
专著推荐 | Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar

通讯君 语言学通讯 2021-03-17


Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar:Convergence and Divergence


Gordon Tucker | Cardiff University

Guowen Huang | South China Agricultural University

Lise Fontaine | Cardiff University

Edward McDonald | Independent Researcher

出版日期: 11/06/2020

页数: 356

插图:70 figures

售价:485元 (包括关税、国际运费和国内运费、发票税费一揽子在内,远低于网上某亚书店)



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This volume brings together contributions to a key area of interest within the framework of systemic functional linguistics: the role of meaning in the lexicogrammar. A key figure in the debate on this role is Robin Fawcett who has long argued for a fully semantic lexicogrammar where the relevant systems are seen as representing ‘choices between meanings’. This volume, a festschrift in honour of Fawcett’s long-standing contribution to the field, raises important questions related to lexicogrammatical meaning within systemic functional linguistics by examining the meaning-form interface, lexicogrammatical meaning in theme and transitivity, as well as lexis, intonation and its role in computational models. Importantly, discussions in the volume also explore the relationship between alternative approaches to systemic functional lexicogrammar, notably between the Hallidayan model and the Cardiff Grammar model developed primarily by Robin Fawcett.




Foreword [+]vii-xii

Christian M.I.M. MatthiessenFREE

About the editors [+]xiii-xiv

Gordon Tucker,Guowen Huang,Lise Fontaine,Edward McDonaldFREE


Introduction [+]1-14

Gordon Tucker,Guowen Huang,Lise Fontaine,Edward McDonaldFREE

Section 1: Divergence

1. Finding Complementarity in the Approaches of M.A.K.Halliday and Robin Fawcett [+]17-37

Jonathan J. Webster£17.50

2. Relating Form and Meaning: A Comparison of the Cardiff Grammar with Other Functional and/or Cognitive/constructionist Approaches [+]38-56

Christopher Butler£17.50

3. On the Abstractness of Levels of Description in Systemic Functional Linguistics [+]57-75

Mick O’Donnell£17.50

4. Embedding in the Cardiff Grammar: A Comparative Study [+]76-95

Zhang Delu£17.50

5. ‘United but not the Same’: Exploring Ways of Talking across Divergence within SFL [+]96-113

Edward McDonald£17.50

Section 2: Convergence

6. From Form to Meaning in the Cardiff Model of Language and Its Use: A Functional-Syntactic Analysis of ‘He has been Talking about Going to the Grand Canyon with Margaret for Many Years’ [+]117-134

Guowen Huang£17.50

7. On the Meaning-Form Interface of the Cardiff Grammar [+]135-156

Victor Castel£17.50

8. Lexical Representation in the Cardiff Grammar: An Appraisal [+]157-173

Gordon Tucker£17.50

9. Referring and the Nominal Group: A Closer Look at the Selector Element [+]174-190

Lise Fontaine,David Schönthal£17.50

Section 3: Description

10. Quantifying Things: The ‘Quantifying Modifier’ and its Raising Construction in Japanese [+]193-214

Hiroshi Funamoto£17.50

11. Intonation in Semantic System Networks [+]215-234

Paul Tench£17.50

12. On Choosing the Subject Theme [+]235-251

Margaret Berry£17.50

13. Negation in Japanese: A New Treatment of Nai as a Process Type in the Japanese Transitivity Network – A Kyoto Grammar Approach [+]252-268

Masa-aki Tatsuki£17.50

14. An Alternative Model of the Transitivity System of Chinese [+]269-292

He Wei£17.50

15. The Ideational Semantics of the Canonical Existential Clause in English [+]293-312

Kristin Davidse£17.50

Section 4: Towards Consilience

Models – Predictions – Data: An (Un)problematic Relationship? [+]315-341

Erich Steiner£17.50

End Matter

Index [+]337


As I review the list of insightful and substantial contributions to this volume by scholars who (like me!) admire, and have benefited from, Robin’s enormous multi-faceted contributions to linguistics in general and to our academic community in particular, I am of course struck by the variety of contributions, both in terms of geography and in terms of subject matter. This is entirely appropriate, reflecting Robin’s engagement with and support of scholars and students around the world.

From the Foreword by Professor Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


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