
中国为世界树立典范,国际社会应携手抗疫 l 我院南非籍学者格特大使在China Daily刊文

Gert Grobler 浙师大非洲研究院 2021-02-03

导语:浙江师范大学非洲研究院高级研究员、南非国际关系与合作部欧美司原代理副总司长格特·格罗布勒大使近日在China Daily 发文Role Model(《中国为世界树立典范,国际社会应携手抗疫》【编者加】)。文章介绍了新冠疫情对非洲人民身体健康和经济发展带来的影响以及非洲国家、区域组织为抗击疫情所采取的共同行动和努力,充分赞扬习近平出席二十国集团领导人应对新冠肺炎特别峰会上所发表的重要讲话,认为习近平总书记提出的四大倡议发出了国际合作抗疫情的有力信号,倡议与非洲国家的诉求方向一致。文章还援引南非卫生部部长的讲话“中国是南非抗击病毒传播的‘榜样’”,充分肯定了中国疫情防控措施与成效,再次呼吁国际社会加强团结与合作,共同维护人类健康与全球发展。



Africa is looking to China for help in overcoming the immediate and long-term impacts from the spread of the novel coronavirus

The novel coronavirus is a severe test for Africa's governance and health systems. There are longstanding weaknesses in the health infrastructure and the government delivery of public health services in many African countries. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund estimate that the economic costs for Africa due to the virus are likely to be approximately $100 billion or 5 percent of the continent's GDP.

Without necessary personal protective equipment for health workers, ventilators for the critically ill and adequate testing kits, the novel coronavirus will pose a massive threat to the future of many African countries, including South Africa. As a continent already battling HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and, to an extent, Ebola, along with widespread poverty, malnutrition and weak health systems, compared to the developed world, Africa is at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to combating the novel coronavirus.

African leaders have therefore already begun to mobilize to develop a coordinated response to the virus. A meeting of African finance ministers in mid-March affirmed the need for solutions that focus on protecting jobs, especially in service industries such as tourism. The ministers also stressed that there needs to be coordination in the procurement and distribution of much needed medical and pharmaceutical supplies.

Following this meeting, South Africa's President, Cyril Ramaphosa, chair of the African Union, convened a meeting of the AU Bureau on March 26 to develop a common African response to the virus. The outstanding feature of this meeting was the agreement by all African countries on a unified approach to fighting the virus and the establishment of the African Coronavirus Fund.

President Ramaphosa was subsequently given the mandate by the AU leaders to appeal to G20 support at the G20 virtual meeting hosted by Saudi Arabia on March 26. At the G20 meeting, he appealed for economic assistance for Africa to help fight against the pandemic. He called on the G20 members, particularly the more developed countries to support financial packages for Africa to be given debt relief from the IMF and the World Bank so that countries are able to halt their international debt repayments so they can focus on the fighting against the virus.

President Ramaphosa and Africa valued and appreciated the contribution by President Xi Jinping at the G20 meeting which contained a number of constructive and balanced proposals focusing on the need "to strengthen confidence, to act with unity and work together in a collective response" and with a strong focus on international cooperation.

Africa welcomed the four broad actions that President Xi proposed, namely, fighting an all-out global war against the COVID-19 outbreak, a collective response for control and treatment at the international level, international organizations' playing active roles, and enhancing international macroeconomic policy coordination. Africa also welcomed his call for the G20 members to take collective action to cut tariffs and remove barriers to facilitate the unfettered flow of trade.

It is significant that the proposals put forward by President Xi, to a large extent cover and overlap with the proposals that President Ramaphosa put forward on behalf of Africa. The synergies that exist between China and Africa, present numerous opportunities for enhanced cooperation between China and Africa on combating the spread of the virus in Africa.

In this regard the role of President Ramaphosa as the Chair of the AU in 2020 is of significance, as it is known that he attaches great importance to the strategic friendship between Africa and China. President Ramaphosa has lauded the comprehensive, resolute and thorough measures taken by the Chinese leadership and the resilience demonstrated by the Chinese people to stem the spread of the virus in China as well as his appreciation for the support that China is in the process of giving to Africa and South Africa. In this regard, the president thanked Jack Ma for his support to Africa, as well as Tencent, and the Chinese government for the support they have provided.

Due to the constructive role and proposals by China, Africa is, in principle, satisfied with the outcome of the G20 meeting and felt that the G20 leaders have recognized Africa's needs during the pandemic and agreed that the notion of Africa being at the "back of the line" for medical equipment like ventilators would be to the detriment of humanity.

