衰竭”,英文解释为“If someone's life, support, or feeling ebbs, it becomes weaker and gradually disappears.”举个🌰:

Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?


2)另一个含义表示“落潮,退潮”,英文解释为“When the sea or tide ebbs, it moves away from the coast and falls to a lower level.”

📍ebb作名词时,有个短语叫ebb and flow意思是“起伏,涨落”(the way in which the level of something regularly becomes higher or lower in a situation)举个🌰:

You have to accept the ebb and flow of love in a relationship.


🎬电影《无法无天》(Lawless)中的台词提到:There's an ebb and flow to this kind of work. 这种工作总是起起落落。

draconian /dreɪˈkəʊnɪən, drə-/

表示“严酷的 (法令或措施)”,英文解释为“Draconian laws or measures are extremely harsh and severe.”如:draconian laws/methods 严酷的法律/苛刻的方法,draconian measures 严厉的措施。

📺美剧《家有正太》(About a Boy)第2季中的台词提到:Look, I have never had cause to take such draconian measures. 我从没有采取过这么严厉的措施。


1)表示“防止…蔓延(或恶化)”,英文解释为“to prevent sth harmful from spreading or getting worse”如:to contain an epidemic 防止流行病的蔓延。

2)表示“控制,克制,抑制(感情)”,英文解释为“to keep your feelings under control”举个🌰:

She was unable to contain her excitement.


🎬电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)中的台词提到:That's why our mission was to contain it.所以我们的主要任务是控制它。

📍类似的一个词,restrain表示“阻止,制止;遏制”(to control the actions or behaviour of someone by force, especially in order to stop them from doing something, or to limit the growth or force of something)举个🌰:

She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.


📍类似的短语:keep/ get sth under control,举个🌰:

You should learn to keep your temper under control.


The relaxation has been long awaited in the world's second-largest film market, where lockdowns have eased gradually as infections have dropped sharply since March, with many restaurants and malls open for months.


近半年以来超级高频的一个词,表示“活动(或行动)限制;(建筑或地区)因紧急情况而被封锁了”,英文解释为“a situation in which restrictions are placed on sb's movements or actions”举个🌰:

The Secret Service is imposing a virtual lockdown on the city.


Cinemas in low-risk areas will resume operations but curbs, from limited film showings to mandatory masks, will still apply, although those in medium- and high-risk areas will stay shut, the China Film Administration said in a statement.


表示“(中断后)继续,重新开始”,英文解释为“If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause.”举个🌰:

Normal services will be resumed in the spring.


No area in China is now categorised as high-risk, the government said, however, and just four neighborhoods in Beijing, the capital, are graded medium-risk.


表示“将…分类;把…加以归类”,英文解释为“to put people or things into groups according to what type they are”举个🌰:

Participants were categorised according to age.


📍下一句立刻用 be graded 替换了be categorised as,grade作动词,表示“(按能力、质量、大小等将…)分级,分等,分类”(to arrange people or things in groups according to their ability, quality, size, etc.)

“This is breaking news for the industry and people are thrilled,” said Gao Jun, former general manager of Beijing-headquartered Xinyinglian Cinema Chain.


“This industry is in a desperate situation because of high operational cost: the rent.”


Cinemas that re-open will have to limit audiences to 30% of normal and keep vacant seats between patrons, who are required to book in advance and not carry in food and drinks, the film authority said.



表示“ (酒吧、旅馆等的) 顾客”,英文解释为“The patrons of a place such as a bar or hotel are its customers.”举个🌰:

Few patrons of a high-priced hotel can be led to expect anything other than luxury service.


The theatres were forced to shut in late January as China battled the virus late last year.

Shares in China's largest cinema owner, Wanda Film jumped on the news, to end up 1.1% percent, outperforming a drop of 5% in the benchmark Shenzhen Composite Index.


表示“基准”,英文解释为“something which can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with”。

“Wanda Film's preparations are progressing in an orderly fashion,” the company, which runs more than 600 cinemas nationwide, said in a statement, adding that it planned to announce re-openings.


Last week, it forecast a swing to a first-half net loss of up to 1.6 billion yuan (182.40 million pounds), from a gain of 524 million yuan in the corresponding period last year.


1)作名词,表示“秋千”,英文解释为“a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes or chains”;

2)表示“摆动;挥动;转动;强劲节奏”,英文解释为“a swinging movement or rhythm”,举个🌰:

He took a wild swing at the ball.


3)表示“改变;改变的程度”,英文解释为“a change from one opinion or situation to another; the amount by which sth changes”,举个🌰:

Voting showed a 25% swing to him.



此处first-half “第一个一半”指的是上半年,还可以指“比赛的上半场”,英文解释为“either of two periods of time into which a game is divided”,下半场则是second half.

Social media users welcomed the news, despite the restrictions. “I have many films that I want to watch in the cinema!” said one user on Sina Weibo.

最后,提到电影,有个熟词僻义picture也可以表示“电影”(a film),举个🌰:

It was voted the year's best picture.


其复数形式,the pictures可以表示“电影院”(the cinema),举个🌰:

Let's go to the pictures tonight.


此外,阿里巴巴影业就叫 Alibaba Pictures.

- 推荐阅读 -

《寄生虫》| 《爱的迫降》|《绿皮书》

《少年的你》| 《攀登者》|《黑豹》


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