
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Perspectives 2020年第1期目录

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2021-03-17


语言学及应用语言学加群联系人:sflsy0803 孙老师

文学与翻译加群联系人:Nicole2397471433 李老师

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学术会议 | “新媒体、自媒体时代的话语分析”学术研讨会 会议(2020年7月3-5日)

科研助力 | 香港中文大学的统计学课,他搬到了互联网上,文科生再也不愁学统计啦!

科研助力 | Bloomsbury出版社语言学书籍征订(中国官方代理)

科研助力 | 长江学者关于国家社科基金申报的建议

科研助力 | 国家社科基金项目10讲:从选题到结项

科研助力 | 怎样提高国家社科基金项目申报的中标率?

科研助力 | 如何提升文献检索能力?告诉你…

科研助力 | 王宁教授的方法课:30讲带你搞懂质性研究方法

科研助力 | 研究设计35讲重磅上线!浙江大学耿曙教授亲授

科研助力 | 加利福尼亚州立大学刀熊博士:7大实证研究方法逐个击破

期刊征订 | John Benjamins旗下语言学电子期刊征订(中国官方代理)

新著推荐 | 束定芳等:Cognitive Linguistics and the Study of Chinese

读书小札 |  迈克尔·图兰《短篇小说叙事进程:语料库文体学方法》

文学悦读| 从《百家讲坛》到《中国诗词大会》:再听中南大学杨雨教授谈论古诗词

文化解读 | 郑培凯教授:中国戏曲文化解读

科研助力| 如何理解政治?25部经典重识西方文明

文学悦读 | 诺奖作家写作时,我们也以某种方式参与其中?

文学研究 | 走近文学大师 :陈众议、陆建德等11位专攻学者权威解读


Translating perceptions and managing expectations: an analysis of management and production perspectives on machine translation

Lucas Nunes Vieira & Elisa Alonso

Pages: 163-184

The use of machine translation (MT) in professional translation tasks can change not only how translators work, but also how projects are managed and the expectations they entail across translation supply chains. Previous research has looked extensively into translators’ attitudes to MT but has often ignored important aspects of how translators’ views interact with those of other language industry stakeholders. This article presents a contrastive analysis of attitudes to MT which covers management and production perspectives. The discussion draws on semi-structured interviews which were thematically coded and qualitatively examined. The study shows how MT adds uncertainty to translation production networks. It argues that the challenges posed by MT are exacerbated by how the current makeup of the language industry restricts translators’ field of influence to texts while possibly alienating them from wider aspects of business strategy. The article makes two suggestions. First, it calls for increased translator involvement in the management aspects of service provision. Second, it emphasises the need for a deeper discussion of MT which, rather than framing the technology itself as a potential ‘threat’, addresses broader societal issues involving misguided perceptions and mismatched expectations.


Polyglot orientalist-translator Joseph Benoliel: a study of his Hebrew translations for the Lisbon 1892 International Congress of Orientalists

Marta Pacheco Pinto

Pages: 185-201

As a field of study that developed under a philological impulse, Orientalism created its own sites of knowledge exchange and sociability, well-illustrated by the International Congresses of Orientalists (1873–1973). This article focuses on Hebraist and Arabist Joseph Benoliel (1857–1937) who published two Hebrew translations within the orientalist congress that was supposed to have taken place in Lisbon in 1892. These translations will be examined peritextually so as to analyse the orientalist translation paradigm followed to voice otherness considering the (con)texts selected for translation, to unveil perceptions about translation, and inquire into a discursive form of knowledge as subordinated to an epistemological or hermeneutical agenda. To this end, the article is structured as follows: first, I will outline Benoliel’s life narrative to shed light on his polyglot background; second, I will formally describe the translations he prepared for the Lisbon congress in which Hebrew is the privileged target language; third, the peritextual analysis of these texts will be discussed against the voices paratextually framing them. The last part reviews the implications of Benoliel’s idiosyncratic translation strategy under the idea of a translational epistemology, or hermeneutics, in that Benoliel openly relies on the use of the Bible as intertext.