It was evident that the G20 leaders realized that African countries need adequate financial safety nets, as the G20 joint statement expressed concern about poor countries, and for help to strengthen capacity building and provide technical assistance to "at-risk countries" and to mobilize development and humanitarian assistance. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund also called on members to immediately suspend the debt repayments of poor countries.

With the virus raging in Africa now, China, while strengthening its own prevention of the spread of the virus, has increasingly shared its experiences with African countries and is lending a timely hand to support Africa to the best of its ability. China has provided two batches of testing reagents to the AU and sped up its supplies of medical masks and protective suits, to a number of African countries. Chinese experts with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention have held videoconferences with 24 African countries and passed on the lessons of their anti-epidemic experiences and Chinese medical teams have been mobilized to participate in operations to combat the virus in the countries where they are stationed.

In fact, the minister of health of South Africa announced on April 1 that the South African government has decided to approach China and Cuba for help in the combating of the novel coronavirus. The minister added that the focus was mainly on China because of its wide experience in containing the virus and Cuba for its medical expertise. The minister emphasized that China was going to be "used as an example" for South Africa in fighting the spread of the virus.

The Chinese people have suffered significantly over the last few months, receiving widespread praise for the comprehensive, resolute and thorough manner in which they stemmed the spread of the virus in China. It is truly sad therefore that at a time when the world desperately needs concerted international or multilateral cooperation, solidarity and compassion to overcome this devastating crisis, that some people prefer to play a counter-productive blame game spewing distorted and questionable facts and in the process regrettably displaying an ugly prejudice and bias which contributes to shameful stereotyping of China and in fact "racial hatred" toward the Chinese people.

Africa and China know that solidarity and international cooperation are the most powerful weapons to overcome the crisis. Africa knows that China will join hands with countries in Africa and elsewhere to fight the pandemic and safeguard global health, so as to promote a better and healthier shared future for humankind.


我院兼职研究员乌比博士在CGTN撰文《“疫情之下的非洲及其未来令人担忧”》Can China-style quarantine against COVID-19 go global?|迈克尔称赞中国经验China Leading the Fight of the COVID-19 | 我院留学生爱德表示中国战“疫”为世界提供典范Increasing shining beacon of hope by statistics  | 迈克儿为中国抗疫打CALL
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非洲来信之二:我们一直牵挂着你们 | We are keeping you in our thoughts
非洲来信:“我与你们站在一起” | I Stand with You in This Critical Time
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Foued Larby :The Patriotic Dragons |非洲研究院非洲留学生为中国抗疫点赞加油

来源 | China Daily

编辑 | 单敏
审核 | 非洲研究院科研办








About us

Established in 2007, the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University, is the first comprehensive and substantive African Research Institute based in China’s universities. In the decade since its founding, the Institute has remained focused on both producing influential academic output, as well as cultivating scholars in African Studies from both China and Africa, gaining reputation as a highly influential academic institution both at home and abroad. At the onset of its second decade, the Institute of African Studies intends to move towards a more regionalized, nationalized, distinctive and internationally oriented direction in its research. At the same time, the institute will continue to encourage young and upcoming scholars to conduct research, and provide them with the necessary support.

Qui sommes-nous

L’IASZNU a été fondée en Septembre 2007 sous les auspices du Ministère de l’Éducation (MOE) et le Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (MFA). Parmi les Universités chinoises, c’est le premier Institut complet créé spécialement pour les études africaines. Après plus de 10 années de développement, l’IASZNU est devenue un Institut d’études et un Think Tanks très influent sur les affaires africaines en Chine qui possède un « Savant du Chang Jiang » des études africaines. Il est le Think Tanks chinois sur le  « Plan Think Tanks du Partenariat Chine-Afrique 10 + 10 » et un des établissements guides sur le « Plan de Recherche Conjointe et d’Echange Chine-Afrique » du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. Il est sélectionné par le Ministère de l’Éducation pour « La Coopération Universitaire Chine-Afrique 20+20 », en tant que base principale pour des études du continent et des études spécifiques de pays. Il est également sélectionné par la Province du Zhejiang comme le Centre d’Innovation Collaborative 2011, la base de recherche de la Philosophie et des Sciences Sociales dans la province de Zhejiang. L’IASZNU a été classé parmi les meilleurs Think Tanks (affiliés à une Université) au monde pendant deux années consécutives, en 2016 et en 2017, par le Global Think Tanks Index publié annuellement par la Pennsylvanie Université. En 2018, l’Institut a été classé comme l’un des meilleurs Think Tanks affilié à une université en Chine avec le classement A + du système de classement chinois (CTTI).

