
专著推荐 | 讲述他们的科研发表故事:新手到老手的国际发表研究

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09



通讯君与国际应用语言学旗舰出版社Multilingual Matters合作推广这一期主题“讲述他们的科研发表故事”。本系列虽然主题是国际学术发表,但是不是学术英语话语分析(语篇分析)比如 专著推荐 | 高水平学术英语写作与国际发表的秘诀,不是英语学术写作策略的教材,比如 专著推荐 | 最新国际英语学术写作教材:The Art and Architecture of Academic Writing ,专著推荐 |  国际期刊论文学术写作与研究方法系列著作推荐,不是学术写作规范指南 科研助力 |《APA格式:国际社会科学学术写作规范手册》,而是从文本研究转向了人本研究,研究研究新手(Early Career Researcher)特别是非英语国家的学术研究新手如何一步步实现国际发表,描写哪些制约因素,困难,提升方法,解释其中的成长路径,动力与环境。这4卷书的封面使用削尖的铅笔、蒲公英、长成大树来隐喻新手的学术成长过程是挫折磨练、自由飞翔、破土成长,是不是很有意思啊所有报价涵盖平装版(价格实惠)和精装版(hardback适合收藏),价格包括书费、国际物流、关税税票等一揽子在内。支持对公转账、可以开具电子发票
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Risk in Academic Writing

Postgraduate Students, their Teachers and the Making of Knowledge





出版社:Multilingual Matters

主编:Lucia Thesen, Linda Cooper

This book brings together a variety of voices – students and teachers, journal editors and authors, writers from the global north and south – to interrogate the notion of risk as it applies to the production of academic writing. Risk-taking is viewed as a productive force in teaching, learning and writing, and one that can be used to challenge the silences and erasures inherent in academic tradition and convention. Widening participation and the internationalisation of higher education make questions of language, register, agency and identity in postgraduate writing all the more pressing, and this book offers a powerful argument against the further reinforcement of a 'northern' Anglophone understanding of knowledge and its production and dissemination. This volume will provide food-for-thought for postgraduate students and their supervisors everywhere.


Introduction: Risk as Productive: Working with Dilemmas in the Writing of Research 

Part I: Deletion and Agency 

1. Linda Cooper: 'Does my Experience Count?' The Role of Experiential Knowledge in the Research Writing of Postgraduate Adult Learners

2 Somikazi Deyi: A Lovely Imposition: The Complexity of Writing a Thesis in isiXhosa

Part II: Strategies for Hybridity: Writing Together 

3. Suresh Canagarajah and Ena Lee: Negotiating Alternative Discourses in Academic Writing and Publishing: Risks with Hybridity 

4. Aditi Hunma and Emmanuel Sibomana: Academic Writing and Research at an Afropolitan University: An International Student Perspective 

Part III: Pedagogies that Invite the Edge 5. Clement Mapfumo Chihota and Lucia Thesen: Rehearsing 'The Postgraduate Condition' in Writers' Circles 

6. Moragh Paxton: Genre: a Pigeonhole or a Pigeon? Case Studies of the Dilemmas Posed by the Writing of Academic Research Proposals 

7. Kate Cadman: Of House and Home: Reflections on Knowing and Writing for a 'Southern' Postgraduate Pedagogy Part IV: Reading the World in Students' Writing 

8. Mary Scott: 'Error' or Ghost Text? Reading, Ethnopoetics, and Knowledge Making 

9. Moeain Arend: 'It was Hardly about Writing': Translations of Experience on Entering Postgraduate Studies 

Part V: Peripheral Vision: Reflections from North and South 

10. Theresa Lillis: Resonances, Resistances and Relations: Reflecting on the Politics of Risk in Academic Knowledge-Making 

11. Brenda Cooper: Both Dead and Alive: Schrödinger's Cat in the Contact Zone Index

Multilingual Online Academic Collaborations as Resistance: Crossing Impassable Borders





出版社:Multilingual Matters

主编:Giovanna Fassetta, Nazmi Al-Masri, Alison Phipps

This book details online academic collaborations between universities in Europe, the USA and Palestine. The chapters recount the challenges and successes of online collaborations which promote academic connections and conversations with the Gaza Strip, despite a continuing blockade imposed on Gaza since 2007, and forge relationships between individuals, institutions and cultures. The chapters examine, from different perspectives, what happens when languages and the internet facilitate encounters, and the fundamental importance this has as a form of defiance and of resistance to the physical confinement experienced by Palestinian academics, students and the general population of Gaza. They highlight the limitations of multilingual and intercultural encounters when they are deprived of the sensory proximity of face-to-face situations and what is lost in the translation of languages, practices and experiences from the 'real' to the 'virtual' world.