EU lay communication in translation: mediation, affectivity and EU citizenship

A contrastive multilingual critical discourse analytic approach to translation

Maria Constantinou

Pages: 202-223

Translation within European Union (EU) institutions has attracted the attention of scholars in Translation Studies who have mainly investigated legal documents and focussed on their hybridity, ideological significance, quality or their normative function. This study deals with an under-researched genre, that of EU lay communication. In particular, it examines some versions of a recent EU promotional material: 60 Gründe für die EU’. Warum wir die EU nach wie vor brauchen, initially drafted in German and then rendered in the linguacultures of the EU. Capitalizing on Systemic Functional Linguistics and appraisal theory, it focusses on two versions for Greece and for Cyprus, alongside other translations of the same document (for Ireland, Malta, France, and Germany). It investigates the translators’ intervention, and how ideological shifts are likely to distort the meaning potential from the viewpoint of the ideational and interpersonal metafunctions of the texts studied, which seem to affect the EU’s agency and affective citizenship. It concludes that the version for Greece is often maximally mediated, introducing shifts that do not serve the purpose of the initial text, while the version for Cyprus, like the other versions under attention, contributes to a more positive evaluation of the institutions.


Translation and prefiguration: consolidating a conceptual encounter

Jan Buts

Pages: 224-237

The concept of prefiguration, generally referring to the creation of an alternative society within the here and now, has proven highly productive in coming to terms with contemporary social movements, as the term ‘prefigurative’ is used to group a number of political phenomena that share at least the sense of presenting an alternative to the problematic entanglement of capitalism and democracy. Today, the concept is rapidly crossing disciplinary boundaries, due to its perceived capacity for intersemiotic mobilization, and has consequently come to serve as an important reference point in discussions of translation as an activist practice. This article draws upon the present-day political as well as historical theological usage of ‘prefiguration’ to examine the concept’s circulation in translation studies, which covers a number of distinct but interrelated phenomena concerning the process as well as product of translation. In this context, prefiguration is shown to depend upon performative declarations of equivalence between signs and social practices. Ultimately reversing the suggestion of translation as a potential site of prefiguration, I argue that prefiguration is fundamentally a trope of translatability.


Tenacious technophobes or nascent technophiles? A survey of the technological practices and needs of literary translators

Stephen Slessor

Pages: 238-252

In a context of increasing investigation of technology use by translators of pragmatic texts, there appears to be an assumption that literary translation is a unique practice and that digital tools designed to improve the productivity of non-literary translators have few applications in the literary domain. The present study seeks to challenge that assumption and find out what tools and resources literary translators actually employ in practice; how they interact with source and target texts, manage terminology, and conduct linguistic research; and what their needs may be for training in this area. Members of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada were invited to complete an anonymous self-administered online questionnaire on their use of technology and digital resources. Results indicate that literary translators make extensive use of standard tools and electronic resources but little use of more specialized technology. However, it was also found that some respondents make ‘creative’ use of specialized technology and that literary translators have a broad range of needs, particularly for linguistic and cultural research, leading to a recommendation that future investigation in this area focus on the improvement of digital tools and resources to support literary translators in meeting their ad hoc needs.


Translation technology adoption: evidence from a postgraduate programme for student translators in China

Deliang Man, Aiping Mo, Meng Huat Chau, John Mitchell O’Toole & Charity Lee

Pages: 253-270

The ability to use translation technology is considered a key component of a translator’s translation competence. However, few studies have investigated the extent of use of translation technology, especially among student translators. This paper reports on a survey of translation technology adoption among 441 students enrolled on a Master-level Programme in Translation and Interpreting. A questionnaire was used to measure student knowledge and frequency of use for six common types of translation technology tools and resources: electronic dictionaries, search engines, online encyclopaedias, corpora, machine translation and computer-aided translation tools. The results show that there is a strong, positive correlation between student knowledge and their use of translation technology. More specifically, the second-year students generally used translation technology more frequently than the first-year students. This paper provides a baseline for future comparisons of translation technology use, which has implications for teaching translation technology in China and similar contexts elsewhere.


Not a footprint to be seen: isolation in the interplay between words, music and image in two Dutch-language dubbed versions of ‘Let it go’

Tim Reus

Pages: 271-283

Animated musical films, such as Disney’s Frozen, have long been immensely popular among the globe; however, the investigation of the songs of such films in a dubbing context constitutes a relatively new area of research. This paper compares the theme of isolation in one song from Frozen, ‘Let it go’, in the two Dutch-language dubbed versions released in, respectively, the Netherlands and Belgium. The triangle of aspects, an analytical model for animated musical films, is used to analyse the musical, visual, and verbal codes of ‘Let it go’ and categorise differences between the TTs and the ST. This model combines qualitative and quantitative data to compare different-language versions of songs from animated musical films. The analysis finds that the TT-NL is most similar to the ST concerning musical aspects such as rhyme scheme and rhythm, and expresses the theme of isolation most strongly through the connection between the lyrics and the music. The TT-BE is most similar concerning verbal aspects, such as semantic meaning and style, and expresses isolation most strongly through metaphor and symbolism. It is hoped that this exploration of the research field of animated musical film song dubbing stimulates further research into the genre.