Prologue: Collaborating Under Siege: A Whatsapp Tale   

Introduction: Alison Phipps, Giovanna Fassetta And Nazmi Al Masri: Can You 'Here' Me? Editors' Reflections on Online Collaborations Between the Gaza Strip and the Global North

Part 1. English as an Additional Language and Online Technologies        

Chapter 1. Bill Guariento: Engineers Operating Multilingually: Reflections on Four Years of Glasgow-Gaza Pre-Sessional English Telecollaboration

Chapter 2. Sanaa Abou-Dagga: Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) Internationalization Endeavours at the Level of Postgraduate Programmes

Chapter 3. Gary Motteram, Nazmi Al-Masri, Heba Hamouda, and Shaiffadzillah Omarali: Exploring Mobile Support for English Language Teachers in a Context of Conflict: Syrian Refugee Teachers in Jordan

Part 2. Finding Motivation for Language Learning in a Situation of Forced Immobility    

Chapter 4. Abedrabu Abu Alyan: Motivational Strategies and Online Technologies: Are Palestinian EFL University Students in the Gaza Strip Empowered to be Bilingual?

Chapter 5. Anna Rolinska, Bill Guariento, Ghadeer Abo Uda and Ongkarn Nakprada: 'Really Talking' to Gaza: From Active to Transformative Learning in Distributed Environments and Under Highly Pressured Conditions

Part 3. Palestine and the Arabic Language           

Chapter 6. Giovanna Fassetta, Nazmi Al-Masri, Mariam Attia And Alison Phipps: Gaza Teaches Arabic Online: Opportunities, Challenges and Ways Forward

Chapter 7. Maria Grazia Imperiale: (In)Articulability of Pain and Trauma: Idioms of Distress in the Gaza Strip

Part 4. Making Connections       

Chapter 8. Ahmed S. Muhaisen: The Experience of The Islamic University of Gaza in Cross-Border Academic Collaboration: T-MEDA Project as a Case Study

Chapter 9. Chantelle Warner and David Gramling: From the Kitchen to Gaza: Networked Places and the Collaborative Imagination

Afterword: Alison Phipps: "I Am Here": Savouring the 'Selfie Moments'

List of Contributors (in Alphabetical Order) 

Research Paradigm Considerations for Emerging Scholars





出版社:Multilingual Matters

主编:Anja Pabel, Josephine Pryce, Allison Anderson

This book provides insights into the lived experiences of researchers as they negotiate the undulating terrain of the world of paradigms and seek to find their niche. Each chapter presents the journeys of postgraduate candidates, early career researchers and established scholars, starting with an overview of their paradigm, the application of the paradigm to their specific research context, and concluding with the authors reflecting on their identification with and use of the paradigm. The volume acknowledges that determining the paradigm that best aligns with a scholar's personal ideologies and the underlying assumptions of the research can be rather daunting, challenging and perplexing to scholars who are starting their research journey. It offers an accessible exploration of research paradigms and will be a valuable resource for postgraduate researchers, emerging scholars and PhD supervisors.


Figures and Tables


Chapter 1. Anja Pabel, Josephine Pryce and Allison Anderson: Embarking on the Paradigm Journey

Chapter 2. Antje R.H. Graul: Logical Positivism in Consumer Behaviour Research

Chapter 3. Leonie Cassidy: The Design Science Research Paradigm: An Instantiation of Website Benchmarking

Chapter 4. Anja Pabel: An Application of Quasi-Experiments to Study Humour in Tourism Settings Guided by Post-Positivism

Chapter 5. Tramy Ngo, Gui Lohmann and Rob Hales: Knowledge Co-Production in Tourism and the Process of Knowledge Development: Participatory Action Research

Chapter 6. Justyna Pilarska: Constructivist Paradigm and Phenomenological Qualitative Research Design

Chapter 7. Yohei Okamoto: Applying the Interpretive Social Science Paradigm to Research on Tourism Education and Training

Chapter 8. Josephine Pryce: An Autoethnographic Chronicle on the Ethnographic Exploration of the Nature of Hotel Work and Hospitality in Far North Queensland

Chapter 9. Oscar Vorobjovas-Pinta: Neo-Tribalism through an Ethnographic Lens: A Critical Theory Approach

Chapter 10. Linda Colley and Sue Williamson: Navigating the Complex Variety of Feminisms