Prefabricated orality at tone level: Bringing dubbing intonation into the spotlight

Sofía Sánchez-Mompeán

Pages: 284-299

The focus of this article is placed on dubbing intonation and more specifically on the tonal patterns that are regularly found in dubbed speech and characterise prefabricated orality at tone level. Research suggests that dubbed dialogue is governed by its own network of rules and differs greatly from spontaneous and naturally-occurring speech. The prefabricated nature of this type of dialogue has received attention from many scholars, but no attempt has been made to date to describe orality at tone level from an empirical perspective. The aim of this paper is to search for regularities in the delivery of dubbing intonation in a Spanish corpus and to explore whether they can have an impact on the reception of orality by the Spanish audience. A speech analysis programme has been used to examine a repertoire of tones in a number of extracts from the Spanish dubbed version of the sitcom How I met your mother (Bays & Thomas, 2005–2014). Findings reveal that there are several prefabricated patterns that belong to dubbing intonation itself and that some of the dominant trends found could directly impinge on the target audience’s perception.


Inverse (A-B/C) translation education in Spain under the EHEA

Sara Horcas-Rufián & Dorothy Kelly

Pages: 300-319

The purpose of this paper is to provide a review on the state of the art of translator education into B/C languages in the Spanish post-Bologna university system. During the last ten years, Translation Studies in Spain have witnessed the implementation of new programmes adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Universities have gained autonomy to design their translation curricula, which has led to significant differences between programmes. This could not but affect approaches to translation into B/C languages, whose role in translator education has long been considered a sensitive issue. Results from an analysis of working languages and A-B/C translation course units embedded in undergraduate and postgraduate (Master) curricula show that a large number of translator-education units no longer offer the ‘inverse’ translation direction. This perception is felt more strongly in Master programmes despite translation out of the A language has been listed in a number of translation competence models. More importantly, it is a competence considered important or essential in the local and European employment markets, especially in translation environments where English has a place.

Book Reviews

Book review

Translation and migration

by Moira Inghilleri, London & New York, Routledge, 2017,xi + 212 pp., USD 45.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-04-158-2811-6

Hong Diao

Pages: 320-322

Book review

Multimodal pragmatics and translation: a new model for source text analysis

by Sara Dicerto, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 178 pp., $37.55 (Hardcover), ISBN 978-3-319-69343-9 / eBook, ISBN 978-3-319-69344-6

Li Mi, Wei Jin & Mo Aiping

Pages: 322-324

文化解读 | 历史的记忆,影像的表达:如何研究电影艺术?

文化解读 | 这些60年前的动画片,才是中国孩子最该看的!

文学悦读 | 只看过金庸武侠剧的人,不足以谈金庸

期刊征订 | John Benjamins旗下语言学电子期刊征订(中国官方代理)

文化解读 | 被成功学误解二十年的曾国藩,究竟是怎样的一个人

科研助力 | 怎样提高国家社科基金项目申报的中标率?

文学悦读 | 博学又有趣,马伯庸给资深书迷的年末书单(3本已绝版,10本库存告急)

文化解读 | 如何在《道德经》里找到“三生万物”的秘密?

文化解读 | 如何避免在博物馆中迷失?

科研助力 | 如何提升文献检索能力?告诉你…

文化解读 | 中国教育史上奇迹:存在只八年,出了多位“学术第一人”、174位院士、2位诺贝尔奖得主

科研助力 | 加利福尼亚州立大学刀熊博士:7大实证研究方法逐个击破

文学悦读 | 海明威诞辰120周年之际,《最后的访谈》中文版推出——他的一生,始终选择不被打败

文化解读 | 《中国文化常识》:翻译硕士MTI百科知识参考书

文化解读 | 灵魂在高处… 为什么要懂得艺术?

文学悦读 | 《关雎》不是爱情诗,“执子之手”很酸楚,《诗经》的正确打开方式是?

文学悦读 | 不识金圣叹,翻烂《水浒》也枉然

文化解读 | 日本人写的罗马史:现在中国乃至世界的诸多问题,罗马史里早就写了

文学悦读 | 他曾经说诺奖应该废除!但, 2019年诺贝尔文学奖却颁给了他!

文学悦读 | 胡歌“才气过人”再上热搜:这8本世界名著,人生至少要读一次!

新著推荐 | 束定芳等:Cognitive Linguistics and the Study of Chinese

文化解读 | 葛兆光、梁文道:用故事讲透全球史,解答你对世界的好奇

文学悦读 | 《水浒传》连环画再现,重温经典中的经典。

文学悦读 | 哈罗德·布鲁姆:人虽已逝,但《布鲁姆文学地图》仍暖

文学悦读 | 比较文化看神话:东西方的哪些神话故事

文化解读 | 为什么盛唐的文物国宝藏在日本的库房?

读书小札 |  迈克尔·图兰《短篇小说叙事进程:语料库文体学方法》

文学悦读 | 林语堂、叶圣陶等44位文学大师给孩子的写作课

文化解读 | 北大考古学博士耿朔:这些攻略,助你们在“十一”玩得更尽兴

文学悦读| 千年传唱,几经流离,不曾读懂的《诗经》,究竟有多美?

文学悦读 | 艺术水准最高的《东周列国志》连环画限量再版,重现春秋战国时期百家争鸣、列国纷争的伟大时代

文化解读 | 《奇葩说》詹青云:成为一个懂法律、有逻辑的聪明人需要几步?

文学悦读| 从《百家讲坛》到《中国诗词大会》:再听中南大学杨雨教授谈论古诗词

文化解读| 故事里的唐诗宋词,唐诗宋词里的故事

科研助力| 王宁教授的方法课:30讲带你搞懂质性研究方法

文化解读| 只把《孙子兵法》看成兵书的人,在战略上就输了

文学悦读| 蒋勋说红楼:处处都是慈悲,处处都是觉悟

文化解读| 福柯、海德格尔、爱因斯坦,他们思考的话题,其实与你息息相关

文化解读| 《猫》《歌剧魅影》《悲惨世界》,一生必看的40部音乐剧有哪些?

文化解读| 历时2年,故宫院长用1600幅彩绘,2000个知识点,故事+音频,把五千年写成故事讲给孩子听!

文化解读| 你看的《长安十二时辰》,只是盛唐的一角

文化解读| 《史记》为什么会成为历代帝王教科书?这是我听过的最佳答案

文化解读| 再也不要说哲学高深莫测了,这六本书告诉你哲学就是生活!

文化解读| 郑培凯教授:精辟的台词,可以流传几千年

文化解读| 《访古寻踪》“我在中国修文物”

文化解读| 看懂权游里的神反转,就能理解大国角斗背后的实质吗?

文化解读| 民国文脉的留传—《晨诵》《午读》《暮省》国语老课本

文化解读| 止庵老师:《日本文艺旅行地图》带你领读27位文学文艺大师

文化解读| 秦朝的一段往事告诉你,历史其实不刻板

文化解读| 十位日本最顶尖的教授,书写一整套别样的中国史!(换个角度看中国)

文化解读| 历史不应忘记:王力先生的“故事”(1900-1986)

文化解读| 回忆西南联大,一代知识精英的家国痛史!

文学悦读| 博尔赫斯:天堂应该是图书馆(展)的模样

文学悦读| 走进文学大师 :陈众议、陆建德等11位专攻学者权威解读

文学悦读| 风靡欧美的企鹅文学“小黑书”,终于来中国了!

文学悦读| 11位诺奖大师送给孩子的礼物!大师经典值得一生收藏!

文学悦读| 注定不凡!绝版的《红楼梦》连环画纪念版终于出山了!


文学悦读| 蒋勋说红楼:处处都是慈悲,处处都是觉悟

文学悦读| 蒋勋:梳理三千年文脉,用美的启示滋养心灵


文学悦读| 反乌托邦三部曲:焚书年代的奇品,对人类社会最深沉的反思。

文学悦读| 拥有“林下风致”的气质美女教授:《中国诗词大会》之后再遇杨雨

文学悦读| 少年读国学

文学悦读| 不读宋词,不足以谈感情

文学悦读| 他是小说界的梵高,村上春树和众多诺贝尔文学奖得主都是他的忠实读者!

文学悦读| 这套来自故宫美人创意的四季诗词手账,美到了极致

文学悦读| 石黑一雄为什么碾压村上春树摘得诺贝尔文学奖?人的一生不能错过这八部经典

文学悦读| 毛姆,用刀锋般的文字,划开你的内心丨寻找自我的人生之书