Chapter 11. Ambrozio Queiroz Neto, Gui Lohmann, Noel Scott and Kay Dimmock: The Pragmatic Paradigm in Destination Competitiveness Studies: The Case of the SCUBA Diving Tourism Niche

Chapter 12. Allison Anderson: Pragmatism in the Context of Urban Design and Tourism: A Multidisciplinary Study

Chapter 13. Jenny H. Panchal: In Search of an Intermediate Paradigmatic Ground: Critical Realism-Post-Positivism in Understanding Tourists' Motivation and Experiences in Asian Spas

Chapter 14. Philip L. Pearce: Paradigms: A Supervisor's Perspective and Advice

Chapter 15. Josephine Pryce: Into the Future: Moving Forward with Reflective Practice on Paradigms


Global Academic Publishing: Policies, Perspectives and Pedagogies





出版社:Multilingual Matters

主编:Mary Jane Curry, Theresa Lillis

This book reports on the state of academic journal publishing in a range of geolinguistic contexts, including locations where pressures to publish in English have developed more recently than in other parts of the world (e.g. Kazakhstan, Colombia), in addition to contexts that have not been previously explored or well-documented. The three sections push the boundaries of existing research on global publishing, which has mainly focused on how scholars respond to pressures to publish in English, by highlighting research on evaluation policies, journals' responses in non-Anglophone contexts to pressures for English-medium publishing, and pedagogies for supporting scholars in their publishing efforts.


Mary Jane Curry and Theresa Lillis: Problematising English as the Privileged Language of Global Academic Publishing

Section 1: Evaluation Practices Shaping Academic Publishing

Lynn Nygaard and Rocco Bellanova: Lost in Quantification: Scholars and the Politics of Bibliometrics

Robin Nagano and Edit Spiczéné: Phd Publication Requirements and Practices: A Multidisciplinary Case Study from a Hungarian University

Yongyan Li and Rui Yang: Chinese Business Schools Pursuing Growth through International Publication: Evidence from Institutional Genres

Section 2: Scholars' Practices and Perspectives

Birna Arnbjornsdottir and Hafdis Ingvarsdottir: Issues of Identity and Voice: Writing English for Research Purposes in the Semi Periphery

John Harbord: Language Policy and the Disengagement of the International Academic Elite

Laurie Anderson: Publishing in Pursuit of an Academic Career: The Role of Embedded and Encultured Knowledge in National Job-market Entry Strategies of Elite Early Career European Scholars

Section 3: Academic Journal Policies and Practices

Aliya Kuzhabekova: The Reaction of Scholarly Journals to Impact-Factor Publishing Requirements in Kazakhstan

Cheryl Sheridan: Blind Peer Review at an English Language Teaching Journal in Taiwan: Glocalized Practices within Globalization of Higher Education

Melba Cardenas and Isobel Rainey: Publishing from the ELT Periphery: The Profile Journal Experience in Colombia

Cheryl Ball, Andrew Morrison and Douglas Eyman: The Rise of Multimodality in Academic Publishing

Francoise Salager-Meyer: Open Access: The Next Model for Research Dissemination?

Ismaeil Fazel and Joel Heng Hartse: Reconsidering "Predatory" Open Access Journals in an Age of Globalized English-Language Academic Publishing

Section 4: Pedagogies for Global Academic Publishing

Ju Chuan Huang: Teaching Writing for Publication in English to Engineering Students: Implications from a Collaborative Course in Taiwan

James Corcoran: The Potential and Limitations of an English for Research Publication Purposes Course for Mexican Scholars

Soraya Abdulatief and Xolisa Guzula: Emerging Academics: Using Whatsapp to Share Novice and Expert Resources in a Postgraduate Writing Group



专著推荐 | 最新国际英语学术写作教材:The Art and Architecture of Academic Writing

专著推荐 | 高水平学术英语写作与国际发表的秘诀

专著推荐 | 学术英语国际前沿著作(4卷本)

专著推荐 | Christine M. Tardy《学术写作中的语类创新》

专著推荐 | 郑咏滟:《英语学术论文写作:初学者实践指南》

专著推荐 | 蔡基刚《国际SCI期刊论文写作与发表》

专著推荐 | 科研能力从此提升:“什么是”研究方法系列丛书

专著推荐 | 庞继贤 等.《英语学术论文语篇的话语策略研究》

专著推荐 | 国际语言学、翻译学期刊论文选(5种)

科研助力 | John Benjamins 语言学国际期刊征订(中国官方代理)

学术研修 | 教育部人文社科项目这样写才能中!





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